Thousands of world exchanges

Chapter 282 World Advancement

Chapter 282 World Advancement
285. World promotion
After discussing with the system, Tang Ming also found a way to upgrade the exchange.

However, Tang Ming's wrinkled forehead also stretched out, but he was secretly wary of the system in his heart. It seemed that the system also wanted Tang Ming to upgrade as soon as possible.

After a while, the scattered mist that was originally hit by Tang Ming also shrouded the mountain again. Seeing this, Tang Ming ignored it, sealed the area again, and left here.

Having found the direction to upgrade, Tang Ming also rekindled his fighting spirit.

The next step is how to complete the upgrade.Upgrade ten worlds to Tier [-] worlds.

It seems that this task is simple, but in fact it is not so easy.

There are already third-level worlds in the world currently owned by the exchange, but there are only two third-level planes, Fengyun World and Naruto World.

Most of the other planes are still stuck in the second-level plane, such as the world of the Allied Forces of the Four Nations. Although they are the first batch of development, the planes have already advanced by leaps and bounds, but they are still stuck in the second-level plane. The subversion of the plane has been slow to advance.

It is not that there has never been a second-level plane promoted to a third-level plane before. As a result, the resource strength of the Shang Dynasty Alliance is no less than that of any alliance of the four-nation coalition.

Due to the hasty promotion, everything was not prepared properly, and the result was broken, the promotion failed, and the result was even more backlash. A second-level top plane was re-degraded to the first-level plane, and the alliance's investment in it suffered heavy losses. .

It is even more difficult to advance from the top few major forces to the second-tier forces. It is so difficult to advance to the third-level plane, let alone advance to the fourth-level plane. This is also a wake-up call for other forces.

There are many different levels of planes. The first level plane is equivalent to the ordinary world. In this world, aura is rare. If it is based on the difference in strength, then there is no martial arts, only ordinary people rely on simple Martial arts fight.

On the second-level plane, the aura is slightly sufficient, and there are martial arts in the world, and the masters have all kinds of martial arts cheats, and rely on internal strength to fight.The second-level high-level plane has a foundation for comprehension.

The second to third-level planes are a big hurdle, and the aura of the third-level plane is more abundant, and there is a guarantee of cultivation. This is why Fengyun and Hokage in the third-level world are destroyed at every turn. The big move of destroying heaven and earth, even all kinds of mythical beasts and strange creatures exist here.

Upgrading from the second-level plane to the third-level plane requires not only the amount of aura, but also a kind of consciousness, a consciousness that can make the plane's original promotion.It is also the power of a simple law.

There are many kinds of consciousness that can allow the plane to advance. It can conquer the city, let the dynasty lay down a large area of ​​territory, and forcibly advance to the world with ample national power.You can also rely on your powerful strength to break through yourself, attract catastrophe, awaken the will of the plane with the power of heaven and earth, and re-examine the plane, so as to achieve the goal of promotion.

But this also has a certain success rate. If the plane does not meet the requirements for promotion, it may even attract the backlash of consciousness and reduce the level of the plane. As a result, if the promotion fails, the vitality of the plane will be seriously injured.

This is also one of the reasons why the major alliances continue to buy heaven and earth spirit grass and plant them in their own worlds, accumulating spirit energy all the time, and delaying promotion. good.

Besides, no one knows how much aura is needed to advance to the third-level plane. In case of failure, the vitality of the plane will be severely damaged, and who knows how long it will take to recover.

"It seems that it is time to launch a new business that advances to the plane."

Now that he knows how to do it, Tang Ming is no longer in a hurry, and is slowly calculating.

At this stage, most of the dynastic planes have reached the pinnacle of the second-level plane, but no one wants to be the first bird. After all, no one can guarantee that nothing will go wrong. Qualified to the top.

And what Tang Ming has to do is to stimulate their desire to advance, otherwise no one will dare to take the lead, then when will he have to wait for the exchange to upgrade.

So, a gossip spread out that Xiang Ji, an employee of the exchange, entered an extremely powerful world for trials a while ago. After returning, his lover Yu Ji was resurrected, all demons disappeared, and he entered the infinite space to practice. A hundred years later, another breakthrough is about to take place.

But before everyone was surprised by Xiang Ji's breakthrough speed, another gossip came out, saying that if you advance to the third-level plane, although there are many ways, if you use the method of the strong to break through the catastrophe to awaken the consciousness of the plane , such a plane will be more powerful after being promoted to the third-level plane, and the stronger the breakthrough, the more abundant the aura of the promoted plane will be.

These two pieces of news could not help sparking heated discussions among the people in the exchange, especially within the major alliances. There were many discussions about whether to try to make a breakthrough.

And during this period of time, there was an endless stream of traders who came to find the treasurer of the exchange, Yuan Tiangang. They were all the leaders of the major dynasties. idea.

After all, everyone in Tang Ming didn't dare to trouble anyone in the exchange, and no one could figure out Xiang Ji's violent temper, but only Yuan Tiangang became the source of news for everyone.

"Lord, these people have come here three times today, don't you think so..." Yuan Tiangang also complained slightly to Tang Ming.

"Is anyone going to advance?" Tang Ming smiled lightly, but he didn't care, but asked lightly.

"Yes, there are, but most of them are relatively conservative and plan to accumulate some more. However, there are two alliances that have great ideas about this. It seems that they are ready to start." Yuan Tiangang saw Tang Ming asked the question and replied respectfully.

"Oh, which two are they?"

"The Alliance of the Han Dynasty and the Alliance of the Qing Dynasty."

Hearing Yuan Tiangang's answer, Tang Ming couldn't help being a little surprised. The Han Dynasty Alliance was ready to take action, which is not surprising. Emperor Wu of the Han's violent temper did not agree with him to destroy the Xiongnu. Tang Ming was very curious about having such courage.

"Great Qing Alliance? Don't they only have one plane left? Why do they need money to meet the requirements for promotion? Could it be that someone is behind them to support them?" Tang Ming couldn't help asking curiously.

"Reporting to the Lord, I have checked this, and no one supports them. It's just that a few talents came out of their plane and joined the exchange's fighting team. This person's fighting skills are good, and he became the fighting team The core members of the Qing Dynasty gained a lot of value for the Qing Alliance." Yuan Tiangang said directly without thinking, it seems that he was already prepared.

"Inverted talent? Who is it?" Ever since Hu Bayi established the Inverted Squad, he has been wandering in various planes, stealing treasures buried in various planes, and gained a lot of money, but most of them are ordinary things.

Yuan Tiangang also took out his record book, and searched a few times: "The leader of the few people who joined the Inverted Team is Sun Dianying, and their inverting skills are extraordinary. During this period, they broke the record in the world of A Chinese Ghost Story. A lot of treasures and cheats have been harvested from the tombs of several peerless masters."

Hearing Sun Dianying's name, Tang Ming couldn't help laughing. It seems that after these braids left Huang Taiji, they would use their brains and find suitable talents.

(End of this chapter)

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