Thousands of world exchanges

Chapter 200 After drinking 3 visits to the heart, and in a moment 1 recites the opportunity

Chapter 200 After drinking three times, I will tell my heart, and a momentary thought will give me a chance
203. After drinking three times, I will tell my heart, and I will give you a chance in a moment
The three of them are also good friends who haven't seen each other for many years, and there is no embarrassment that they haven't seen for many years. It's as if they have returned to their college life back then, drinking and bragging with each other, and they don't see each other at all.

After drinking for three rounds, a few of them drank in a daze and became dizzy.At this time, everyone also talked about themselves,
Liang Shuhang was also talking nonsense at the moment, and suddenly grabbed Tang Ming's arm, pulled him and said with grievance: "Brother, you don't know, I've been so fucking aggrieved these years. I'm so fucking miserable. "After speaking, Liang Shuhang grabbed the empty wine bottle on the table and smashed it on the ground.

Fortunately, there was no one in the store, and no one was hurt. Tang Ming also apologized repeatedly, took out a wad of money from his wallet, and gave it to the boss. The boss happily took it, closed the door, and stopped accepting customers. , and added a few hot dishes for everyone.

Tang Ming also sat down on the seat at the moment, helped the two people who were lying on the table, and slapped Liang Shuhang on the head: "Okay, just tell the brothers if there is anything big, don't be like Like a girl."

Liang Shuhang felt Tang Ming's slap, and couldn't hold back the tears at the moment, he hugged Tang Ming's arm and started to cry: "Brother, you don't know, I told the outside world that my job is a director, but the fuck is a Fucking director."

"In the beginning, I got lucky and joined a crew who said I was TM's assistant director, but in fact TM was a handyman. MD, it's okay to let me do some groceries, and let me pimp them. Humans did it." After speaking, Liang Shuhang even kicked over the dining table in front of him, and roared angrily.

At this time, the boss also showed his face, without any expression, as if he didn't see it, and enthusiastically helped Tang Ming and the others set up another table. Not a lot, the table is worth a few dollars.

And the silent Xiao Yao was also silent, lit a cigarette, and stuck it in Liang Shuhang's mouth, and the two cried even more.

Everyone chatted for a long time, weeping, cursing, and venting. These scenes that you would never see in normal times can only be truly shown in front of your brothers.

Liang Shuhang didn't want to do pimping, so he offended the director and some upper echelons of the film crew, and finally found some excuses and was kicked out. He couldn't get along in the capital, so he had to come to Shanghai to see what work he could do.

Xiao Yao, on the other hand, didn't want to stay in that boring library, and wanted to start his own career, but he was helplessly restrained by his parents with family affection, and locked in the darkened library all day long.

In the evening, the two also woke up, as if they had forgotten what happened before, they still laughed and cursed heartlessly, urging the boss to serve the food.

Once again full of wine and food, the three of them and one dog also left the small restaurant and wandered around on the street. After walking for a long time, they were tired and everyone sat on the table of the flower bed.

Tang Ming lit three cigarettes and gave them to the two of them. Looking at the traffic on the street, he asked them, "I have a job to do. I don't know if the two of you would like to do it."

"Cut, you'll die if you don't brag. Besides, buddy is doing well now, I need your help." The two also waved their hands and refused without thinking, but their blinking eyes also exposed their thought.But the two also understood that Tang Ming wanted to give them a hand, but their strong self-esteem and brothers decisively made them refuse.

Tang Ming understood the two people's unanimous answers, but said with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "Do you know what my brother is doing now? My brother has opened an exchange now, specializing in trading various things. There is nothing you can't see, only you can't think of." " Tang Ming also said with a look of embarrassment.

Liang Shuhang put the cigarette in his mouth, put one hand on Tang Ming's forehead, and said seriously: "Well, it's late, it's hopeless." After speaking, the two even broke out into crazy laughter.

"My exchange does not trade ordinary things, but trades all kinds of magical things from thousands of worlds, such as Li Xunhuan, Lu Xiaofeng, etc., and I can trade with them." Tang Ming didn't care about their ridicule, just Said with a faint smile.

"Brother, I told you not to let you read so many novels. Hey, a good person has become crazy. It's a pity, it's a pity." Xiao Yao said with an exaggerated expression.

The two burst into loud laughter again, which attracted the attention of passers-by.

Suddenly, the laughter of the two stopped. Under the surprised eyes of the two, Tang Ming transformed into two luminous objects out of thin air, like two envelopes, emitting a faint light.

"This, is this magic?" Liang Shuhang couldn't believe it, and stammered.

"Fuck, Tang Ming, you have been learning magic for so many years." Xiao Yao also said with a look of surprise, and even touched the glowing letter with his hand, and suddenly, the light flashed into him directly. in the body.

"Damn, what is this thing, it ran into my body," Xiao Yao was shocked, but suddenly froze and stood there without moving.

"Damn it, Tang Ming, what's the matter with Xiao Yao?" Liang Shuhang was also shocked and asked eagerly.

Tang Ming also curled his lips and smiled: "Don't worry, it's okay, I'll give you a chance." After speaking, Tang Ming then flicked another glowing envelope into Liang Shuhang's body, and both of them froze in place. .

And Xiao Yao's husky was shocked when he saw that his master didn't move. He bit Xiao Yao's pants and dragged him away.

Tang Ming was also extremely embarrassed. He wanted to get closer but was forced back by Erha, but he didn't want to hurt it, so he had to sit down and wait for the two to digest the information.

It took a long time for the two of them to have any movement. They looked at each other, and they both saw shock in each other's eyes.

Xiao Yao asked in disbelief: "Tang Ming, is this Myriad World Exchange real?"

Tang Ming stomped out the cigarette butt and threw it into the trash can and said with a smile, "Isn't it already in your head? What do you think?"

"Fuck, shit, there are really Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng, so I can see my fairy sister with my own eyes." At this time, Liang Shuhang's eyes were shining, and he kept lying.

Tang Ming looked at the more and more gazes of passers-by and dragged the two away in a hurry. He didn't want to be the object of everyone's attention. Everything just now was covered by Tang Ming's magic, and everyone could only see a few people doing it. Behaving strangely, shouting strange words.

Tang Ming didn't explain much, he found a place where there was no one, and took the two of them to the exchange for a walk, which really convinced the two of them.

"So, in the future, I can also become a martial arts master, or even become a god?" The two also recovered from their shock, and asked Tang Ming excitedly.

"It depends on your ability. I gave you a chance, but it's up to you next time. By the way, you know my identity." Tang Ming also made a gesture of wiping his neck and said with a smile , although Tang Ming no longer cares that the people in the exchange know his identity, but after all, if someone exposes that he is not a god, then he slaps himself in the face.

"Understood, understood. My Lord World Master. Hehehe." The two also smiled lasciviously, and understood Tang Ming's meaning. In the exchange, Tang Ming was the tall and stalwart Lord World Master, and Tang Ming knew him well outside. good brother.

(End of this chapter)

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