Thousands of world exchanges

Chapter 201 Listen carefully to 2 humanitarian strategies

Chapter 201 Listen carefully to the strategy of two people, and lead the leading role by attracting jade

204. Listen carefully to the strategy of two people, and get the lead role

After explaining some matters to the two of them, they also understood the basic operating rules of the exchange through their own exploration.

The two also rejected the start-up capital that Tang Ming wanted to give them. The opportunity has already been given, but what they do next is up to them. Tang Ming can help them once, but not forever, and they don't I hope that their pure brotherhood will be cracked because of the value point.

The two carefully walked around the exchange, relying on Liang Shuhang's proficient mouth as an assistant director and Xiao Yao's professional business management, they got acquainted with some of the exchange's characters after a while. Got a lot of news.

After a whole day, the two of them stared at the dark circles under their eyes, but they came to Tang Ming with excited expressions on their faces.

"What's the matter, I found a way to make a fortune." Tang Ming also said with a smile.

"I found it, Master of the World, I am going to cooperate with you. I am going to cooperate with the exchange. I plan to establish a training base for spirit beasts in A Chinese Ghost Story, specializing in cultivating spirit beasts." Xiao Yao also said to Tang Ming with a serious face. A salute, and then said in a serious tone.

After listening to Tang Ming, he stopped joking and sat upright, asking seriously: "Then how much value do you decide to borrow, how to start it, and how to implement it?" Tang Ming also greatly praised Xiao Yao's vision.

"The exchange is responsible for providing funds and related items, and I am responsible for cultivating them. I found that although the exchange has entered the ranks of cultivation, it has not discovered the value of spirit beasts. It simply kills and extracts the inner alchemy for cultivation. And this spirit beast training base I opened is responsible for cultivating spirit beasts, allowing them to develop spiritual intelligence, and helping them fight together like pets in online games." Xiao Yao also directly took out the plan he had written and handed it to Tang Ming.

Tang Ming also took over the plan, read it through in detail, and thought carefully about every detail in the plan.Xiao Yao's plan is undoubtedly of great commercial value. If there is a suitable pet to help in the battle, not only the combat effectiveness will be greatly enhanced, but it will also be able to help people provide a lot of help.

Tang Ming closed the plan and pondered for a while. Xiao Yao's plan was perfect, including the types of pets and related publicity. Tang Ming nodded and agreed: "I agree, the exchange You will be fully responsible for the related matters, and the exchange will fully cooperate with your plan. As for the future income exchange will charge eight layers, what do you think?"

"No problem, I agree." Xiao Yao also happily agreed. This matter is just missing a suggestion. Any other person can do it. I thought I could only be assigned to one level or even less, but now Being able to have two layers is already a great kindness.

"Liang Shuhang, what about you, do you have any plans?" Tang Ming also turned to look at Liang Shuhang and asked.

"Lord, I found that the entertainment facilities in the exchange are too lacking, there is only one tavern, and the martial arts masters with excess energy can't find a better way to entertain, so I plan to cooperate with the exchange, in the exchange Open an entertainment city, equipped with some complete entertainment facilities." Liang Shuhang also said eloquently.

"What's the specific plan?" Tang Ming also asked.

"The first step, if the entertainment city wants to open up the situation, what is essential is the recognition of consumers. I plan to do my old job first, make movies, if I can shoot all the personal experiences of some martial arts people, The biggest entertainment for these martial arts people is listening to operas, how can they compare with the real pictures appearing in front of their eyes."

"Besides, after the first filming, there will be vigorous publicity. Most of the martial arts people have the same experience, which can arouse their sense of identity. And martial arts people all have a heart of comparison that is not willing to be inferior to others. We can even take advantage of this Expand the scale a little bit, send more and better movies, even TV series..." Liang Shuhang talked about it endlessly, and even threw out more branches to expand the elements of the entertainment city.

Tang Ming also agreed, and like Xiaoyao, Wanqian World Entertainment City led by the exchange was established. Tang Ming also wanted to see what the movie starring himself would be like.

The next day, Xiao Yao recruited a few curious experts, and rode Pippi Shrimp to the world of A Chinese Ghost Story to inspect the terrain.And Liang Shuhang held the opening ceremony of Myriad World Entertainment City with the cooperation of the exchange.

Everyone also received the information from the exchange, and each of them rushed to the exchange curiously to look at the Myriad World Entertainment City that suddenly rose from the ground.

A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held while many masters were bewildered. Afterwards, Liang Shuhang stood alone on the prepared high platform and introduced the information of the entertainment city to everyone.

But Liang Shuhang only briefly introduced the information of the entertainment city, and then launched a unique recruitment meeting.

Liang Shuhang downloaded a classic movie "Decisive Battle at the Forbidden Top" directly from the real world, and directly played it on the exchange through the huge projector formed in the sky with the shocking sound through the ability of the exchange.

Although many masters have heard of various modern technologies and movies, they have never actually seen them, and they have fallen into the seriousness of watching movies for a while, and some people in the modern plane have seen this scene even more. They beat their chests one after another, regretting why they didn't think of this.

Not long after the movie was played, everyone watching below began to discuss it.

"What the hell is this Ye Gucheng? With just this show, I can kill him with one hand. It's a name for nothing." Then a master dressed as a knight below also pointed at the screen with disdain. Ye Gucheng despises that movies are naturally not performed by real masters, and in the eyes of these real masters, they are naturally full of loopholes.

"That's right, there's Ximen Chuuxue. You can see that his lower body is weak, and the sword in his hand is also weak. He can't even grasp it steadily. If he is the sword god, then I am not a sword master." Another swordsman complained. .

"Hmph, since you are so confident, you dare to compete with me, Ximen Chuuxue." At this time, a strong wave came from behind, and a swordsman in white was holding a sharp sword, and walked away with a strong sword intent all over his body. come over.

"Ahem, Mr. Ximen, please calm down. This is a movie, and the actors who play you are just ordinary people. Naturally, they don't have the demeanor of your sword god. Everyone just thinks that the actor who played you is not good, and you can't see clearly. What do you mean?" At this time, Liang Shuhang saw the Lord coming, and walked over to explain with a smile on his face.

Liang Shuhang was also delighted. After waiting for a long time, he finally got the right owner. His original plan was to rely on the loopholes in the movie to attract this great god, but he didn't expect it to succeed.

"Boy, what do you call a movie, you're too much. How can I be so wretched." At this moment, the four-browed Lu Xiaofeng really appreciated the movie, but he was dissatisfied with his setting in the movie.

"What Lu Daxia said is very true. These people in the movie can't compare to your demeanor. I don't know if Lu Daxia is interested in participating in the performance in person, so that he can truly show his majesty to everyone." Liang Shuhang also said himself with a smile ultimate purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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