Thousands of world exchanges

Chapter 294 This Is My Confession

Chapter 294 This Is My Confession

297. This is the explanation I gave

Immediately, everyone felt this unique aura.

The aura is extremely pure, far more pure than the aura of those third-level planes. I am afraid that one year of cultivation on this plane is worth decades of cultivation on one's own plane.

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing I almost forgot to tell you." Suddenly, the drunk Situ Nan woke up suddenly.

I saw him flying staggeringly to the foot of Mount Tai, forming a palm with one hand, splitting the mountain range with one palm, and a large snow-white crystal object appeared in the mountain range.

Situ Nan inhaled with one hand, and a white spar came up: "After the plane is promoted, there will be not only changes in spiritual energy, but also spiritual stones will be accumulated in mountains with sufficient spiritual energy. Although the current level is not high, but It will slowly change in the future and become more and more sufficient.”

After hearing Situ Nan's introduction, everyone was full of envy and desire for the large snow-white spiritual stone at the foot of Mount Tai. If it wasn't for Liu Che's territory, they might have already robbed it.

When Liu Che saw Situ Nan's actions, he also cursed secretly in his heart, you can't tell me alone later, you have to say it when there are so many people.But it was obvious that Situ Nan was unconscious and fell into the pile of spirit stones.

Liu Che was also helpless. Seeing the bright eyes of everyone, he also changed his tone, and said straightforwardly: "This time, I have successfully advanced to the Dahan Alliance plane. Thank you for watching the ceremony. There are some spirit stones here, and you can take them as you like. A few, let’s treat it as a return gift from our Han Dynasty Alliance. I will hold a feast in Luoyang City later, and I invite you all to come and see me.”

And many traders, after hearing the first half of Liu Che's sentence, they took the spirit stones here at will, and rushed towards the spirit stones one by one frantically, stuffing a lot of them into their clothes, so they couldn't hear what Liu Che said behind them.

Seeing this, Liu Che shook his head helplessly, and left Li Guang in charge of informing these red-eyed traders. At the same time, it was also to prevent these red-eyed people from digging other spiritual veins. Formed, relying on the ore corpses accumulated in the earth to form some low-grade spirit stones.

If you dig it all up now, it will be a real loss.It is the kingly way to wait for the aura to be fully accumulated, and to wait until it has grown into a high-grade spirit stone before digging.

And Liu Che and his party also left at this moment and flew in the direction of Luoyang.

At this moment, the plane has expanded several times, and the original one-hour journey ended up taking four or five hours to reach Luoyang.There is also a huge lake inexplicably in the middle.

When they arrived at Luoyang City, the people of the Han Dynasty Alliance also looked at Luoyang City. Luoyang, the capital of the country, which was originally full of aura and overflowing with the aura of the emperor, was in decline.

It seems that thousands of years have passed, like a dying candle in the wind.The glory of a few days ago is no longer there.

When Liu Bang saw such a city of Luoyang, he also thought about it. He originally accused Liu Che of acting arbitrarily and forcibly breaking through the fourth-level plane, but he didn't expect Liu Che to succeed.

But when he saw Luoyang City, he thought of something else.

"Liu Che, look at the good deeds you have done. In order to advance to the fourth-level plane, even the foundation of the big man was defeated by you, and the foundation of the dynasty for hundreds of years was wiped out by you. Now there is a fourth-level plane. face, but there is no dynasty luck to control it..."

"What do you want to say?" Liu Che directly interrupted Liu Bang, looking at Liu Bang coldly and asked.

Seeing Liu Che's cold eyes and shocking aura, Liu Bang couldn't help trembling, but then he mustered up the courage and shouted loudly: "You don't care about the alliance, you only care about your own desires, and you have spent a lot of funds of the alliance. You don't deserve it at all. Then be the leader of the Han Dynasty Alliance."

"Then what you mean is up to you to do it." Liu Che still looked at him coldly, but looked at Liu Bang with the eyes of a dead person.

"No, no, it's just that you got a useless fourth-level plane, I think it's a bit wrong." Liu Bang couldn't help but trembled when he saw Liu Che whose murderous intent was getting stronger.

"What about you? Do you think so too?" At this moment, Liu Che also looked up at the other emperors of the Han alliance.

"Ahem, Liu Che, we have no such intentions, but you have spent countless funds, and even paid the price of the luck of a plane dynasty, but in the end you got a useless fourth-level plane. If you want to To make this plane work, I don’t know how much money has to be invested, so you have to give us an explanation.” At this time, Liu Che’s nominal father, Emperor Han Jing Liu Qi, also spoke.

"Yes, that's right. This matter has caused a heavy loss to our Han Dynasty Alliance. You have to give us an explanation." At this time, seeing Liu Qifa's words, the rest of the emperors also said one after another.

Liu Che saw all the emperors like this, but his cold eyes disappeared, but his tightly bound face stretched, and he even laughed.

"Okay, if you want to explain, then I will give you an explanation."

After speaking, Liu Che took out the Chuan Guo Yuxi and threw it high into the air.

I saw that Yuxi turned into a white tiger again, and roared in the air with her head held high. Suddenly, a strong coercion made everyone breathless.

"Liu Che, do you want to kill us? Let me tell you, if you dare to kill us, you will be cast aside and ashamed by the people of the world..." Seeing Liu Che release the white tiger, Liu Bang was terrified Got up and screamed.

"Tranquility." This was the only comment Liu Che had on Liu Bang's words.

Then, ignoring Liu Bang's nonsense at all, he controlled the white tiger to attack Luoyang City directly and fiercely.

And the white tiger roared, and rushed towards Luoyang City fiercely. It didn't crash Luoyang City as everyone imagined, but after approaching Luoyang City, it merged into Luoyang City.

Immediately, the golden light of Luoyang City shone brightly and radiantly, and a burst of imperial aura and domineering aura emanated from Luoyang City.

I saw that the originally decayed and gloomy Luoyang City became bright again, with streaks of golden light constantly surrounding Luoyang City.Absorbing the surrounding aura, constantly improving the environment of Luoyang City.

"Roar," suddenly there was a loud roar.

The phantom of the white tiger was once again suspended in the sky above Luoyang City, and then it turned into a stream of light and merged into Luoyang City.

In the center of Luoyang City, a huge altar appeared, and above the altar, the phantom of the white tiger was constantly flying and spinning in it, looking at ease.

As for Liu Che, the emperor's aura that had disappeared was once again blessed after Liu Che stepped into Luoyang City, and his power was even greater than before. Ordinary people didn't even have the courage to look at each other.

"How is it possible, why is this? Isn't your national fortune a sacrifice?" Liu Bang couldn't help exclaiming when he saw Liu Che, who was full of imperial aura, and Luoyang City, which was full of national fortune and overwhelming momentum.

"You want an explanation from me, are you satisfied?" Immediately, Liu Che stood on the top of Luoyang City, looking down at the emperors below, and said coldly.

As soon as Liu Che's words came out of his mouth, a huge phantom of a white tiger emerged, carrying a powerful emperor's prestige, and ruthlessly pressed towards the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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