Thousands of world exchanges

Chapter 238 Who the hell allowed you to enter the country?

Chapter 238 Who the hell allowed you to enter the country?

241. Who TM allowed you to enter the country?

Everyone was puzzled by Xiongba's deeds, and the generation of Xiongba was even more humiliated, begging Xiao Yao for forgiveness, and directly expressing that he would serve Xiao Yao in the future, and volunteered to be a security guard for Xiao Yao's spirit beast base for ten years to show his sincerity.

Everyone was even more puzzled, even if it was an apology, it was too much, not to mention that it was hostile at the time, and it was an accidental injury.Everyone was even more puzzled by Xiongba's behavior. They only thought that he had taken a fancy to Xiao Yao's local tyrant temperament, bowed his waist for money, and looked down on him one after another. It wasn't until later that everyone understood how correct Xiongba's actions were.

But the Juggernaut found Tang Ming, and exchanged all his skills and swordsmanship, just to get back his memory, expel the emotions of the seven generations in his body, and call back his memory and feelings.

Tang Ming also fulfilled his wish. After accepting all his skills, he took out the Qishi Wangqing from his body, and the emotions he restored helped him to return to his youth.

After that, Dugujian regained his youthful body, and sailed into the sea in a small boat to Dongying, looking for his former lover, but he was nowhere to be found.

And then Tang Ming also inquired about Shenlong. Shenlong will only appear in the world on the day of the Awakening of Insects. It is still early, and there is no leading party like Di Shitian. I am afraid that it will take a lot of money to find the island. Kung fu, let's wait and see.

And then Tang Ming also returned to the exchange. During this time, a big event happened on the exchange.

Marvel Huaxia Li Zheng established a tavern on the exchange, and the long-term stable income has made many people envious. Relying on these income, Li Zheng is also slowly buying commodities on the exchange to strengthen Huaxia.

Relying on the purchase of a large number of exercise cheats and a large number of elixir, Marvel's Huaxia has also gradually become stronger. After secretly conducting some experimental results of small movements, the results are gratifying, and Huaxia's heart gradually swells. So, they are going to make a big deal.

Therefore, they were led by Li Zheng himself, dispatched a group of masters who had been secretly trained for a long time, went directly to the United States, and directly attacked a secret laboratory of the SHIELD in the United States relying on the news of a senior spy who had been hiding for many years .

Relying on surprise, and doing things with the destruction of external cities, he successfully raided the laboratory of SHIELD, snatched away the cosmic Rubik's Cube that SHIELD had studied for a long time, and then detoured around several countries. Secretly recovered Huaxia.

Relying on the cover of several spies and a lot of complicated weapons to cover up the traces, they also successfully confused the United States, and the United States did not find out who did it.Even so, the United States has also completely exploded. The Cosmic Rubik's Cube is currently one of the most powerful energy sources on the earth, and it was stolen from the most powerful organization in the United States, SHIELD.

What was stolen is no longer the energy source, but the face of the superpower of the United States. The United States has gone completely crazy, mobilizing all intelligence and secret service agencies, and investigating the whereabouts of the Rubik's Cube around the world. It has become the biggest object of suspicion in the United States, and a large number of spies have frantically poured into China.

And the most gold medal mobile phone agency of S.H.I.E.L.D.--The Avengers also took action. In the name of the world's police, they went everywhere to eliminate violence and safety, and even entered China illegally to search for news.

This immediately angered Huaxia, this can be tolerated, and directly dispatched the relevant agencies to go out, just kidding, what about your passport, your visa, who the hell allowed you to enter the country, immediately go to the police station with me to report, first detain fifteen God will tell.

Immediately, the avengers who were domineering all over the world were finally speechless under the righteousness of China. The captain of the United States was also at a loss for words. Just about to say something, suddenly a few film policemen with big caps and a few customs officials The staff will arrest them directly with the certificate.

But the Avengers are used to freedom, so how could they bear the fate of being detained by their own ordinary police officers with silver handcuffs, they broke away from the police officers directly, and were about to flee, resisting arrest and obstructing law enforcement.

But what the Avengers didn't know was that all of this was recorded live by a hidden camera, allowing audiences across China and even the world to witness the Avengers' violent resistance to the law with their own eyes.

And the bullet screen of the Internet news also started to yell and curse, and the good reputation established by the Avengers in the Marvel world was suddenly destroyed. After all, Huaxia only sent relevant staff reasonably to ask them to accept the whole process. Investigation, no trace of irregularities.

On the contrary, the Avengers looked fearless, even injured law enforcement officers, and violently arrested them. Coupled with the real-time guidance of the news broadcasters, they even guided the audience's opinions and completely destroyed Marvel. People all over the world worship Avengers.

And the escaped avengers were not afraid, they still changed places and invaded various important institutions and military bases in China unscrupulously.

In the end, after a heated discussion on the Internet, there were endless accusations against Huaxia, and endless accusations against the Avengers.

In the end, this group of lawless Avengers were arrested. On the evening news in the evening, the Avengers who entered the country illegally were also arrested.

In the evening, the old man who was enjoying the shade under the big tree heard the following news: "Today, members of the Avengers broke into our country illegally, conducted illegal investigations in our country, wounded law enforcement officers and arrested them. It was captured by the police of our Chaoyang District Police Station at around [-] o'clock this evening, and it is understood that this organization is..."

Then you can see on TV, Captain America has a pair of panda eyes, covered in rags, constantly dodging the camera; Still got nosebleeds.

The two are the personnel sent to China by the Fulian this time. Behind the two are two mighty and sunny police officers from the police station. They handcuffed the two criminals and sent them to the car. After that, they respected the camera. A gift, explained to the audience in detail how to capture these two criminals, and used the two as a negative example to persuade the audience not to do illegal and criminal things.

On the other side of the earth, Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., slammed the TV remote control in his hand onto the ground. Isn’t this nonsense? It is too embarrassing and embarrassing to arrest the two super agents of the Avengers, and they were arrested because of illegal entry.

"Boss, the number of the White House." Suddenly, just as Nick Fury was about to curse, Black Widow came in twisting her sexy buttocks, and handed the phone to the director.

Afterwards, Nick Fury was severely scolded by the other end of the phone, while the United States held an emergency meeting to discuss the handling of this matter.

The same is true for China, which has attracted a series of countries that are dissatisfied with the United States, such as Lao Maozi, and condemned the United States in the name of righteousness, and strongly condemned illegal entry and Fulian interference in other countries' internal affairs.

Captain America and Iron Man were dealt with in accordance with the law, while the Chaoyang District Police Station stated that the two were arrested in their jurisdiction, and they first need to deal with their crimes of destroying public facilities, including two telephone poles and three being kicked. The trash can is broken, so I will be detained for [-] days first, and the trial will be held later.

After the Chaoyang Police Station issued an official announcement on the Internet, there was a 666.
And those who understand know that it's not that they don't want to judge, but they just want to use the two to make a political deal with the United States, and at the same time, they can strengthen their national self-confidence. Why not do it, you say yes, old iron.

(End of this chapter)

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