Thousands of world exchanges

Chapter 209 The name of the immortal shocked the big snake, and the agreement signed a travel contra

Chapter 209 The name of the immortal shocked the big snake, and the agreement signed a travel contract

212. Immortal's Famous Shocking Serpent, Agreement to Sign Travel Contract

When the passage to the Fengyun plane was opened, traders also entered the Fengyun plane one after another, looking for opportunities that belonged to them.

But Tang Ming did not enter together. After understanding, the timeline of Fengyun Plane at this time is also just at this time. Fengyun is an adult and is fighting for the world. For a long time, Tang Ming also had no intention of participating.

Tang Ming, on the other hand, turned his mind to his own task. Task [-] cannot be completed for the time being, but task [-] can still go in and have fun, slowly having a childhood meeting.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Ming's figure gradually faded away and disappeared into the exchange.

Naruto plane, in the village of Otonin.

A young man with white skin and snake eyes was looking at the violently shaking experimental cabin in front of him with fanaticism: "Ah, what a great masterpiece, get up, my great scientific research achievements, and show the world your horror. "

"Boom" Orochimaru's voice hadn't finished yet, the experimental cabin shook even more crazily, and exploded directly. The aftermath of the violent explosion directly destroyed the laboratory, and Orochimaru didn't even have time to react and was directly buried in the ruins. middle.

After a while, a figure rushed over, opened the ruins directly, and lifted out a weak figure: "My lord, are you okay?" The two asked respectfully, their eyes full of respect for the big snake. Pill mania.

"How many times is this?" After Orochimaru was released, he just asked lightly without any sense of frustration.

"My lord, this is already the eighth time."

"Ah, is it still a problem with the container? Is it still impossible to find a suitable container?" Orochimaru Snake pupil also flashed a strange light.

"Okay, you go down." Orochimaru raised his hand to stop Junma Lu who wanted to say something, turned around and walked into another spare laboratory alone.

In the spare laboratory, a tied up ninja had already been prepared on the test bench. Seeing the terrifying figure of Orochimaru at this moment, he struggled violently. The ninjas they captured had been kept together. Those who went out never came back, is it finally my turn?
"Could this be my final destiny?" Seeing Orochimaru approaching in front of his eyes, the bound ninja couldn't help thinking of such desperate thoughts.

But immediately, he found that Orochimaru didn't seem to see him, but his eyes were erratic, and he whispered to himself: "Is the dream that day real? Is there really a fairy? Is it really possible?" To gain eternal life?"

But after a while, Orochimaru regained his senses, and his eyes refocused on the test subject in front of him. The slender fingers kept stroking the test subject's cheek back and forth, as if he was stroking his own child. General: "What a perfect experiment, it's a pity that Minazuki's Blood Successor is still not pure enough."

Orochimaru also stuck out his long tongue, and slowly wrapped it around the test subject's throat, and the thick saliva dripped down the test subject's face continuously. Kill this test subject.

Suddenly, Orochimaru stopped, quickly withdrew his tongue, and even spit out the grass pheasant sword full of disgusting saliva from his mouth, and quickly turned around to take a defensive posture: "Who is it?"

At this time, a extinguished red dot flashed in the dark corner, and a figure slowly walked out from the dark corner. With the light shining, a man in a long robe appeared with a cigarette in his mouth. In front of Orochimaru.

This person was Tang Ming. He planned to find Dashewan directly, but he didn't expect to see such a disgusting scene when he came here, so he quickly smoked a cigarette to calm his shock. He didn't expect snakes to have very sensitive noses.

"Do you want to understand the meaning of life? Do you want to really live?" Tang Ming suddenly remembered these two sentences, which are most suitable here.

"Who are you, why are you here?" Dashewan ignored Tang Ming's words, but stared at the man who appeared in his laboratory silently in front of him, and he was smoking a cigarette recklessly. Don't dare to do it easily.

Tang Ming put down the cigarette and lightly stamped out the cigarette butt: "Are all snakes so sensitive? In order to hide the fear in their hearts, they only show their sharp fangs to everything, and have witnessed too many deaths." , but your heart is afraid of life, so in order to overcome your fear, pray to stop death and find a way to live forever, you even betray your companions..."

"That's enough, who are you? I'm not here to listen to your tirade." Although Orochimaru still looked uncomfortable, there was a trace of irritability in his eyes.

Tang Ming smiled and pointed to his heart: "Here, ask yourself, ask your heart."

Tang Ming's words seemed to have a kind of magical power, constantly bewitching Orochimaru. Gradually, Orochimaru closed his eyes and fell into silence, as if he saw everything in his heart and got the answer.

"Lord of the World" Orochimaru opened his eyes, also understood Tang Ming's identity and why he came, and saluted respectfully.

"Have you ever thought about it, the exchange agreed to your transaction, signed this agreement, the exchange will help you complete your plan, everything will be perfect, and you can also get the eternal life you want. And the price It is you who will work for the exchange forever and never leave." Tang Ming opened his hand and an agreement appeared, floating in front of Dashewan.

Dashemaru concluded the agreement with trembling hands, carefully looked at the content of the agreement, closed his eyes and pondered for a long time, and opened his mouth and said lightly: "Yes, Lord, I am willing to trade."

After finishing speaking, Orochimaru directly covered the agreement with the palm of his hand, and the agreement suddenly shone with gold, suspended in the air, and finally turned into two copies, one returned to Tang Ming's hand, and the other entered Dashewan's body ,Disappear.

The content of the agreement is also very simple. The exchange helps Orochimaru complete the Konoha collapse plan, and grants Orochimaru a request for immortality, but Orochimaru will work for the exchange forever. The exchange provides all experimental materials for Orochimaru, and Orochimaru’s The research results will be divided into [-]% with the exchange.

Tang Ming put away the agreement, and seeing that he understood the deal agreement, Orochimaru asked curiously with a relieved face: "Now that the deal has been signed, I can help you destroy Konoha at any time. Do you want to watch it with me?"

"No, Lord Master, I beg you to respect my plan, and I will personally implement the Konoha collapse plan." Orochimaru suddenly yelled out, preventing Tang Ming from doing anything.

"Why?" Tang Ming also asked curiously. It stands to reason that Orochimaru has always had a deep affection for the third generation, and has never given up on this feeling until then, but he has never understood why Orochimaru killed the third generation with his own hands. , even at the expense of destroying Konoha.

Orochimaru's eyes lit up, and his bright red tongue licked his lips: "Because the teacher is old."

(End of this chapter)

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