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Chapter 210 Crashing Konoha to Send Her Teacher, First Meeting the Protagonist

Chapter 210 Crashing Konoha to Send Her Teacher, First Meeting the Protagonist

213. Collapsing Konoha to Send Her Teacher, First Meeting the Protagonist

"Because the teacher is old."

After listening to Orochimaru's answer, Tang Ming immediately had question marks on his face.What kind of explanation is this shit, when people get old, they will get old, and when they get old, you will kill people and destroy their homes, what the hell is this.

Orochimaru also showed a look of nostalgia: "The teacher is the third generation of Konoha, the famous Hokage, how can he die of old age on the hospital bed, even if he dies, he can only die on the battlefield."

"Even if it is death, it must be an honorable death at the hands of the enemy. The teacher is old and has lost the courage of the past. Let me, the disciple who respects him the most, use this most grand plan to send the teacher off." Immediately , Orochimaru's tone raised, and he roared out excitedly, his eyes filled with madness.

Tang Ming looked at Orochimaru who had completely fallen into his fantasy, and was speechless for a while. Although it is the highest honor for a soldier to die on the battlefield, it is a bit silly for you to help others complete it without asking if they are willing to do so.

But what Tang Ming cared about was only the mad scientist Orochimaru. As for the third-generation Hokage, that conspirator old man, let him die. Anyway, Tang Ming also looked down on Konoha, who was full of various political conspiracies.No wonder so many people want to ruin it.

"Okay, I promise you, what do you want to do." Tang Ming also asked directly.

Sure enough, Orochimaru still intends to use the same routine to sneak into Konoha pretending to be Kazekage, and Otonin Village also sent people to participate in the Chunin competition, and in the competition, they will cooperate with the Kingdom of Sand to implement the Konoha collapse plan.

At this moment, Tang Ming is also gradually understanding Dashewan's thoughts. His plan is not to really destroy Konoha, but to awaken Konoha's fighting spirit with the help of the third generation of goals. The large number of elite troops in the neighboring country of Sand has enough time for Konoha to awaken and rise completely.

With Tang Ming's shot, Kazekage could not be Tang Ming's opponent. After watching Kazekage show off all his ninjutsu with curiosity, he directly killed Kazekage with one palm, and took Kazekage's body into his pocket In the space, after all, it is the owner of the blood inheritance boundary, and it also has great research value.

Orochimaru pretended to be Kazekage and went on the road, while Tang Ming walked slowly towards Konoha alone. After all, this world of ninjutsu, which is completely different from any system, is worth studying.

Along the way, Tang Ming also encountered many ninjas who blocked the road and robbed him. After the Sanguang policy, Tang Ming also obtained a lot of ninjutsu cheats. Out of curiosity, he began to practice it simply. Although the systems are different, Tang Ming's realm is bypassed at this moment. It also entered the country very quickly, reached the Konoha, and became a qualified ninjutsu master.

After paying an invitation letter "picked up" on the road, Tang Ming also entered the Konoha smoothly.

Unlike other small villages encountered along the way, Konoha is like a metropolis, with countless high-rise buildings of various kinds, full of peace.But Tang Ming clearly felt that as soon as he entered Konoha, it was as if someone was watching him all the time. Without even thinking about it, he must be the strange old man who was voyeuristic, and Tang Ming ignored it.Just wandered around like no one else was around.

To say that the most amazing thing about the world of Naruto is not the various superb ninjutsu, but whether it is a modern or ancient setting. There are even TV projectors, but the people running on the roadside are still horse-drawn carriages. Can't make people understand his weird setting.

Regardless of the messy setting, Tang Ming came to the world of Hokage, so he naturally wanted to try the Ichiraku Ramen that made a cameo appearance in the whole Hokage. How much magical power is there to make the protagonist grow from a snack to a grown-up.

Walking and walking, I came to an alley, and happened to meet the protagonists of Hokage.

At this moment, Tang Ming also saw Gaara suddenly appearing beside Sasuke, which frightened everyone, and immediately Tang Ming became more playful.In an instant, he appeared next to Gaara: "Little Panda, hello."

"What, you..." Gaara was shocked, unexpectedly a person appeared beside him without a sound, and he didn't feel it at all, a shot of sand shot out from the gourd behind him and shot towards Tang Ming.He also quickly dodged and landed on the ground.

Gaara just dodged to the ground and was about to look in Tang Ming's direction when he felt a big hand appearing on his head: "Little Panda, why are you running? It's not good. oh."

"How is it possible?" Gaara was even more panicked. He had never met such a powerful opponent before, and he couldn't even find the opponent's traces. , wrapped around Tang Ming's arm.

"Sandstorm funeral, explode!" Gaara yelled.

The sand wrapped around Tang Ming's arm was instantly bound tightly, squeezed and exploded strongly, with a "pop", Tang Ming's entire arm exploded instantly, and Tang Ming also cried out in pain.

Blood fell on Gaara's face. Gaara looked at the extremely painful Tang Ming with a disdainful glance, and stuck out his tongue to lick the blood on his face. The whole person looked extremely bloody and terrifying: "Heh , so much strength, then let me die."

Gaara's sand had wrapped around Tang Ming's whole body, and his arm was lifted up, and he was fisting, the sand burst open immediately, and a burst of blood scattered from the sand at any time. "Hmph." Seeing Tang Ming's death, Gaara snorted arrogantly.

But when he raised his head and looked at the others, his eyes were full of shock, and his companion Temari and Kankuro also looked shocked, and Temari raised his hand tremblingly and pointed at my love behind Luo.

I love Luo suddenly felt a little uneasy, understood what, just wanted to turn around, but another big hand was placed on his head again in the same way: "Little panda, my just learned substitute technique How about it, is it realistic?"

At this time, Tang Ming was also holding an open scroll in one hand, and pressed his face against Gaara's, and asked with a bright smile, without any scars on his body.

And Gaara looked at that bright smile, and his whole body fell into incomparable fear, a powerful enemy he had never encountered before, his body involuntarily left a trace of cold sweat, and a wave of evil woke up quietly , slowly occupying his thinking.

"Little cat, you'd better stay inside." Immediately, a burst of true energy emanated from Tang Ming's palm, directly entering Gaara's body through Gaara's head.Immediately, there was an inhuman scream from Gaara's body, and then the blackness in Gaara's eyes dissipated.

"Who the hell are you?" Gaara came to his senses, and was even more shocked that this person could easily suppress Yiwei, and he was not resisting any more, and asked with surprise.

"Me? I'm just a passer-by. I heard that there is a delicious ramen in Konoha, so I planned to try it. I happened to pass by. By the way, does anyone of you know the way? Can you take me there?" Tang Ming also pointed at himself, pretending to be innocent.

"Uncle, I know. I go often, so I'll take you there." Naruto also exclaimed at the moment. He was so nervous that he naturally didn't see how terrifying Tang Ming's strength was. Involuntarily shouted.

"Bang" Tang Ming appeared in front of Tang Ming in an instant, and hit Naruto's head with a brain collapse. The pain was so painful that he was about to burst into tears, "If you want Big Brother to know, I'm so old Well." Tang Ming also threatened to pretend to be angry.

"Let's go, lead the way." Tang Ming also pulled the tearful Naruto to leave here.

"Wait, what's your name?" Gaara stopped Tang Ming.

Tang Ming turned around and smiled strangely: "My name is **, you can call me Brother Feng from now on."

(End of this chapter)

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