Chapter 219
222. Ruin
With a loud "boom", Gaara, who was injured by Sasuke Raikiri, was also completely angry. The blood aroused his fear and released the nightmare in his heart. After a huge burst of dust, a huge civet cat appeared the center of the arena.

And then there was more smoke and dust in the distance, and dozens of huge pythons appeared around Konoha, constantly attacking the wall of Konoha Village. Countless sand ninjas also exposed their hypocritical cloak at this moment, one by one. Killed the Konoha ninja beside him.

"Kazekage! What do you want to do? Could it be that you want to start a war between the two countries?" Looking at the surrounding scene, Sandai Hokage was even more dumbfounded, his expression was full of shock, and he didn't care about the kunai on his neck at all, and sternly asked.

"Jie Jiejie, you are really old, so you are content with peace? Sarutobi-sensei." Suddenly Sidai Kazekage laughed, and then he stared fiercely at Sandai.

"You are?" The Third Hokage stared at the eyes of the "Fourth" Kazekage, and he saw a familiar look in his eyes, the same cruelty, the same self-confidence, and asked in disbelief road.

The "Fourth Generation" Kazekage slowly grabbed his own face with one hand, and tore it off fiercely, revealing a pale and bloodless terrifying face, it was Orochimaru, and Orochimaru licked it Licking the kunai in his hand, the long snake-like tongue rolled over the kunai, which made people shudder even more.

"It seems that after so many years, you are still so naive, Sarutobi-sensei." Orochimaru revealed his true face, and said curiously, his eyes directly stuck to Sandai's face.

"Oshemaru, do you really want to destroy Konoha? This is your home?" Sandai looked at Orochimaru with a gloomy expression, and shouted anxiously as he watched Konoha being constantly destroyed by summoned beasts.

"Home, hahaha, joke, since the moment you drove me out of Konoha, I have no home anymore." Orochimaru laughed even more when he heard Sandai's words, and then roared even more .

The third generation looked at Orochimaru who looked more and more gloomy, and secretly mobilized Chakra to break away from Orochimaru, but was surprised to find that the Chakra in his body could not be mobilized at all, and he couldn't break free from Orochimaru's shackles even after struggling hard.

"Hey hey, teacher, do you still have to resist now?" Orochimaru seemed to have no bones all over, and was directly wrapped around Sandai's body, like a real snake, constantly spitting blood-red snakes at Sandai Nobuko.

"Oshemaru, do you know what you are doing? If you hadn't violated Konoha's regulations and arrested living people for experiments, how could you have fallen into the end of rebellion?" Sarutobi also gave up struggling at this moment, With a long sigh, the true feelings on his face began to play the emotional card.

"Regulations? Are you telling me the rules? Do you really think I don't know anything?" Da Shemaru roared crazily when he heard Sarutobi's words, his expression extremely ferocious.

"Human experiment? It's just a joke. There was no such experiment in that village. And from the beginning Danzang supported my experiment. It was you who arranged it. You have been waiting for my experiment to be successful, and then exposed me in one fell swoop. Not only you I have gained a lot of prestige and hit Danzo, and I have obtained my experimental results with two birds with one stone, and now I am still hypocritically telling me the rules..."

After listening to Orochimaru's words, Sarutobi also had a bitter expression on his face, and he was speechless immediately, but the fact was that he had been Hokage for many years at that time, and the selection of the fourth Hokage was also the beginning. Sarutobi wanted to stop Danzo Successor to the position of Hokage, he did not hesitate to use Orochimaru as bait to trick Danzo into supporting the research of Orochimaru.

As a result, Danzo took the bait and kept providing Orochimaru with human bodies for experiments, but at the last moment, he was taken over by the third generation. Although the public did not know the facts, Konoha's senior management knew all about what was behind Orochimaru. It was Danzo's instigation to completely block Danzo's Hokage dream.

As for Orochimaru, it is just a discarded pawn in the upper-level political game such as Sarutobi and Danzo. As for Orochimaru, who cares about him.In the end, the position of the Fourth Hokage was taken by a Namikaze Minato who had no background.

"Oshemaru, me." Sarutobi stammered at Orochimaru who looked aggressively, unable to speak.

"What's the matter, you've been told the truth by me, are you speechless? My beloved Sarutobi-sensei."

"Oshemaru, I'm sorry for you, but Konoha is innocent, and the people of Konoha are innocent, you..." Sarutobi looked at Orochimaru and mustered up the courage to continue, but before he finished speaking, he was caught Orochimaru interrupted directly.

"Innocent? Haha, you are really righteous. Do you really think that no one knows what you have done? Since you care so much about the safety of the people of Konoha, where did you go when Nine Tails appeared? Nine Tails wantonly Where did you go when you destroyed Konoha and killed the people?" Orochimaru continued to ask fiercely.

"Then the crisis, the moment of life and death is not hiding behind the scenes, waiting for the other party to make a move first, and then he will come out to take over the fruits of victory. Only that fool Namakaze Minato would naively do it himself, and the result? He lost his life in vain. Even his child is regarded as a victim of politics by you, living in humiliation." Da Shemaru said, pointing at Naruto who was full of tears in the stands.

Sarutobi looked at his face full of tears, and Naruto who looked at him with hatred also lowered his head. Since Namikaze Minato became the fourth generation, he thought that Namikaze Minato was Jiraiya's disciple, and he counted it himself Above is his teacher, who thought he was from his own family, who could manipulate him and control Konoha.

But unexpectedly, Namikaze Minato was a passionate person, not only rejected Sarutobi's kindness, but also acted arbitrarily, ignoring Sarutobi's opinion at all.

As a result, Namikaze Minato became Sarutobi's abandoned son. He was forced to fight in the battle of Kyuubi, and finally fell down with his blood and conspiracy. He came out unscathed to take over the results and continued. Take control of the leaves.

"There's also Nakoki of the Senju family, the Miemon of the Uchiha family, the white-eyed incident of the Hyuga family, and the white teeth of the Hatake family, and..." Orochimaru looked at Sarutobi who looked ashamed. I intend to let him go.

"That's enough, don't say any more. As long as it's for Konoha's stability, for Konoha's prosperity, it's okay to sacrifice a little bit." Sarutobi stopped Orochimaru's words directly, and said directly with firm eyes.

"Everything I do is for Konoha, and those factors that are not calm can only be wiped out in the bud. For the stability of Konoha, no matter how many plots I make, I have a clear conscience." Sarutobi Having completely dropped everything, he directly admitted.

"But have you considered our feelings?" Suddenly several figures appeared around the four purple flames, and each of them stared at Sarutobi with red eyes and hatred.

"Kakashi, Hyuga Hinata, Sasuke... you?" Sarutobi was suddenly a little dazed when he saw the crowd suddenly appearing.

Orochimaru let go of Sarutobi, and clapped his palms together: "Tsunade, Ziraiya, you've been listening for a long time, it's time to come out."

 Tomb-sweeping day, although it is not a good festival, but I don’t know why I just want to post a chapter/squinting smile

(End of this chapter)

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