Thousands of world exchanges

Chapter 295 The Way of Fortune

Chapter 295 The Way of Fortune
298. Way of Fortune
This is the explanation I gave, and you are still satisfied.

I saw boundless golden light emanating from Luoyang City, turning into a phantom of a white tiger, appearing behind Liu Che, as if fused with Liu Che.

"How is this possible." Immediately, Liu Bang was overwhelmed by the powerful aura exuded by the white tiger, and fell directly to the ground, but his face was full of horror and disbelief.

And the rest of the emperors of the Han Dynasty alliance felt a familiar aura when they saw the luck emanating from around the white tiger.

This is the breath of dynasty luck.

It was obviously turned into spiritual energy by Liu Che's sacrifice, why didn't it disappear, but instead became more cohesive and stronger.

As the national fortune in the sky above Luoyang City was sent out, it seemed like an invisible line was continuously diverging outwards, and each city also burst out with a strong momentum, continuously gathering, and gathered in the sky above Luoyang City.

"Roar" the white tiger roared.

As if a real beast roared, the situation suddenly changed.

That majestic roar hit everyone's hearts directly, and they couldn't help feeling a sense of fear towards the white tiger.

Suddenly, streaks of golden light descended from the sky, landing on the white tiger, and then the white tiger's body swelled again, even reaching the size of a thousand feet, like an ancient giant beast.

"Forgiveness" Liu Che suspended in the air and roared.

The huge white tiger roared again, and then turned into countless streamers of light and flew towards every corner of the plane.

"Boom, boom, boom"

The whole plane seemed to vibrate, and with every vibration, a huge white tiger appeared faintly in the sky above Luoyang City.

Finally the shock dissipated, Liu Che was suspended in the middle of the high school, and countless tiny rays of light gathered in all directions, frantically pouring into Liu Che's body.

A "click" sounded in Liu Che's body, as if a shackle had been broken.

I saw Liu Che's eyes opened, exuding a shocking gaze, and the whole body was surrounded by extremely powerful energy, and there was an illusory white tiger constantly surrounding him, like a god of heaven, which made people feel A sense of surrender.

And the people who were constantly searching for spirit stones at the foot of Mount Tai also suddenly felt an irresistible breath, and they all stopped their movements immediately.

Only Li Guang, who had a serious face, broke out into laughter of joy: "The way of luck, haha, Your Majesty has succeeded."

"The way of fortune?"

After hearing Li Guang's words, the rest of the traders also showed curiosity about this unfamiliar vocabulary.

And as Bai Xiaosheng of the exchange, Zhang Tianshi of Longhushan erupted again and explained to everyone.

Yun: luck, luck; dynasty: dynasty, dynasty.

Yunchao is a mysterious cultivation method from the realm of self-cultivation.

This kind of cultivation method is extremely special, and the requirements are quite high, and his most basic requirement is to have a dynasty.

As we all know, the dynasty is an extremely special existence, which can be called the lord of a plane, and the leader of the dynasty, the emperor, has become a unique and supreme existence of the plane, and it is precisely because of this unique status that the same They also lost an equal price.

And this price is life, of course not life, but the qualification to obtain a longer life, not being able to practice truth, not being able to practice Taoism, which has become the biggest obstacle for the emperor to seek the way of longevity.

Although the exchange is a very special place that allows the emperors to ignore the curse of not being able to obtain lifespan, the emperors can only buy some lifespans to renew their own lives, even if they have reached Jindan, Yuanying, or even after cultivation. In the realm of Dacheng, although their strength has greatly improved, their lifespan will not increase at all.

Even returning to one's own world, intersecting with one's own dynasty's national destiny, one would even drop one's existing realm. This is the biggest reason why apart from Huang Taiji, other emperors in the Exchange seldom practiced.

If the thrones given up by these supreme emperors are no longer blessed by national destiny, they will naturally be eligible for longevity, but such a serious price, how can these emperors be willing to give up.

Even Huang Taiji, the only cultivator, just sent people to remotely control his own world from a distance, and he did not return to his own world in order to prevent his cultivation base from plummeting.

How could they not know that if they gave up their throne, they would naturally gain an unattainable lifespan, but their own throne is the greatest guarantee for them to obtain a longer life.

And the way of fortune is the supreme means to perfectly solve the emperor's cultivation and lifespan.

The way of fortune is to gather the fortune of heaven, earth, and people, and to bring together the fortune of all things in the world and the common people to the master of fortune (that is, the emperor).

Break the shackles with supreme luck and remove the emperor's curse of immortality.

And the emperor can also use the supreme luck of Yun Dynasty to bless his body so that he can cultivate to a stronger state.

But this way of fortune has an extremely important condition, which can even be regarded as a flaw.That is the way of fortune, which is to gather the luck of the dynasty and one body. If the dynasty is strong, the master of fortune will be strong.However, if the dynasty declines and the people of the world are in dire straits, at least the master of the dynasty will be seriously injured and his strength will decline, and at the worst it will lead to catastrophe, and the thousand-year national fortune will be lost.

And this way of fortune is divided into several stages: dynasty, dynasty, emperor, and celestial dynasty.Each stage is divided into several small classes, and further above are the courts of heaven, court of fate and court of Tao.

This time, Liu Che also used the power to break the shackles of the fourth-order plane, sacrificed his national destiny, and used the power of heaven and earth to dissolve the curse in it, thereby breaking the shackles of the world.

Afterwards, relying on Situ Nan's powerful strength to gather again, the national destiny after the blessing of the power of heaven and earth, although far less massive than before, the national destiny is more solidified.

Relying on the first opening of the plane, the China fortune of the jade seal was released again, although Liu Che sacrificed all the fortunes of his country before and lost the throne.

But before, Liu Che relied on the various advanced weapons of the exchange to dominate the world, and the whole world was branded as a big man. Now that the national fortune has dissipated, it has revived the echo of the previous national fortune in the plane. Liu Che also regained the status of the lord of the kingdom of the plane.

It was a breakthrough in one fell swoop, changing his country's dynasty into a fortune dynasty, reaching the level of a dynasty, and directly reaching the second level of a dynasty, completely opening up the way of fortune in the Han Dynasty. (ps: Countries that have not reached Yunchao are collectively called Guochao.)
It is also because of this that Liu Che, as the lord of the dynasty, also gained the luck of the dynasty, broke through himself, broke the curse of the emperor's immortality, and directly reached the cultivation level of the fusion period.

If you add the blessing of the dynasty's luck, in your own dynasty plane, you can even beat a monk in the Dacheng realm.

And Liu Che's move not only found a way of longevity for the emperors of many alliances, but also opened up a new direction of cultivation for the exchange.

(End of this chapter)

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