Chapter 239

242. Killing

Meanwhile, Captain Mi and Iron Man in the police station's detention center had bitter expressions on their faces. They couldn't tell what they were suffering. Originally, it wasn't once or twice that the Avengers had illegally invaded other countries. Who knew there was a big trouble this time. Knowing that the two policemen who ran out, one directly tapped Captain Mi, and Captain Mi suddenly found himself unable to move.

And then Iron Man just wanted to fly, but he was directly grabbed by a powerful big hand, dragged directly to the ground, smashed his mask with a punch, and even tore it open with his own hands He pulled out his own battery from his battle armor, and Iron Man, who was almost torn apart by his hands, dared not move, and honestly accepted the socialist trial with his head in his hands.

However, with strong physical energy, Captain Miguo broke free from the tapped acupoints and just wanted to escape, but found that he was directly knocked down by a smiling policeman, and he was beaten violently, which taught him what is real. The ancestor of martial arts.

And these two film policemen were played by Li Zheng and his subordinates. They have been in the exchange for so long and have been carefully cultivated with a lot of medicinal materials and cheats. If they can't even beat these two, can they still have a face?

And these two, Captain America with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and Iron Man, who was so scared that he almost peed, were also taken away under the eyes of the Chaoyang crowd who had been watching for a long time.This is probably a shame that the two of them will never forget in their lifetime.

"Hey, these spies are really not as good as one generation after another. Let's go away. Aunt Liu, please remove the telescope, Lao Li, stop squatting, and remove the traps." At this time, from a big tree An old man with a red hoop on his arm walked out from behind him, took out an intercom from his pocket, and said with some disappointment.

The old man also stared closely at the two captains who were taken away by the police. He seemed to see the battlefield where the war was raging, and then he let out a long sigh. He watched everyone disappear, but also slowly. Shaking the folding fan in his hand, he picked up the birdcage hanging on the tree and left. Only the five characters Chaoyang Volunteer written on the red band on his arm were particularly eye-catching.

"Clang, clang, clang." The uncle hummed a ditty and left, leaving only a plaque that read Chaoyang people welcome you. How can the most rigorous intelligence agency in China be the capitalist spies of the United States who can break in at will.

Although Huaxia has righteousness in it this time, and even broadcast the whole process live, directly capturing the members of the Avengers from the United States, but in the end it was because Huaxia stole the Cosmic Rubik's Cube from the United States, and things were hot, so they didn't dare to stay for a long time. wonderful.

And Li Hua also made a special trip to the exchange this time, in order to get rid of the Rubik's Cube, and by the way, he was also preparing to get a wave of sponsorship. After all, there are many mutants and supernatural beings in the United States. Although he is not weak anymore, his allies Well, the more the better.

"Are you sure you want to trade the Cosmic Rubik's Cube?" Tang Ming was playing with the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, and also curiously asked Li Zheng in front of him. Who would have thought that Huaxia would actually snatch it from his original joke.

"Yes, World Master." Li Zheng also looked forward to seeing how valuable this Cosmic Rubik's Cube is.

Tang Ming is also looking for information about this Cosmic Rubik's Cube, and this Cosmic Rubik's Cube contains infinite energy. As one of the infinite gems, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube possesses the energy of space, and can easily send a cosmic troop The value of traveling across space to Earth is immeasurable.

And the recovery value given by the system is between 100 million value points and 1000 million value points, which can explain its value, and if I collect the gems myself, I am afraid that I will inevitably fight Thanos in the future, but Tang Ming just After simply thinking for a moment, he directly ordered the gemstone.

Tang Ming directly gave Li Zheng 500 million value points, and upgraded Li Zheng's membership card to a gold card member. As for why he gave such a high price, it was a good thing, and more importantly, Huaxia took on a whole lot of responsibility. Due to the cause and effect, I am afraid that Huaxia will be the first to look for when Thanos appears in the future.

Li Zheng, who then fell into ecstasy, did not forget the purpose of his visit this time, and even asked Tang Ming to help Huaxia deal with the overwhelming army of mutants and the swarm of mutants.After all, it is really impossible to deal with so many demons and ghosts with one's own strength.

Tang Ming also thought for a moment, and suddenly his eyes lit up, agreeing to Li Zheng's request, and Li Zheng paid 100 million value points as the transaction amount.

And then Tang Ming also opened the system notification "The exchange released a large-scale mission to help China hunt down the evil mutants and mutants in the United States. At the same time, the exchange will recover the corpses of mutant humans. At the same time, note that mutant humans will also have some merit You will judge for yourself."

Tang Ming also immediately issued an order. Although this task is very unfair to some ordinary kind-hearted mutant humans, the transaction is like this. There is no so-called fairness in this world. Only the strong can represent fairness, and the weak can only become strong. It is a pawn in the game or transaction of the player, nothing more.

And many traders who received the information from the exchange are also preparing in full swing. Mutant humans can be regarded as another evolution of human beings, even stronger than these warriors.

They don't need exercise, and they don't need the simple and boring movements of practitioners who are boring day and night. What they need is talent, a natural ability, and they just need to practice constantly to strengthen them.

And powerful mutant humans are like Magneto, who can even manipulate the magnetic field on the earth, and Professor X has the most powerful telepathic ability in the world, and can even manipulate and control human minds silently.

Everyone was also shocked by the power of all kinds of powerful mutant humans in this world, but they were also jealous of their natural ability, and immediately began to form teams.

And in a corner of the exchange, a group of shining light bulbs also gathered for a meeting.

"Buddha today, have you received the news?" The Shaolin abbot of Yitian Slaying the Dragon World also eagerly asked the sweeping monk in front of him. The Buddha Lord of Buddhism, who becomes a Buddha today, is the Buddha of today, and all the monks in the exchange respectfully call the sweeping monk the Buddha of today.

"Amitabha, a few abbots, you are here. Compared to you, you have also received news from the exchange. Come because of the content of the news from the exchange." The sweeping monk also said calmly, chanting a Buddha's name.

"Lord Buddha, what do you think my Buddhism should do this time? The task of the exchange is to let us hunt and kill those mutant humans. Although they are mutated, they are still human beings in general and maintain their humanity. Dare to ask Lord Buddha, we are waiting for you. What should I do?" Many Shaolin abbots also asked the sweeping monk anxiously.

"These mutants are also human beings." The sweeping monk closed his eyes and remained silent after finishing this sentence, while the rest of the Shaolin abbots were anxious, and the monk Xuancheng of the Tianlong World was anxious. He is a member of Shaolin Temple for 200 years. The first in martial arts, with amazing talent, but he went into a rage and practiced himself crippled. Fortunately, the magic medicine of the exchange brought back Xuan Cheng's meridian, and he vigorously trained him to become the current number one thug in Buddhism.

"Lord Buddha, this is a rare opportunity. These mutated humans have already mutated, and some even rely on supernatural powers to abuse and harm innocent people. They are not considered human beings at all. When we take action in Buddhism, it can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people. What's the point? No way?" Xuan Cheng also roared out in a hurry.

"That's right, Lord Buddha, besides, we have no intention of killing some kind-hearted mutant humans. We only need to eradicate some mutants who are causing harm to all directions. We also do what we want, and we have no intention of killing evil." Tianlong's Xuanci The abbot also spoke persuasively.

"That's right, Lord Buddha. In this trip to exterminate the mutants, I heard that Taoism will be fully mobilized to kill the mutants at all costs. If we hesitate any longer, I'm afraid it will be a battle between Buddhism and Taoism in the future. I only heard three I can’t see Lord Buddha anymore.”

"Lord Buddha, make a quick decision,"

"Lord Buddha..."

The people also became more and more heated and expressed their opinions one after another. In short, it has one meaning. We only kill the bad and not the good, which is not considered a breach of the precept. The second is that if we don’t participate, we will be compared by Taoists go down.

The sweeping monk also hesitated for a long time, and slowly opened his eyes. The original benevolent eyes disappeared, replaced by a look of killing: "All monks obey the order, start killing!"

Thank you Brother Miye for the 100 starting coins!
Thank you is the 500 starting point coins rewarded by brothers!
 The chapter on Bubble Gum was written with some hesitation. After all, there are good and bad mutants, and it would be unfair to do so, but people who are not my race must have different hearts. Who made them crooked? I don’t know, brother What do you think?
(End of this chapter)

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