Thousands of world exchanges

Chapter 257 From Death to Life

Chapter 257 From Death to Life
260. From Death to Life
After dealing with Wang Lin's matter, Tang Ming also classified the complete cultivation system obtained from Situ Nan, and put it on the shelves of the exchange's mall.

Although there was a self-cultivation system long ago, it was also absorbed from the dilapidated self-cultivation system of A Chinese Ghost Story, so it can only be regarded as perfect.

And the next thing is about Xiang Ji. After Cui Ziwen's treatment, Xiang Yu stabilized his injury and slowly regained consciousness. The first thing he did when he woke up was to find Tang Ming directly and discuss resurrection things.

Tang Ming and Xiang Ji also came to Haixia, which was the place where Concubine Yu was besieged and killed herself.

Looking at the small mound in front of him, even the tomb where he didn't even dare to put a tombstone, Xiang Ji lay on the mound with tears in his eyes and wept bitterly.

Although he regained his strength by relying on the strength gained from the transaction, he still dared not come to this sad place again because of guilt, and couldn't bear to see his beloved turned into a pile of loess.

After a long time, Xiang Ji also calmed down, not caring about the dirty dirt on his body at all, walked up to Tang Ming, cupped his hands respectfully and said, "Master, I'm sorry."

Tang Ming also nodded when he saw this, and saw an eyeball appeared when Tang Ming flipped his hands. The pile is not moving.

Afterwards, Tang Ming waved his hand and summoned something from the system. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a living person, but the sockets and sockets of his eyes were empty, and he lost his eyeballs.

Tang Ming waved his hand, and the reincarnation eye in the sky was immediately guided to shoot at the living person, and the eyeball appeared in the living person's eyes intact.

And this living person is actually not a living person, but Professor Isaacs of Biohazard developed a clone, yes it is still the image of Alice.

In order not to study with living people, Tang Ming also came up with this compromise method, using cloned people instead of living people for human experiments, but did not give these cloned people spiritual intelligence, and it was completely operated by the system, which also relieved the psychological pressure. Guilt and divine punishment.

After the clone merged with the eyes of reincarnation, a thin needle also appeared in Tang Ming's hand, which was directly inserted into the clone's body, and then he took control of the clone.

The clone manipulated by Tang Ming also quickly pinched his hands and made a handprint. After several seconds of continuous printing, the clone shouted: "The art of reincarnation."

Immediately, a gentle white light radiated from around the clone's body, completely covering the sky above the tomb. The white light flowed into the tomb like a small stream.

After a long time, all the rays of light were absorbed by the tomb, but at this moment the original tomb was condensed into one piece, as if it was made of cement.But then there was a "click", and a gap was opened in the tomb.

Immediately afterwards, with a "boom", the entire tomb was completely exploded, and a burst of stones and dust flew around.

When the dust cleared, Xiang Ji walked in and saw a big hole appeared in the tomb, and in the big hole was lying a beautiful figure, with soft and full red lips, and a delicate and exquisite Xiaoyao nose, which was born gracefully on her face. On the beautiful, pure, quiet and elegant dimple, coupled with her graceful and smooth cheeks, and her pink face that can be broken by blowing, she is a peerless beauty of national beauty and heavenly fragrance.

Looking at the familiar face, Xiang Ji was so excited that he shed tears, and wanted to go down in a hurry, holding her tightly in his arms.

But Tang Ming hurriedly grabbed Xiang Ji: "Wait a minute, it's not finished yet. Yu Ji died for too long, and the innate technique of reincarnation only resurrected his body, and her soul hasn't come back yet." .”

"Bang," I saw that the clone who was originally casting spells had completed his mission, lost his own life, and fell to the ground. The reincarnation eyes in his eyes also became dark and useless.

Tang Ming waved his hand, then retracted the destroyed Samsara Eye in the clone's eyes, and waved again, a large hole appeared beside him, in which the dead clone was placed and covered with soil.

After doing all this, Tang Ming's mind moved, but a book and a pen appeared from his body, emitting a shining light, which seemed to be extraordinary.

At the current exchange, although the Six Paths Reincarnation Stone in A Chinese Ghost Story World can revive life, if the body is not there, there is no way to do it, so Tang Ming came up with this method.

First use the natural technique of reincarnation to resurrect the human body, and then use the book of life and death and the judge's pen to communicate the will of the plane of the corresponding world, find the soul of the dead, return the soul to its place, and resurrect it completely.

I saw Tang Ming holding the judge's pen in one hand and the book of life and death in the other. With a movement of his mind, a rule of power was emitted from the two, and then flew to the sky, connecting the will of the plane.

After a while, a ray of light descended from the sky, and suddenly the book of life and death in Tang Ming's left hand flew out. When the light came on, the book of life and death quickly became larger, and a blank page was opened.

Tang Ming also held the judge's pen, and after asking about Yu Ji's birth date, he wrote down Yu Ji's name and his birth date in the book of life and death.

After Tang Ming wrote Yu Ji's name, the book of life and death seemed to have received information, and even more like a search engine, quickly turned the pages. The names of famous people in history.

In the end, the picture of the book of life and death was frozen, and a picture appeared in the book of life and death, Yu Ji's name and the birth character, and the picture of her final death also appeared.

"Okay, it's her." Seeing that Tang Ming instilled merit into the judge's pen, the judge's pen immediately shone with gold. Tang Ming took the judge's pen and marked the word "death" behind Yu Ji's name on the life and death book, and ticked it fiercely. Erase dead characters.

Immediately, the merit Tang Ming instilled in the judge's pen dissipated and flew into the sky.

And after the sky accepted this merit, a ray of light connecting the book of life and death flashed from the sky, and a ball of light appeared on the book of life and death, and in the ball of light was the image of a woman, curled up delicately Group, arousing people's pity.

"Go..." Tang Ming protected the ball of light with his true energy, shouted loudly, and the ball of light also flew towards Yu Ji's body lying in the tomb.

After everything was over, the ray of light connecting the book of life and death withdrew to the sky, and the book of life and death flew back into Tang Ming's hands, and it was taken back into the body together with the judge's pen.

"Okay, your transaction is complete, cherish it. Give you three days off, and come to the exchange to tell me about your other world after three days." After speaking, Tang Ming also disappeared into the original place. land.

After Xiang Ji listened to Tang Ming's words, his whole body trembled immediately, his head was like being pressed by a huge boulder, and he turned slowly bit by bit with difficulty, looking at the original tomb.

"Your Majesty." A voice as crisp as an oriole sounded.

Looking at Yu Ji who was sitting up in the coffin and calling him softly, Xiang Ji couldn't bear the feeling in his heart anymore at this moment. The people who had thought about it day and night, but were separated by yin and yang, now finally meet again, even if thousands of words can't say it. It's hard to describe the excitement in my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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