Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 244 Top Level 1 Examination and the Privileged Class

Chapter 244 Top Level One Test and the Privileged Class
Normally speaking, Dai Mubai's procedure and mode of obtaining Seagod's assessment are the same as Tang San and others, but Seagod himself intervened, so this is not necessarily the case.

When a red dot appeared on Dai Mubai's forehead, he was still a little dazed.

Pillar of light?Shouldn't such a large beam of light cover me and start to change color?Why did a sudden red light disappear on my forehead?
Are you omitting too much content?
If this were in a novel, why wouldn't there be ten chapters and eight chapters?This is too simple, right?
"Accompanying Chen Guang for the assessment?" Dai Mubai smacked his lips, "It's quite interesting."

"Guardian..." Mu Bai lay back under the flat peach tree, "It's fine if we don't delay our prostitution power."

Seeing that Dai Mubai's side is all right, Bo Saixi nodded to Sea Lance Fighter Luo Jieluo, and after that, red light flashed in front of everyone's eyes, and after the red light disappeared, Bo Saixi was already in the sky. The light disappeared.

"It's gimmicky." Erha muttered.

Dai Mubai shook his head: "Let's find a place to live next, how about going to the Sea God assessment after we adjust our condition?"

Tang San and the others had no doubts, but: "Brother, what about Chen Guang's assessment? He also has to complete one a year?"

It is not a problem for them to complete one assessment a year. They all have the confidence and strength to complete the assessment, but Zhuang Chenguang is different. He may not know what the Sea God assessment is until now.

Even if Tang San and the others had full trust in Dai Mubai, they didn't think that Zhuang Chenguang could complete the most difficult first test of the Sea God's Nine Tests within a year.

Tang San can consider Zhuang Chenguang, which shows that he has accepted Zhuang Chenguang.

It's no wonder, this kid is smart and well-behaved, cute and sensible, it's hard not to like him.

"Don't worry, Chen Guang is different from you. The respected Sea God, Your Majesty, knows everything. He has also considered Chen Guang's age, so his first assessment needs to be completed within ten years, and the content of the assessment is also confirmed by Chen Guang. It can be done." Dai Mubai explained, "My assessment should be different from yours, I just need to accompany Chen Guang to pass the assessment."

Hearing what Dai Mubai said, everyone felt relieved.

"Sea God Island is so exclusive, can we find a place to live?" Ning Rongrong was a little worried.

After all, Sea God Island is just an island, although it looks huge, but Ning Rongrong doesn't think that this island can have a complete urban system like a land city.She even wondered if there was a hotel on this island!

Bo Saixi said that he wanted to treat them as VIPs, but what's the use of VIPs in this kind of place?

Sealance Douluo said: "There are seven cities on Sea God Island. Although each city has only one or two thousand people, they are all complete cities. If you don't like staying in hotels, you can temporarily stay in my City Lord's Mansion. Of course , if you want to live in other cities, that’s fine too.”

Sealance Douluo paused for a moment, then continued: "The assessment mark on your head is the best pass. All adults on Sea God Island know what it means, and no matter where you go, you will be treated as VIPs."

Everyone nodded to express their understanding.

"Then let's go to the island city to see! I've lived for so long, and this is the first time I've come to the island!" Xiao Wu hugged Tang San's arm, her face full of excitement.

Dai Mubai gave a "tsk", calling Xiao Wu's glaring gaze.

"Bai Huo is so old, really ignorant!" Dai Mubai shook his head, and left Hai Zhonghai first.

"Dai Mubai, try saying it again! I'm going to bite you to death!"

Xiao Wu flaunted her teeth and claws and charged towards Dai Mubai.

Xiao Wu was caught in the scorpion braid of fate by Dai Mubai.

Xiao Wu played GG.

Xiao Wu tearfully rubbed her scalp and cried to Tang San: "Third brother, my head hurts! Dai Mubai is too much! How can you pull a girl's hair!"

Tang San rubbed Xiao Wu's hair, leaned close to her ear, and said softly to her: "Third brother will avenge you!"

"Heh." Dai Mubai sneered.

Even if Tang San instantly used the Death God Domain and used his mother's right leg bone spirit ability, it would still be faster than Dai Mubai who can conduct mental detection in 360 degrees without dead ends.

Tang San had just started to act when Dai Mubai teleported behind him, and extended a friendly hand.

"You two share the blessings, and share the troubles! Don't worry, the elder brother is not a partial person." Dai Mubai pulled Tang San's long hair with a righteous face, while looking at Tang San who planned to take the opportunity from the corner of his eye. The sneak attacking Xiao Wu said, "Xiao Wu, if you are disobedient again, I will take off San'er's pants in public."

Xiao Wu was stunned.

Tang San couldn't care about the aching hair being pulled, and his whole body froze.

Made!What the hell is the pants off!
"Dai Mubai, you are a devil!" Xiao Wu was furious.

"How could I be a devil?" Dai Mubai let go of Tang San's hair, "Devils won't greet you in advance."

Tang San: "...Thank you so much!"

Oscar shook his head, tsk-tsk in his mouth: "Why bother? Wouldn't it be good to be a licking dog like me?"

"Dog licking..." Ma Hongjun subconsciously wanted to say that licking a dog would be a terrible death, but he was pinched by Shui Bing'er. After regaining consciousness, he abruptly changed his words, "It's a pity that you can have everything you want!"

"Sensible!" Dai Mubai praised Ma Hongjun, "Little Hong, if only you were always so sensible."

Ma Hongjun scratched his head with a foolish smile.

Now that he has his wife watching over him, he should really be able to restrain his impulse, right?
"By the way, senior, I haven't introduced myself to you before." Dai Mubai suddenly remembered, and turned back under the Sealance Sacred Pillar, and said to Sealance Douluo, "I have already introduced myself, Dai Mubai, Star The crown prince of the Luo Empire, the seventieth-level six-ring battle soul emperor."

He pointed to Tang San and the others, and introduced them one by one: "Tang San, the young master of the Clear Sky School, a level 63 sixth-ring battle soul emperor. Xiao Wu, Tang San's girlfriend, a 71-level seven-ring battle soul saint. Loose people, level 64 sixth-ring food soul emperor. Ning Rongrong, young master of the Seven Treasure Glazed Sect, Oscar's girlfriend, level 65 sixth-ring auxiliary weapon soul emperor. Ma Hongjun, also considered a loose person, level 65 sixth-ring war soul emperor .Shui Binger, Ma Hongjun's girlfriend, 68th-level sixth-ring battle spirit emperor. Bai Chenxiang, Tang San's cousin, 53-level fifth-ring battle spirit king. Zhu Zhuqing, my fiancée, 73-level seven-ring battle spirit saint."

"As for Chenguang, his full name is Zhuang Chenguang. He is my eldest nephew. He is six years old and has just awakened his martial soul."

Sealance Douluo nodded slightly.

There's one thing he doesn't quite understand...

"Why is your girlfriend or fiancee better than you?"

Dai Mubai was stunned.

Tang San was stunned.

Oscar and Ma Hongjun were also stunned.


The four made their own modest contribution to global warming.

"Is this a problem?" Dai Mubai rubbed his chin.

"Tang San just came out of the Slaughter City not long ago, he hasn't cultivated spirit power for two and a half years, it's normal for him to be low for the time being." Dai Mubai began to explain, "Oscar is a food-type soul master, it's normal for his cultivation speed to be slow. Ma Hongjun is two years younger than Shui Binger, and he is also the youngest boy among us besides Chen Guang, his cultivation level is quite good. As for me, it's complicated...I also stayed in the City of Slaughter for more than half a year."

Sealance Douluo expressed his understanding.

"I heard that the Spirit Hall has recently shrunk most of its forces?" Although Sea Lance Douluo basically never left the Sea Lance Sacred Pillar, he occasionally heard people talk about the situation on land.

Dai Mubai nodded: "Our group of second-generation geniuses got together, how could it be possible to make Spirit Hall so arrogant?"

Sealance Douluo laughed.

Dai Mubai and his group are indeed the second generation of geniuses.

Either the prince of the empire or the young master of the great sect, each of them is a soul emperor and a soul sage at a young age.

According to the original style of Wuhundian, they were absolutely not allowed to get together, but they did get together.

Moreover, it seems that they are still opposing Wuhundian.

"Land soul masters are ruled by the Spirit Hall, and sea soul masters are ruled by the Sea God Hall?" Dai Mubai sneered in his heart.

Under the whole world, could it be the king's land.

Leading the coast of the earth, is it a king minister.

The entire Douluo Continent will be shrouded in the glory of the Black Gold Star Banner!

Sea God Island is no exception!

After explaining the background, Sealance Douluo let go of some worries in his heart, and Dai Mubai prepared to leave Haizhonghai.

"Guests, come with me. I will act as your guide for the time being and lead you to the nearest Sea Lance City." Sealance Douluo led Dai Mubai and others around the sacred pillar of Sea Lance, waving his hands to let the sea into the sea. The seawater condensed into a bridge, leading to the depths of Sea God Island.

"Then trouble senior." Dai Mubai was arrogant, but never impolite.

Sealance Douluo doesn't look very old, but in fact he can be the grandfather of Dai Mubai and others.

Respecting the old and loving the young is a traditional virtue, and Dai Mubai is a good boy who is civilized and polite.

After crossing the seawater bridge and stepping onto the land, ten sea spirit masters in yellow clothes immediately greeted them, stood respectfully on both sides, and followed the crowd.

Sealance Douluo asked Dai Mubai to hold Zhuang Chenguang in the first place, Dai Mubai did not refuse.

"Sea God Island doesn't have too many rules. After you arrive in Sea Spear City, you can do whatever you want, but the premise is that you can't hurt the people on the island. In addition, you can decide when to start the test, but each VIP needs to complete the test every year. One piece of assessment. You can feel the test tasks given by Lord Seagod, so I won’t go into details here. But I can remind you that the tasks are carried out in order. Every time one is completed, the conditions for the next task will be changed. Appear until all tasks are completed. If you have any needs, you can ask them, and I will try my best to meet them. I remind everyone again that you can go to any place on Sea God Island except the central forbidden area, but please do not cover your forehead It is a symbol of your identity, and it is your passport to Sea God Island."

"Thank you senior for your guidance. I will ask senior to take care of you in the future." Tang San said politely.

Dai Mubai was too lazy to be polite, anyway, he has always been a privileged class, he doesn't care about anything.

Tang San happened to be beside Sealance Douluo, seeing Dai Mubai's lack of interest in socializing, he became Sealance Douluo's supporter.

After all Sealance Douluo has said so much, it doesn't feel good not to answer.

Sea Lance Fighter Luo Jieluo shook his head slightly: "You are distinguished guests appointed by the high priest, I am just fulfilling the obligation of the host."

Jie Luo pointed to the ten yellow-clothed sea soul masters who were following them, and said, "Please tell them if you have anything to do. If they can't solve it, you can come to me."

"Thank you senior." Tang San thanked again.

After walking for ten minutes, everyone really saw a small town.

A mini city not much bigger than a village.What sets this city apart from ordinary villages is that it has walls.Although the city wall is only five meters high.The most noticeable thing in this city is a tall building in the center of the city that is somewhat similar to the Seahorse Sacred Pillar, but much wider.At the top of the building, there is a huge spear statue.

"This is Sea Spear City, which is guarded by me. The building in the center is the City Lord's Mansion. There are more than 1000 people living in Sea Spear City, all of whom are the most loyal believers of Lord Sea God." Sealance Douluo looked at Dai Mu. Bai, "Are you planning to stay in the City Lord's Mansion, or go shopping first?"

"Forget about the City Lord's Mansion. If the owner isn't around often, we are embarrassed to live there all the time. Let's take a stroll around the island first, find a good place to stay, and then consider going to the assessment." Dai Mubai Said.

No one objected, and Oscar even suggested, "If there is no suitable place, we can live in Xinghai, and use Xinghai as a themed hotel. Think about it, isn't it a little exciting?"

Dai Mubai squinted at him: "Not really, but your suggestion can be considered."

Ma Hongjun started counting with his fingers, muttering in his mouth: "There are ten people here, except for Chen Xiang, Chen Guang and eldest brother, the others either have seven assessments or eight assessments, and it takes at least seven years to complete one assessment a year. Even if the speed is faster, it will probably take three or four years... Then we will have to live here for a long time, if we stay in hotels and speedboats all the time, who can bear it?"

"Xiaohong's consideration is also reasonable," Dai Mubai looked around, "I see that Sea God Island has a lot of open space, if you don't want to stay in hotels and speedboats, you might as well ask the locals to help build a few houses."

Sealance Douluo nodded: "Yes, if the location you choose is suitable, I will find someone to come and build the house."

Ma Hongjun flew up to the sky to have a look. He pointed to an open space to the west of Haimao City, and said, "The open space over there is not a plowing field. It is enough for us to build seven or eight houses there."

Sealance Douluo looked in the direction of Ma Hongjun's finger, thought for a while, and agreed.

There is nothing important there, it is no problem to approve Dai Mubai and others to build a house.

Dai Mubai took out a bag of golden soul coins, casually handed it to a yellow-clothed sea soul master, and said: "If you occupy other people's land, you should compensate. Hiring people to do things also requires money, you take these first, if you don't have enough, then Ask me."

Huang Yihai soul master: "(ΩДΩ)"

He just glanced at the golden soul coins in the bag, the number was around [-]!

Are all land soul masters so rich?

The bags containing the gold soul coins are all soul guides!

Golden soul coins are all given in hundreds of thousands?
If it’s not enough, can I ask for more?
(End of this chapter)

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