Thousands of world exchanges

Chapter 258 Capture the Dragon

Chapter 258 Capture the Dragon
261. Capturing the Dragon
After completing the resurrection transaction of Xiang Ji, this auction can be regarded as a successful conclusion.

But just as Tang Ming was about to start the mission system again to find missions, Orochimaru and others from the research office of the exchange came to him.

The blood of Xiang Ji obtained by Orochimaru and others before wanted to be studied, but they put Xiang Ji's blood on various instruments and equipment for research, but did not get any results, it was completely ordinary human genes , which disappointed them greatly.

But they were not discouraged. They also found Huo Qilin in Fengyun World and asked for some blood. Although Huo Qilin's strength is not strong, his body and blood are miraculous. Created an invincible unicorn arm.

They have some research results, but they are not satisfied with the status quo, and they even set their minds on other monsters, and finally set their sights on the dragon in Fengyun World. Qilin's blood has such a magical effect. They are looking forward to the blood even more.

As for the difficult problem of Shenlong not appearing before the time for the birth of the dragon, they also swore to give a guarantee. Seeing how they were full of expectations, Tang Ming had no choice but to agree.

And also for this Shenlong capture plan, Orochimaru and others also made preparations in advance, and even invited the major forces of the exchange to participate. Lu Bu, Nagato, Danzo and others also invited them all. , these forces were also very interested in capturing the dragons one by one, not to mention the exclusive invitation from the research institute of the exchange, they even agreed with a pat on the chest.

Thus, the Shenlong capture plan started, and everyone came to Fengyun World together.

In other words, after the traders made a big fuss in the world of wind and cloud last time, the world of wind and cloud has also become an open world. From time to time, some traders go to the world of wind and cloud to practice and look for some elixir treasures.

Although most of the traders are acting quietly, the reputation of the traders has gradually spread in the Fengyun plane, and many fighters are resident in the Fengyun plane, often kicking the various sects and martial arts masters , under the guidance of Xiongba, the leading party, Wuming, the first evil emperor and other masters suffered even more, and groups of masters went to challenge and kick the hall in groups.

Naturally, these big disturbances caused by the battle madness cannot escape the monitoring of the Tianmen forces, and many traders have also fallen into the attention of Di Shitian.

"Mother God, did I ask you to check the origins of those people last time?" In Tianmen, in a secret room full of cold air, a man with an ice mask on his face said to Luo Xian, his voice was low and cold , like the magic sound issued in the heavens of hell.

"Master, my subordinates are incompetent. I only found out some masters who suddenly appeared in the rivers and lakes recently. Ximen Chuuxue, Ye Gucheng and others are all from the same force. They call it the Thousand Worlds Exchange." Luo Xian heard about the emperor. What Shi Tian said made him kneel down hastily in fright, and lowered his head deeply, not even daring to take a second look at Di Shitian's back on the ice platform.

The traders of the exchange had just appeared in the world of wind and cloud recently, and they surrendered the fire unicorn as soon as they came out, and they didn't know where they took the fire unicorn. The top masters of the major forces are even more defeated than defeated.

Originally, Di Shitian was quite interested after he got the news. Tianmen is also used to these masters whose origins cannot be found. The world is getting bigger, and it is not a big deal for some hidden masters to appear suddenly. It is also commonplace.

However, Tianmen has established a sect for a hundred years, and there are certain records of the information of the major sects and the information of the major hidden families in the collection, but unexpectedly, after searching for a long time, there is no information about these people at all, and even the number of martial arts is not recorded at all. .

This surprised Di Shitian a little, but then these traders were able to subdue the fire unicorn and take it away, which surprised Di Shitian even more. Take down this beast, but even if you take down, Di Shitian is afraid that he will be injured.

And because the blood of the fire unicorn is demonic, it has no effect on Di Shitian, who yearns for immortality, and the fire unicorn has nothing to do with Di Shitian.How could Di Shitian, who is timid by nature, do these meaningless things easily, and it is precisely because of this that Huo Qilin has had no natural enemies for many years.

As for the fire unicorn being caught by a group of warriors, Di Shitian was also slightly surprised by them, but knowing nothing about their origin made Di Shitian deeply vigilant. For the first time in so many years, I felt something beyond my control.

This is absolutely intolerable to Di Shitian, who has lived for nearly a thousand years and is already somewhat nervous, wanting to control everything in his own hands.

"Have the people sent to recruit them come back? What did they say?" Di Shitian also suppressed the discomfort in his heart, and asked in a slightly calm voice.

"He, they are all dead, only one left to report back, they said, they said..." Luo Xian was also terrified when he heard Di Shitian asked about the solicitation, his head was firmly on the ground, hesitating Said.

"What did they say..." Di Shitian was also furious. For these mysterious figures, Di Shitian also planned to recruit some people first by virtue of the prestige of Tianmen, and slowly plan.

"They not only rejected my Tianmen's recruitment, but also killed the envoys who went to recruit them, and said that you, the master, are a traitor. They stole the fairy medicine, and they want to punish you for the crime of deceiving the emperor." Luo Xian did not hesitate to directly After finishing speaking in one breath, he knelt on the ground with a look of death.

After listening to Luo Xian's words, Di Shitian surprisingly didn't react or say anything, which made Luo Xian raise his head curiously, while Di Shitian, who was sitting on the ice platform, felt violently in his heart. Shocked, the body trembled involuntarily.

Di Shitian is also Xu Fu. Back then he lied to Qin Shihuang to look for the elixir, but he found phoenix blood and ate it himself. Afterwards, he ran to Dongying and never dared to come back. He didn't dare to come back until he heard the news of Qin Shihuang's death. return.

But the biggest secret in the past thousand years was uncovered by someone. Looking at his tone, Di Shitian even thought of Qin Shihuang, and the majestic figure that reigned in the world back then, and his body trembled involuntarily.

"He, who is he?" Di Shitian said, but his voice was not as majestic as before, but he became a little panicked.

"He said his name was Ying Zheng, and he was also called Zhao Zheng. This person is probably some kind of bluffer, who dared to use Qin Shihuang's name..." Seeing that Di Shitian was not angry, Luo Xian gradually became more courageous.

"He came back, and he really succeeded. Ah." After hearing Luo Xian's name, Di Shitian jumped up in fright, then hit the wall and fell to the ground.

I saw Di Shitian squatting in the corner with disheveled hair, even the ice mask on his face was shattered, but he didn't care at all, but there was no spirit in his eyes anymore, only fear.

Through Di Shitian's terrified eyeballs, one could even see a figure in his eyes, a figure that would overwhelm the world and make all living beings in the world tremble.

(End of this chapter)

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