Thousands of world exchanges

Chapter 218 The opening of the drama

Chapter 218 The opening of the drama

221. The Opening of the Drama

"This is an emergency, leave it to us." Maolian Anbu patted Naruto on the shoulder and rushed out.

And Naruto felt a few light slaps from the palm of the dark part of the cat's face, and a peaceful breath poured into his body, and the energy of Nine Tails dissipated immediately.

"Kill, I'm going to kill you all." Gaara roared angrily, and directly knocked out several blocking Anbu.

At this moment, the dark part of the cat face is also close to the crazy Gaara, I saw him standing on the top of a big tree, his hands were also quickly pinched, and suddenly a huge piece of wood sprayed from his palm Come out, "Wood escape, four-pillar prison."

Suddenly four huge wooden blocks rushed out, knocking Gaara to the ground, and then the four pieces were directly inserted around Gaara, trapping him firmly in the wood in prison.

"Ah, I'm going to kill you." Gaara who was trapped was still struggling crazily, constantly beating the wooden prison that trapped him, and countless sawdust flew up from time to time.

And the Anbu of the cat face is also not in a hurry, writing and drawing on the ground constantly, and after a while a formation is formed on the ground, the Anbu of the cat face sits in the center of the formation, pointing his hands to my love who is about to get out of trouble Luo shouted loudly: "Seal."

Immediately, countless energies rushed towards Gaara from the formation, completely trapping Gaara in place, and this energy has a trace of ablation function, constantly weakening Gaara The energy of the tail beast on the body.

After a while, Gaara's arm transformed from sand gradually melted and dissipated, falling to the ground and becoming a pile of ordinary sand, but Gaara's body let out an astonishing sound. roared: "Ah, I'm not reconciled, why do you want me to go back again?"

After a while, Gaara returned to its original state, passed out, and fell to the ground.

And the cat-faced Anbe also walked towards Gaara, but at this moment, Temari and Kankuro who had fled to nowhere just now suddenly appeared in front of Gaara, blocking the cat-faced Anbe.

"Get out of the way, he is an extremely dangerous ninja, we want to take him away." At this moment, many Anbu also gathered, one of them also said coldly.

"Gaara is a ninja from my country of sand, you can't take him away. Besides, we didn't violate the rules of the Chunin Exam. It was you who took action against Gaara, which violated the regulations." Temari also showed a stern expression at the moment , Said fiercely.

Hearing Temari's words, many Anbu also looked at each other in blank dismay, it is true, just now they felt a strong chakra fluctuation and rushed here, seeing Gaara was even more surprised to find that Gaara turned out to be Jinjuriki, more Shocked, he shot to stop him.

At this moment, Konoha Village is even more turbulent. How dare you rest assured that there is such a renjuri that breaks out at any time to destroy here, and even wants to take him away directly, but is stumped by Temari's words. There is no rule that Renzhuli cannot participate, and they have indeed violated the regulations and shot the candidates.

When Anbu was in a dilemma, Maolian Anbu, the leader, said, "It is true that we violated the regulations and attacked him, but compared to you, you also know that Jinjuriki is too harmful. You can take him this time." Let's go, but if there is another time, we will not show mercy."

"Okay, there will never be a next time, thank you." Temari was relieved to hear Anbe's words, and hurriedly called Kankuro to carry Gaara on his back, thanked him and disappeared in place.

"My lord, is there something wrong?" Seeing the three leaving, Anbu asked the cat-faced Anbu with some doubts.

"There's nothing wrong with it. After all, Konoha and the Kingdom of Sand are allies now. Besides, Konoha has a lot of things going on right now, so it's better not to make extra troubles. I'll report this to Lord Hokage." Cat-faced Anbu said calmly while looking at the sky. .

"Okay, the game continues, let's go." Cat-faced Anbu said to the three Narutos, and withdrew from the scene with many Anbu, and disappeared into the distance.

And this place is not far from the central tower, Naruto and Sakura also took Sasuke to continue on the road, rushing towards the tower quickly.

In the end, just like the original book, Konoha's Twelve Xiaoqiang also completed the second match and successfully advanced to the final.

Before the start of the third game, Naruto and Sasuke also found Kakashi, but as an old fritter, Kakashi was not as easy to fool as Sasuke. Let Kakashi believe what Naruto said.

In the end, Kakashi also got into the car half-pushed, but he said that he would not do anything that would be detrimental to Konoha, and also taught Sasuke the famous stunt Raikiri just like the original book.

After a few days of rest, the final duel of the third game also began. Excluding the insignificant duels of other characters in the original book, the duel between Naruto and Neiji Hinata can be described as exciting.

Naruto even changed the unbearable method in the original book where he could only be beaten in embarrassment and win with a final sneak attack.Directly relying on one hand to walk around the Baguazhang is even more difficult to fight with Ning Ci.

And when Naruto used this trick that was extremely similar to the Hyuga family, it completely shocked everyone in the Hinata family. Naruto's Youshen Baguazhang came from the exchange, even though he was cheated to buy it.

But the old man who sold the cheats also had a smile on his face when he came to the door. Anyway, he will not return the goods even if he is killed, but there are some after-sales services, such as teaching Naruto Baguazhang himself.

The old man who sells cheat books is naturally Dong Haiping, the founder of this Baguazhang. After entering the exchange, because martial arts skills are not worth much, he stayed in the exchange for a long time and specially sold his Baguazhang to those who just entered the exchange. , relying on good after-sales service has not been complained so far.

Naruto, who has been carefully trained by the master of Baguazhang, has practiced Baguazhang to the top of the room. With the added power of Chakra energy, it is far better than the pirated Huaxia soft fist of the Hyuga family. His brother-in-law.He also won Hinata's heart, and Neji's heart was bleeding.

And the final decisive battle also came, that is Gaara vs. Sasuke, a battle of revenge began. At the beginning of the game, Gaara used all his strength, and his whole body was firmly covered by sand, without giving any damage. Yu Sasuke any chance.The scene fell into a stalemate for a while.

And above the stands, the third generation who had been diving for many days also appeared at this moment, sitting in the VIP seats chatting and laughing happily with Kazekage, aware of the imminent danger at all.

Just when Gaara was hit by Sasuke's Raikiri, the ultimate drama that Orochimaru had carefully prepared for a long time was finally staged.

As a large piece of goose feather fell, Orochimaru directly hijacked the bewildered third generation, opened the four purple flame array, and kicked off the master-student ultimate showdown.

(End of this chapter)

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