Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 252 The Second Campfire Party

Chapter 252 The Second Campfire Party

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The name of this soul ability of Dustless Land comes from the dragon clan, which Dai Mubai chose based on the effect, he thinks this name is very suitable.As for plagiarism or not... If the old thief minds a mere skill name, let him travel to Douluo Continent to find him!If Dai Mubai didn't lock up the old thief and force him to finish writing Dragon Clan, his surname would not be Dai!
What's more... the old thief is not the only one who has used the term clean land.There are many similar things.

How can the affairs of scholars be called plagiarism?That's called reference, called tribute!

Mu Bai: "...heh."

How shameless!
"It's all divine skills..." Tang San was a little envious.

His sixth soul ability is only 9 years old, and the difference from 10 years is not too big... This often makes him feel regretful.

"Speaking of which, what soul abilities have you added recently?" Dai Mubai asked.

Still following the order, Oscar said: "My sixth soul skill Ham Sausage already knows, and the fifth soul skill is Crystal Sausage, which can instantly heal all injuries, no matter how serious they are. But it can only heal physical injuries." Injury, mental impotence."

Dai Mubai nodded, this soul skill is a life-saving skill to some extent!
Tang Sandao: "My fifth soul ability is the Blue Silver Overlord Spear, a single-target attack skill. It is a natal soul ring that has the same growth potential as the fourth soul ring. The sixth soul ability is the bloodthirsty vine, which can absorb 50.00% of the opponent's energy. life force replenishes itself."

Although it is different from the original book, the effect of Tang San's sixth spirit ability is not bad, and his life-saving ability is much stronger.

Ma Hongjun continued: "My fifth soul skill is Phoenix Meteor Shower, a group attack skill, and my sixth soul skill is Phoenix Flame Shield."

Xiaohong's sixth spirit ability turned out to be a defensive spirit ability, Dai Mubai didn't expect this, he thought Xiaohong would be a pure attack system spirit master.But that's fine too.

Xiao Wu said: "My fifth soul skill is Soft Bone Lock. Its function is to restrict movement and lock the opponent with the flexibility of the body. It cannot be opened if it is five levels higher than my soul skill, even if the soul power is higher than mine. It takes at least five seconds to open if it is above level five. The sixth soul skill is nothingness, which can be immune to any physical and energy attacks. The seventh soul skill is the real body of the jade rabbit, which can transform into seven selves, and each clone has 70.00% of the body. Soul power is mainly used to protect my body. There is also an ability to blast and kill Baduan, you all know this, so I won’t go into details.”

From Xiao Wu's last sentence, we can know that her seventh soul ring is 10 years old!
Others are a little envious of Xiao Wu, but she is a 10-year soul beast, so she can't envy her.

Ning Rongrong smiled coquettishly and said: "My fifth soul ability is attribute enhancement, which can increase the strongest attribute by 60.00%. The sixth soul ability is Pagoda Town Heshan, which can control the body of the enemy or one of us, and Xiao Wu My fifth soul skill is almost the same, except that this is a group skill, and a soul master whose soul power level is within ten levels of my own will definitely not be able to get out of control within ten seconds."

Dai Mubai had seen Ning Rongrong's sixth soul ability when he killed wolf robbers, and it was indeed very practical.

Finally it was Zhu Zhuqing.

"The fifth soul skill, Shadow Binding, while restraining the enemy, also has the effect of continuously stripping the enemy's soul power. The sixth soul skill, Ghost Possession, increases body resistance by 20%, dodge rate by 50%, and attack penetration by 30% The seventh soul skill, Silver Moon Avatar, increases speed by 50%, and all soul skills increase by 100%. There is also a soul skill called Silver Moon Shelter, which can open a protective cover with a diameter of one meter. I got a chance to use the Luna Bow and Arrow, but the chance to use the Luna Bow and Arrow is only once a month."

"Moon God?" Everyone looked at the silver moon symbol on Zhu Zhuqing's forehead and suddenly realized.

The sign of the Sea God's assessment disappeared after less than an hour on her forehead, and the only thing that remained on her head was the silver moon sign.

Zhu Zhuqing mentioned that she had obtained the Moon God's inheritance, and she was curious at first, but Zhu Zhuqing himself didn't know much about it.

After all, Moon God doesn't have a "dojo" like Sea God Island on Douluo Continent, and there is no priest like Bo Saixi who can explain everyone's doubts.

Dai Mubai looked at Shui Binger and Bai Chenxiang, but finally did not ask about their situation.

To Dai Mubai, Shui Bing'er and Bai Chenxiang are really irrelevant.Shui Bing'er was fine, her talent and martial spirit were passable, and she was Ma Hongjun's girlfriend and future wife.As for Bai Chenxiang, forget it.Although she is a good girl.

"Brother, where are your other soul rings?" Xiao Wu asked, "You know us well, but we don't even know what your soul skills are!"

Dai Mubai slightly raised his eyebrows, saw everyone's curious eyes, and said with a smile: "White Tiger's first spirit ring is Death God's Prayer, ignoring the space for ultra-high-speed single-target attacks. The second spirit ring is the golden leaf dance. Summon the golden leaf blade Large-scale attack. The third spirit ring, the undefeated golden body. The defense power increases. The defense power increases with the improvement of the cultivation base. The fourth spirit ring, the blessing of divine light. All attributes increase by [-]%.

The fifth spirit ring, Chongming Tong.Perceive everything within a radius of ten miles.The second soul skill is the guidance of fate, a passive skill, very mysterious, it allows me to obtain the guidance of fate in the dark.The sixth soul ring, the first soul skill Frost Crystal Domain, all opponents in the Frost Crystal Domain will feel like they are in an extremely cold place. Not only will they be eroded by the cold, but all attributes will be suppressed by at least 10%!The second soul skill, Frost Crystal Tiger King, can summon a 10-year-old Frost Crystal Tiger King to fight for him, with a time limit of [-] minutes.This soul skill has a strong backlash effect on me.Every time it is used, the soul power level will be reduced by nine levels, and it can only be used once within ten days. "

Dai Mubai confessed all his details very frankly.Of course, he didn't explain it too carefully, nor did he explain the effects of these soul skills after his cultivation base continued to increase.

Dai Mubai rubbed his chin, and said: "I won't tell you about the second martial spirit Pantaoshu, as long as you know that the first soul skill of the first soul ring is called Hongchen Vientiane, it allows me to simulate all environments and things enough."

"The first soul ability of the first soul ring..." Oscar muttered, and asked, "Could it be that the first soul ring of your second martial soul is 10 years old?"

Dai Mubai was noncommittal.

Silence is the default.

The others were also silent.

Dai Mubai's spirit ring... is really scary!
"Next, I will go to the deep sea to hunt down spirit beasts and complete the second spirit ring." Dai Mubai said.

Zhu Zhuqing said without hesitation: "I will accompany you."

Dai Mubai shook his head: "Let's talk about it after you reach level eighty."

Although Zhu Zhuqing also has a 10 year spirit ring, but that spirit ring, like Dai Mubai's many spirit rings, was given for nothing.

Zhu Zhuqing was a little unconvinced in her heart, but she also understood that she was indeed not qualified to face 10-year-old soul beasts.

"If you compare goods, you must throw them away, and if you compare people, you must die!" Oscar looked up to the sky and sighed.

They were really beaten to pieces by Dai Mubai.

"At first I thought I was a genius, but I'm actually nothing!" Oscar pretended to be desperate and lay on Ning Rongrong's shoulder, quietly eating tofu.

Ning Rongrong gave him a sideways glance, Oscar didn't dare to overdo it at first, but Ning Rongrong restrained himself immediately after seeing him.

Originally, when Ma Hongjun was not beaten by Dai Mubai, he should be able to notice Oscar's small movements, but now Ma Hongjun's mind is full of how to quickly improve his cultivation and strength, and he doesn't look at Oscar's side at all.

Everyone chatted and laughed, and soon returned to the conch house.

At this time, there are all kinds of food, barbecue grills and other items used in the barbecue party around the conch house.

The barbecue grills hadn't been finished yet, and everyone quickly joined in.

"It seems that there are a lot of seafood that I haven't seen before!" Foodies Xiao Wu and Ma Hongjun were very surprised.

A sea soul master next to him smiled and said, "You probably didn't go far last time. Although the residents on the island can't leave Sea God Island, it's still possible to go fishing a little farther away. This time there are many residents Go catch big fish in the far seas and deep seas."

Xiao Wu nodded: "Is everything delicious?"

The sea soul master smiled and said: "It depends on your personal taste. Some seafood is delicious to some people, but others may not like it. You still have to try it yourself."

Xiao Wu felt that what he said made sense.

"It's decided!" Xiao Wu clenched her fist with her right hand and tapped on the palm of her left hand, "I want to eat every piece of seafood!"

Except for Ma Hongjun who responded, everyone else showed wry smiles.

Today is a barbecue party, and some seafood is more suitable for steaming, stewing or other cooking methods.

In the end, even if Xiao Wu released her spirit avatar to strengthen herself, she was exhausted.

She really ate all the seafood tonight, Tang San was speechless looking at her swollen belly.

"Oscar, why don't you have sausages that can be digested!" Xiao Wu showed pain.

She was really fed up, Tang San gave her needles to help her digest it, but the effect was not great.

Oscar looked at the afternoon and Ma Hongjun sullenly.

"I'm so sorry that I don't have a digestive intestine!" He lifted Ma Hongjun's chin, and stuffed a bowl of extremely strange digestive soup into Ma Hongjun's mouth.

Dai Mubai watched this scene with a smile, as if he saw Oscar feeding Ma Hongjun to drink the seven-leaf red-yang grass soup when he was in Shrek Academy.

However, Ma Hongjun wiped his mouth and commented: "It's not bad, it tastes much better than the seven-leaf red sun grass soup."

"Xiao Wu, drink some." Tang San heaved a sigh of relief, and handed Xiao Wu a bowl of Xiaoshi soup.

Xiao Wu frowned, looking at the strangely colored soup in Tang San's hand with a full face of resistance, and didn't reach out to take it for a long time.

"I have strong digestion, so I don't need to drink soup." Xiao Wu finally refused.

She also drank the seven-leaf red-yang grass soup back then, and knew the disgusting taste. Although Ma Hongjun said that the taste of this Xiaoshi soup was better than the seven-leaf red-yang grass soup, but the two were on the same level, which meant that it was not much better.

She doesn't drink this kind of stuff!
"Third brother, if Xiao Wu doesn't drink, give me Bing'er." Ma Hongjun said.

Shui Bing'er didn't eat as much as Xiao Wu and Ma Hongjun, but it was still a lot.

Shui Bing'er looked at him in surprise, Ma Hongjun said to her secretly: "The color of this soup is a bit weird, but it actually tastes good."

Shui Bing'er was skeptical, but out of trust in Ma Hongjun, she still took a sip.

Her eyes lit up and she drank the whole bowl of soup.

Seeing Shui Binger's appearance, Xiao Wu didn't know that she was misled by Ma Hongjun, she glared at Ma Hongjun, and reprimanded: "Well, you little Hong, how dare you lie to Miss Wu!"

Ma Hongjun's face was full of innocence: "I didn't lie to you, this soup tastes much better than the seven-leaf red-yang grass soup!"

"Hmph!" Xiao Wu snorted coldly, and reluctantly drank a bowl of Xiaoshi soup.

The barbecue party was held until the wee hours of the morning, and everyone came and returned with a lot of fun.

Finally, Dai Mubai and others sat on the beach to watch the sunrise on the island.

The moment the sun rose, Dai Mubai turned his head to look at the companion beside him, and smiled silently.

"Let's go, go back to practice." Ma Hongjun was the first to get up, and walked towards Sea God Mountain.

Tang San and Dai Mubai looked at each other and smiled.

Whether Ma Hongjun works hard or not is his own business, but his hard work really makes others feel very relieved while being surprised.

Of the Shrek Seven Monsters, no one should be left behind!
"Cultivate hard, wait for my good news!" Dai Mubai said to the others.

He went to Xiaobai, asked where the territories of other 10-year-old sea spirit beasts were, and asked Xiaobai to find him a sea mount and guide, and then left the ring sea and Sea God Island.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Dai Mubai's leaving back, turned around and continued to climb the stairs.

Dai Mubai sat behind a five or sixty thousand year old demon spirit great white shark, experimenting with his new spirit ability with great interest.

"Soul Avatar... besides doubling the effect of the soul skill, does it have other effects?" Dai Mubai asked Mu Bai.

Mu Bai smiled and said: "That's right, when you use this soul skill, my strength can be restored to one-tenth of the peak period, but the duration is very short, only 1 minute."

"How strong were you in your prime?" Dai Mubai asked.

Mu Bai scratched his chin and said, "Do you know the cultivation system? Qi refining, foundation building, Jindan, Yuanying, out of body, distraction, fusion, Mahayana, transcending calamity, human immortal, earth immortal, heavenly immortal, true immortal. Immortal, Golden Immortal, and Da Luo Jinxian. There are fifteen ranks in total, the first nine ranks are mortal ranks, and the last six ranks are immortal ranks. The title Douluo on Douluo Continent is equivalent to the stage of distraction, and the third rank is equivalent to gods. Yu fit... and so on, I was originally in the real fairyland."

Dai Mubai made the calculations, and said in surprise: "Then you are higher than the Creation God of Douluo Dalu?"

"Creator God?" Mu Bai shook his head and laughed, "Earth Immortals have started to create and nurture the world. Of course, if you want to create a world like Douluo Universe, besides the world's own evolution, the Creator God must at least You must be a golden fairy. But the Douluo universe is a world fused from many worlds, and it has also merged into the real universe. The god of creation is also a real fairy. But under the god of creation, the strongest Heavenly Immortal, there is absolutely no possibility of breaking through to True Immortal."

"You are too arbitrary, aren't you?" Dai Mubai frowned.

"It's not that I'm arbitrary..." Mu Bai sighed, "It's based on the strength of the Silver Dragon King, I speculate that the Dragon God who was once the strongest was only a fairy. Do you think there can be someone stronger than the Dragon God in the Douluo universe? Does it exist?"

Dai Mubai shook his head slowly.

Although the Dragon God is dead, he is still the legend of Douluo Universe.

(End of this chapter)

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