Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 251 Dai Mubai's Seventh Soul Ring

Chapter 251 Dai Mubai's Seventh Soul Ring
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"10 years?" Everyone was surprised.

Didn't expect Dai Mubai to have such big expectations for them.

Dai Mubai smiled: "Is it difficult?"

The crowd laughed bitterly.

Of course it is difficult!

How many Title Douluo's ninth spirit rings are less than 10 years old!

Zhu Zhuqing frowned, she wanted to ask Dai Mubai many questions, but she didn't know where to start.

"Forget it, you are still some distance away from obtaining the spirit ring," Dai Mubai changed the subject, "Your goal now is to complete the first assessment. I made a bet with the high priest, saying that you will be able to pass the two tests at the slowest. Finished within a month!"

"So... what level are you all at now?" Dai Mubai looked very much like the class teacher who made surprise inspections by the glass window at the back door of the classroom, with a solemn expression and gloomy eyes.

"Oscar!" As the second child among the seven monsters, Oscar was naturally the first to be named.

Oscar subconsciously straightened his back and replied, "Level 58!"

Dai Mubai nodded, it's not bad to have this progress in a week.

"Tang San!"

"Level 75!"

"Ma Hongjun!"

"Level seventy!"

"Little dance!"

"Level eighty!"

"Ning Rongrong!"

"Level 55!"

"Zhu Zhuqing!"

"Level 85!"

Except for the two auxiliary departments, the progress of the others is very impressive, but compared to Tang San and Ma Hongjun's assessment levels, they are a bit slow.

Dai Mubai stared at Tang San and Ma Hongjun, and asked expressionlessly: "You two are not as good as Zhuqing and Xiaowu, isn't it embarrassing?"

Tang San and Ma Hongjun lowered their heads in shame.

Zhu Zhuqing was the youngest among the seven, but he had the highest cultivation level.Although not anymore.

After all, Xiao Wu is a 10-year-old soul beast who has been recultivated, and her physique is strong and her cultivation speed is fast enough to not make them feel unbalanced.In the past ten years, why should they be compared with others' 10 years of accumulation?

"Forget about Tang San, after all, he hasn't made any progress in his cultivation for two and a half years. What about you, Ma Hongjun? Have you cultivated diligently in recent years?" Dai Mubai looked at Ma Hongjun coldly.

Ma Hongjun lowered his head even more, his face flushed red, he wished he could find a crack in the ground and get in.

Shui Bing'er opened her mouth, wanting to plead for Ma Hongjun, but Ning Rongrong stopped her and shook her head.

Shui Bing'er was helpless.

The elder brother taught the younger brother a lesson, even if she, as a younger sibling, loves Ma Hongjun, can she still intervene?
"Everyone else goes to continue cultivating, Xiao Hong stays." Dai Mubai said seriously.

Tang San and Zhu Zhuqing seemed to realize something, but neither of them opened their mouths.

Dai Mubai has absolute authority in this team, no one will challenge his prestige.

Shui Bing'er hugged Ma Hongjun who was holding his head down, and reluctantly walked up the steps.

Ma Hongjun's body trembled, and he clenched his fists slowly.

After everyone else started to concentrate on cultivation, Dai Mubai took Ma Hongjun and left Sea God Mountain.

Quietly Mimi peeked at Dai Mubai's demon soul Great White Shark Xiaobai for a long time, pouted, and glanced at Zhuang Chenguang, did he not leave Zhuang Chenguang behind and run to join in the fun.

"Of the Seven Shrek Monsters, apart from Xiao Wu, a 10-year soul beast shapeshifter, among the remaining six, Oscar is an unprecedented food-type congenitally full of soul power, although his cultivation speed is the slowest among all of them, But his cultivation is not the lowest among us! The only Tang San whose cultivation is lower than him is because he was delayed for two and a half years in going to the Slaughter Capital. Although his cultivation has not improved in the past two and a half years, he has gained You have acquired a domain! You are over level 60, you should know what a domain means! His two and a half years were not a waste of time!"

"You also know that Tang San is also born full of soul power, and he is also a twin martial soul. His two martial souls, one is inherited from the 10-year-old soul beast Blue Silver Emperor, and the other is the first weapon in the mainland, Hao Wuhun. Tianhammer. Has he ever slack off in spite of his extraordinary talent?"

Ma Hongjun's body trembled a bit, his head was raised slightly, but soon lowered again, even lower.

"Let's talk about Ning Rongrong, you know what she was like when she first came to Shrek Academy. She is the lowest cultivation level, spoiled! She is an auxiliary system soul master, and her cultivation speed is not much faster than Oscar, but now her cultivation level is not that good. Pretty much same as you!"

"I don't deny that she has more resources than you, but me, Star Martial Academy, and Dean Flender, are we short of your resources?"

"As the beneficiary, you should know how much the bird feather phoenix sunflower that was given to you back then has benefited you. But have you made good use of that bird feather phoenix sunflower that is second only to the Youyue narcissus given to Zhuqing?"

Ma Hongjun still didn't raise his head, he clenched his teeth tightly, Dai Mubai could even hear the sound of "clack".

Ma Hongjun was brought up by Flender since he was a child, and Flender was not a good person, but he had nothing to say to Ma Hongjun because he was really kind, so Ma Hongjun really never suffered from childhood.

Although Oscar and Ma Hongjun both came from commoner background, Oscar is obviously much more mature and stable than Ma Hongjun.

This gap was caused by Flender, in other words, Flender was used to Ma Hongjun becoming like this!

"Remember the last time we talked at the academy?"

It wasn't the first time Dai Mubai talked to Ma Hongjun, last time he knew that Ma Hongjun was harboring original sinful desires, he talked to him.

He has always believed that Ma Hongjun has great potential, and he also prefers this handsome boy who was originally a little fat man.

But Ma Hongjun did not meet his expectations.

"Have you really grown up?"

Dai Mubai was very disappointed, he really thought that Ma Hongjun had grown up, knew how to work hard, knew to be responsible for himself and his lover.

But he didn't see Ma Hongjun's actual actions.

"I'm sorry." Ma Hongjun pursed his lips, his voice was extremely low, almost inaudible.

"I don't need to apologize." Dai Mubai turned around, with his back to Ma Hongjun, "In this world, nothing is good without a reason."

"I am the heir of the Star Luo Empire, and everything I do is to make the Star Luo Empire stronger. I help you, and I hope you can help me. I ask myself, is it to exchange my sincerity with you, is to show my heart to you It's good to take out your lungs."

"Xiaohong, tell me, with my identity, can't I find a genius who is loyal to me?"

Ma Hongjun shook his head slowly.

"Xiaohong, you said that I am in the academy, besides Zhuqing, who is the most partial to?" Dai Mubai asked.

Ma Hongjun closed his eyes in pain.

Dai Mubai is indeed partial to Ma Hongjun, not only the sparrow feather phoenix sunflower was second only to Youyue Narcissus in the drug garden of Poison Douluo Dugubo, but also some resources in daily life, and even when getting along, Dai Mubai will be more partial to Ma Hongjun.

But Ma Hongjun has always been a child at heart. After finding a girlfriend, he basically never thought about working hard.

This is not to say that Shui Bing'er is a beauty, but that Ma Hongjun's self-control is still not strong enough.

Dai Mubai patted Ma Hongjun's head, and said softly: "Xiaohong, really, don't let me down again."

Ma Hongjun raised his head suddenly, his eyes were bloodshot.

"I won't let you down again!"

"Go, let me see if you have really grown up! Talking about it is useless! Prove it to me with practical actions!"

Ma Hongjun nodded heavily.

Dai Mubai watched Ma Hongjun return to Sea God Mountain, rubbed his temples a little tiredly.

"Xiao Hong is different from the others. He is the only one among the seven monsters who has no motivation and pressure to cultivate." Mu Bai laughed, "Although we have high expectations for him, he is really still a child. He With too little experience, it is difficult to understand your good intentions."

Dai Mubai smiled wryly: "So I can only talk to him earnestly!"

"What's the next plan?" Erha asked boredly, lying on Dai Mubai's shoulder.

For people in Douluo Continent today, a million-year soul ring is unheard of.

But in the era of mythical beasts he lived in, million-year soul beasts were very common... emmmmm, although there were no million-year soul rings.

The well-informed Lord Erha didn't pay much attention to the million-year spirit ring, he just needs to know that this spirit ring can make Dai Mubai stronger and be closer to becoming a god.

"Next..." Dai Mubai pondered for a moment, then said, "Go and complete the Peach Tree's spirit ring."

They didn't mention the soul ability of the million-year soul ring, because it was unnecessary for them. The moment the soul ring was formed, they all knew what kind of soul ring it was.

However, I still have to tell others later.

"Something's wrong..." Dai Mubai flew halfway in the ring sea, suddenly remembered something.

"I haven't asked anyone else what spirit ability they have added now!" Dai Mubai remembered now, "I know Xiao Ao's sixth spirit ability Ham Sausage, but what about his fifth spirit ability? Tang San My fifth soul skill is the Blue Silver Overlord Spear given by the Blue Silver King, what about the sixth soul skill? Let alone the others, they didn’t even tell me about their new soul skills!"

"Didn't you tell them too?" Erha asked.

"This is very wrong..." Dai Mubai shook his head, "When we seven monsters gather, shouldn't the soul skills be the most important thing we should care about?"

"Heh," Erha sneered, "Aren't you always secretive? You don't have the habit of revealing your own strength. If you don't tell or ask, why should people tell you?"

Dai Mubai scratched his head awkwardly.

Erha said the same thing.

"Go back and ask."

Dai Mubai returned to the foot of Sea God Mountain, seeing Ma Hongjun climbing the steps resolutely, showing a look of relief.

"Xiaohong is a good boy, her personality can be changed slowly."

Dai Mubai didn't believe it anymore, Ma Hongjun was under his nose, and with him staring at him, he still couldn't meet his expectations!
Dai Mubai first looked for Xiaobai, looked at Zhuang Chenguang who was still sleeping, then ignored Xiaobai's inquiry, went to the top of the mountain to look for Bo Saixi.

"High Priest, thank you very much." Dai Mubai knew that when he was absorbing the spirit ring, Bo Saixi was always by his side to protect him.Dai Mubai was very grateful to this kind elder.

The 10 years of Xiaowu and Xiaobai's time was in vain, but time made this once amazingly talented woman more elegant and noble.

"You don't need to thank me, your achievements are all obtained with your own talent and perseverance." Although Bo Saixi still couldn't understand Dai Mubai, she was more and more satisfied with this young man.

Although he is not the heir of His Majesty the Sea God, he is the uncle of the heir of His Majesty the Sea God!Judging from his attitude towards Zhuang Chenguang, one can tell that he loves Zhuang Chenguang very much.With him taking care of Zhuang Chenguang and his group of equally talented brothers and sisters, the future Seagod will have a solid backing, and he will definitely be able to get more help.

Bo Saixi doesn't doubt that Dai Mubai can become a god!

"Next, I'm going to hunt for the soul ring of the second martial spirit, so I'll attack some 10-year-old sea soul beasts." Dai Mubai paused, and said, "Sea soul beasts are also the subjects of the Sea God You , so I would like to ask the high priest, is this possible?"

Poseidon did Dai Mubai a great favor, and gave him so much divine power, and reciprocated, he also had to consider Poseidon's opinion.

Bo Saixi's eyes straightened for a moment, and then he said to Dai Mubai: "It's only natural for a soul master to hunt and kill soul beasts, but indeed, sea soul beasts are also His Majesty's subjects. His Majesty Sea God doesn't object to you hunting sea souls." Beast, but I hope you don't do too much killing."

"Please don't worry about this, I only need two sea soul beasts, and I will never kill one more!"

Bo Saixi nodded with satisfaction.

The flat peach tree needs five, six, seven and three soul rings now, but the seventh soul ring of the flat peach tree, Dai Mubai, also needs a million years, so this soul ring still needs to find a god to prostitute divine power.

According to the information given by Poseidon, Vulcan is the one who is most likely to give the soul power.

Other divine powers such as the God of Cookery or the Nine Heavens Goddess can also be prostituted, but Dai Mubai really doesn't like the mere second-level gods.

Dai Mubai returned to the foot of the mountain, took a look at the houses built for everyone on the island, and was surprised to find that the houses were all built!The houses are completely finished except for the furniture which is not yet fully installed.

In fact, this is not difficult to understand. The adults on the island are all soul masters, and a few houses are of course not a problem.

Dai Mubai was still very satisfied with these small houses, he gave some orders, and after returning to Sea God Mountain, he said to everyone: "Let's have a rest, the conch house is going to hold a banquet, and it's what we agreed to hold before. Islanders."

Dai Mubai took a special look at Ma Hongjun, seeing that he was still cultivating with a dull head.Then he said: "Cultivation is not bad for a while, after the banquet, you will come back and continue to practice."

Dai Mubai gave Shui Binger a look, Shui Binger understood, and pulled Ma Hongjun down together.

Shui Bing'er has reached 78 knots, several levels higher than Tang San.Her soul power is also the highest among all soul emperors.

"This can be regarded as a celebration for me." Dai Mubai laughed.

Ning Rongrong asked: "Speaking of which, big brother, what is your seventh soul ability?"

"Martial Soul Avatar!" Dai Mubai raised his eyebrows.

Ning Rongrong glared at him: "I also know it's the spirit avatar! Brother, if you don't want to say it, forget it!"

Dai Mubai laughed, and said: "The first effect is to increase all soul skills by 100%, the second effect is... dust-free land! Within 1000 meters around me, all soul skills are forbidden! The third soul skill is White Tiger Broken Empty Claws, a very powerful attack skill. The fourth skill is Divine Roar, which can basically shout [-]% of your combat power with one voice. However, these soul skills consume a lot. My current soul power After I use up these few soul skills, it is basically exhausted."

(End of this chapter)

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