Chapter 283
286. Visitors from Space
Sun Dianying, a great warlord who was born in a tomb robbery, once also robbed Cixi's tomb.

Unexpectedly, the Great Qing Alliance would be able to take him for their own use, and let him join the exchange's inversion team to earn value for the Qing Alliance. This was also something that Tang Ming did not expect.

I thought that the Qing Dynasty alliance, which was able to barely survive because of the little value left in its hands, could still make a difference by guarding the only remaining plane after being cheated by Huang Taiji.

The alliance of the Qing Dynasty relied on a plane with exhausted spiritual energy and serious pollution in modern times. Not only did it survive, but it also raised the plane to the top of the second-level plane. infinite.

"Do these two alliances have a world that wants to advance?"

"Yes, the Qing Dynasty Alliance is currently dominated by Kangxi, and he has been acting in the past few days. He wants his subordinates to disclose some information about the promotion to him. In addition, he also hopes to contact General Xiang Ji and go to their plane to advance. .” Yuan Tiangang also said with a smile.

Tang Ming couldn't deny it after listening to it: "Oh, Kangxi, it's interesting, but it's a good idea. What about the Han Dynasty Alliance?"

"Liu Che of the Han Dynasty Alliance has been making friends with all kinds of lone ranger masters during this time. Even Situ Nan, a master of cultivation, has been recruited by Liu Che. He drinks and has fun with Situ Nan every day. Situ Nan seems to be very optimistic about Liu Che's Han Dynasty. The alliance, it seems, is also planning to agree to help the Han Dynasty alliance.

After listening to Yuan Tiangang's introduction, Tang Ming nodded in satisfaction.

Originally, the news that Xiang Ji was about to break through was first released, and then the benefits of being promoted by a master who broke through to the plane were released. He originally planned to rely on Xiang Ji's prestige to attract several alliances to break through early to help him complete the task, but he really did not expect these alliance leaders patience.

One by one also endured the benefits of being promoted temporarily, and forcibly waited for the top bird.

But there is still something that can't help it. Liu Che's Han Dynasty Alliance is considered to be the top of all the alliances in the exchange, but it is really helpless. At the top, the Allied Forces of the Four Nations joined forces to firmly occupy the number one throne.

Next, there are two Buddhist and Taoist families to suppress. I thought it would be possible only in the future, but Huang Taiji sold his teammates, and the Yuan Dynasty Alliance made a lot of profits, and he also suppressed himself.

One step later, step by step, being suppressed by so many powerful forces, the original powerful light of the Han Dynasty Alliance was also covered up, and gradually the news about the Han Dynasty Alliance became less and less.

Although the Han Dynasty Alliance belongs to the top few powers on the exchange, it is like diving into the water without any news.

It was only recently that the exchange released news of the promotion, which reminded people of this powerful alliance.

In order to break the glory shrouded by many powerful forces, Liu Che also decided to give it a go. Since the other forces are not moving forward one by one, then he will be the first one to eat crabs.

Break the brilliance of the major leagues that have been pressing on his head, and redefine the rankings of the major leagues of the exchange.

The same is true for Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty alliance. He was betrayed by Huang Taiji, and more than a dozen emperors were homeless and reduced to a world. How could such a miserable thing make them swallow their breath.

After re-establishing the alliance, the first thing they did was to smash Huang Taiji's spiritual seat to pieces, and even tossed his corpse into a grave to avenge their hatred. Although they were not real people, they could at least resolve their hatred.

Afterwards, it is the ancestral method of going to TM, directly put profit first in everything, everything is aimed at capturing more value points, everything in the front is the sworn enemy, and they will do everything in order to accumulate strength and revenge.

It is also true that Sun Dianying, the tomb robber most hated by royal nobles, will also be reused.

The Qing Dynasty also relied on cultivating Sun Dianying, an orange card-level tomb robber, and also relied on tomb robbery to generate additional income. It became a main business of the Qing Dynasty Alliance. The plane has been promoted to a second-level high-level plane.

The gate of the third-level plane can be broken through with just one short kick.

In a mountain range on the outskirts of the capital in the Qing Dynasty plane.

Since the Great Qing Alliance began to develop the plane with all its strength, it has focused on the development of heavy industry and made great strides towards the technological plane. However, it has not forgotten the industrial pollution that has a great impact on aura.

Of course, this is also an essential stage for the development of society, as long as the garbage is disposed of regularly.As a result, dozens of boats full of rubbish traveling to and from the European continent every week also headed towards the territory of a group of white pigs with black smoke.

And this mountain on the outskirts of the capital is not an ordinary mountain. It was built by Kangxi with all his strength. The whole mountain was designed by Guiguzi, a famous Fengshui master of the Exchange.

According to Guiguzi, he watched the stars at night and designed it after various calculations. He even went to the Taoist school and invited an expert formation to design a formation for him to gather dragon energy. It is formed by the accumulation of dragon energy on the surface.

Of course, the Lingmai designed by Guiguzi and Daomen is also very expensive. As the planner, Guiguzi charged several thousand value points, yes, thousands of value points. There is no way that the competition is too fierce. It's not that the signboard of Guiguzi is easy to use, maybe the business has been robbed.

Today's young people, Zhuge Liang and Lu Xun, really don't know how to respect the old and love the young. Even Liu Bowen, the national teacher of the Ming Dynasty alliance, and Yuan Tiangang, the national teacher of the Tang Dynasty alliance, come out occasionally to earn some extra money. Really worthless.

The formations designed by Taoism will naturally not be as cheap as Guiguzi, but in the same situation where some Buddhist schools compete with other casual cultivators, the price is naturally not too high, and it is only a simple first-level plane, and the price is also affordable. within range.

After the completion of this meticulously built Lingshan, Kangxi bought a large amount of spiritual grass from other worlds of the exchange (that is, grass containing some spiritual energy). It is to let Lingshan play his role as soon as possible.

After having the strong logistics supply of the exchange, the Qing Dynasty also completely sounded the horn of plunder, and even from near to far, it swallowed up all the countries around China, and completely occupied the entire piece of Asia. .

Similarly, the strength of the national fortune also lies in the size of the country, occupying a large area of ​​land, coupled with the Lingshan designed by Guiguzi, the skyrocketing national fortune and the Lingshan began to operate.

Relying on the powerful national fortune, it also continuously exudes spiritual energy towards the plane, transforming the plane.

Today, in order to speed up the development, the Qing Dynasty Alliance has purchased a large number of technological weapons from the technological plane. Relying on super-technological weapons, it also quickly conquered the world. In just one year, it occupied more than half of the plane. One of the reasons why the plane entered the secondary plane so quickly.

But at this moment, a group of aliens came from Lingshan, the lifeblood of the Qing Dynasty, and gathered on the land that the Qing royal family regarded as a sacred mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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