Chapter 11 Sad Certificate

Sadness can't prove how stupid love is, don't be afraid of my revenge and I will give you fairness
Back in the ward, Gu Yingning had already changed out of the hospital gown and was wearing his silk pajamas.

This pajamas was actually bought in midsummer.Once when she went shopping, she didn't know which string was plucked, and she bought it on a whim, only to feel annoyed secretly.Not to mention whether Gu Yingning was happy or not, just a gift like pajamas was not so suitable for them at that time.

Fortunately, Gu Yingning seems to like this pajamas very much, and has been wearing it until now.

Sheng Xia pushed open the door and limped in.Gu Yingning looked up and saw her tired face, but she said nothing, lowered her head and continued to read the financial magazine at hand.

In the end, Sheng Xia couldn't hold back anymore.She got up from her hospital bed, slowly sat down beside Gu Yingning's bed, and grabbed his hand to play with.When Sheng Xia moved his fourth finger, Gu Yingning finally raised his eyes slowly, and said in a calm manner: "Are you busy?"

Being blocked by him like this, the heaviness that had haunted Sheng Xia's heart suddenly subsided a lot.Glaring at Gu Yingning, Sheng Xia didn't let go of his hand, she lowered her head slightly, revealing her porcelain-white neck, and said in a low voice, "Yingning...what do you think I should do with Yihui?"

Sheng Xia, who lowered her head, didn't notice that Gu Yingning's lips tightened instantly when she heard her words, and even her eyes darkened instantly.The topic they had avoided for a long time was finally about to be brought up—or in other words, Sheng Xia was finally ready to face the knot that lay between them.

He only felt his throat dry, and he opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't make a sound.

Sheng Xia was still playing with his fingers with his head down, paused for a moment before continuing: "I can't drive Yihui away with a cold face, after all, he is the one I loved so much... But now, when everything has changed , I really don’t know how to face him, face his not giving up.”

She raised her head to meet his gaze.Maybe it was because his eyes were too sharp, or maybe the previous dispute came to mind, Sheng Xia smiled bitterly and said: "Yingning, whether you believe it or not, I don't love him anymore."

Suddenly her hand touched his palm, feeling the dampness there, Sheng Xia was taken aback at first, and then smiled sweetly, the light in her eyes instantly swept away all her previous emotions.She smiled happily: "Yingning, so you are so nervous about me? Look, your palms are covered with cold sweat."

She discovered it too quickly, and it was extremely embarrassing for Gu Yingning to be caught off guard.After being embarrassed, he became a little annoyed, and pulled out his hand: "Don't sit by my bed, is it hot for two of you to squeeze together?"

The sides of his ears were turning red, of course Sheng Xia didn't follow him, still smiling with crooked brows and eyes.Instead of retreating, Sheng Xia simply lifted the blanket covering Gu Yingning's body, and fell asleep as soon as she moved her legs.Being so close to him, his breath was on her ear, tickling and warm.

She actually continued to push forward, pointed at the tip of Gu Yingning's nose with her finger, and smiled softly: "Yingning, you look so shy."

Seeing that Gu Yingning was about to glare, Sheng Xia rushed ahead of him and said, "But I like it."

After her words fell, he was stunned.

For nearly four years, this was the first time she had told him so bluntly that she liked it.Ever since what happened to Pei Jin, although she no longer confronted him with thorns all over, he really never thought that she would say that she likes him so suddenly.He once thought that maybe there would never be such a day in his life.But when this day really came, Gu Yingning realized that she didn't know how to respond.It was as if there was a mouthful of soda in his throat, and the sudden stimulation made him want to swallow it and speak, but his chest was so stimulated that he couldn't even utter a single sound.

Gu Yingning only felt his heart swell, but after a long time, he just responded vaguely:

Although he only said a word "um" vaguely, Gu Yingning's astonishingly bright eyes and that incomparably joyful look made Sheng Xia understand - in fact, he also cared.Once she didn't want to say it, and she didn't dare to say it.She was afraid that once she was honest, she would be knocked down by him and never be able to stand up again.However, because of Pei Jin's madness, she began to regret it. If Gu Yingning hadn't come that day, if she and him hadn't been saved, would it be because of her fear that she would never be able to let him know these words?She was afraid of his answer, but she was even more afraid that she would not have time to confess.And now, his reaction made her realize that she wasn't hot—but it wasn't enough, she wanted more than that.

Sheng Xia bumped him lightly with his shoulder, looked at Gu Yingning expectantly, and bit his lips:

"Just an 'um' word? Didn't you have anything else to say to me?"

Gu Yingning hesitated to speak, turned his eyes a few times, and finally said in a slightly rough voice: "What else can I say? Could it be that I will save everyone?"

Could it be that I can save everyone?
Gu Yingning's loud words because of some embarrassment made Midsummer suddenly enlightened.Instead, she was trapped in her own cocoon. If she was not important to him, how could he single-handedly come to rescue her?It turned out that as early as that day when he knocked on Pei Jin's door and said "yes, I just came today", he had already given her the most obvious and straightforward answer.

He has put his heart transparently in front of her, but she is obsessed with why the other part is not transparent, really blind.

The brows were filled with joy, the eyes were smudged, Sheng Xia approached Gu Yingning, the tip of his nose was less than one centimeter away from his.She smiled and said, "Yingning, the more you look at him, the more stupid you become." After she finished speaking, she closed her eyes, and imprinted a stamp on his lips involuntarily.

Let's put Xu Yihui's matter aside for now, spending time with Gu Yingning is more important.

When Gu Yingning was finally able to leave the hospital and go home to recuperate, the weather was getting colder.After the first autumn rain washed away, the whole land was shrouded in a thin mist.

Sheng Xia has been reinstated for more than half a month, and Xu Yihui only came back once after she was discharged from the hospital.Tan Jing happened to be there when he came that day, and when he turned around and saw Xu Yihui, Tan Jing was startled: "Oh my God! Xu Yihui, are you a mountain cave savage? You don't even know how to shave!"

Hearing Tan Jing's exclamation, Sheng Xia raised her head and looked at the door, but was stunned for a moment - such a haggard and bearded person, where is Xu Yihui who is always calm and warm in her memory?
Gu Yingning happened to go downstairs for a B-ultrasound that day, Tan Jing rolled her eyes, said hello to Xu Yihui, and then said: "Xiao Xia, Yihui, you two talk slowly, I'll go out and buy some dishes that I'm going to make tonight " Sheng Xia knew that she was deliberately giving herself a chance to be alone with Xu Yihui, so she didn't pay much attention, just looked at Xu Yihui with a smile.

He came closer, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and said, "How are you doing recently, how is the wound recovering?"

Sheng Xia patted his leg and signaled: "It's healed, the doctor said that he will be discharged in a few days."

Xu Yihui nodded: "That's good." He sat down on the small chair beside her, with his long legs curled up in the small corner near the bed.

Sheng Xia felt that something she didn't want to face was about to happen, and just as she opened her mouth to say something first, he already said: "A Xia."

Such a haggard Xu Yihui, with bloodshot eyes, sunken eye sockets, and unshaven beard, made her have no choice but to hold her breath quietly and listen to him finish.

"Axia, don't be too nervous. I just want to tell you to take good care of yourself and the people around you. However," he took a deep breath and continued after a momentary pause, "but I'm sorry, I can't let go, just Think of it as a competition between me and Gu Yingning."

After he finished speaking, he took Sheng Xia's left hand and gently kissed the back of her hand.

At that moment, Sheng Xia's heart ached very much - it was the distress for Xu Yihui, the distress for all the old days.Until Xu Yihui left for a long time, the tears in her eyes were not wanton but kept trickling down.

It turned out that being unable to respond to the deep affection of one's former lover actually caused such pain.

After this incident, the relationship between Shengxia and Gu Yingning is no longer a secret to Gu Zitang.

There was no need to act in front of Gu Zitang, after Gu Yingning was discharged from the hospital, he invited him to dinner to thank him for taking care of Midsummer all these years.But the accident this time was more or less caused by him, how could Gu Zitang be willing to let Gu Yingning be the host, so in the end, it was Midsummer and Gu Yingning who went to the appointment.

There are no more than seven or eight hotels that Gu Zitang used to go to in City F, and the one he likes the most is Zhengzhou Fishing Port.Sure enough, this time I went to this store.

Naturally, the most eaten fish in the fishing port is fish, river fish, sea fish, everything that one expects to find.Sheng Xia actually doesn't like fish, and usually avoids it as much as possible, but this time Gu Zitang seems to want to have a whole fish feast. Although he ordered a table of expensive fish out of kindness, Sheng Xia has no appetite at all .Seeing the river fish and sea fish on the table, she took a quick bite and put it down.

Gu Yingning was fine, and Gu Zitang and Gu Zitang respected each other with a glass of white wine.Gu Zitang laughed loudly: "Xiao Xia, you have done a good job of keeping secrets. We have never known your relationship with Mr. Gu for so long."

Sheng Xia smiled a little embarrassedly, but it was Gu Yingning who spoke, and said with a smile in a doting tone: "She, why doesn't she want to make it public, and keeps saying that she is worried about other people's eyes." After she said such words, Sheng Xia was stunned for a while and didn't know how to react.

Gu Zitang clapped his palms and smiled: "I didn't expect Mr. Gu to be such a long-term lover. Come, Gu will toast you again!" Gu Yingning picked up the wine cup, touched Gu Zitang and drank.After putting down the wine cup, Gu Yingning stroked the mouth of the cup with her fingertips, paused for a few seconds and then said, "President Gu, I want to take two weeks off for Midsummer, I don't know..."

He stopped and didn't continue, and the ending was gently dragged out for a long time.However, Gu Zitang naturally understood what he meant, and after the initial stupefaction passed, he laughed again, and said meaningfully:
"It seems that Mr. Gu is going to make some big moves? Yes, of course!" He turned to Sheng Xia and said with a smile, "Xiao Xia, you have been with me for a few years, but you have never taken a big vacation. , take a break this time!"

Gu Yingning didn't mention it to Sheng Xia, so Sheng Xia heard about it for the first time, and this time he was stunned and surprised for a longer time than before.She looked up at Gu Yingning in a daze, and he was also looking at her with a smile.She looked at Gu Yingning's little self reflected in Gu Yingning's pupils, and repeated bluntly: "Ask for leave?"

He nodded, still concise and to the point: "Well, I'll take you out for a walk."

His words decided her life for the next two weeks, and she accepted it so dazedly and happily.It took a long time for her to fully react, and the bubbles of joy in her heart were churning one after another, so sweet that even the salted fish she put in her mouth became incomparably sweet.

It was past nine o'clock in the evening when we left Zhengzhou Fishing Port, and the coolness of F City in early autumn was strong.

Sheng Xia shivered involuntarily, Gu Yingning was talking to Gu Zitang, she thought he didn't see it, but he leaned over and stretched out his arms to hold her tightly in his arms.

Both Gu Yingning and Gu Zitang drank a lot, and at this moment both of them were flushed and reeked of alcohol.

Turning around and seeing his extremely bright eyes, Sheng Xia knew that he was drunk.

Jiang Tan was already waiting at the entrance of the hotel, and when he got into the car, Gu Yingning unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt, loosened his neck, and said to Jiang Tan lightly, "Go to He Ji Rice Noodles."

Sheng Xia was surprised: "After drinking so much wine, do you want to eat again?" Her eyes fell on the two buttons he had just unbuttoned, she frowned slightly, "It's so cold, if you catch a cold, I don't care about you."

It seems that after that accident, Sheng Xia gradually became lively and lively in front of Gu Yingning. She no longer buried her emotions and thoughts, and she was no longer as indifferent as before.

Gu Yingning suddenly laughed.The corners of his mouth were turned up, revealing his white teeth, and besides a smile, there was something else flowing in his eyes.Pulling her into his arms, Gu Yingning leaned close to the tip of Sheng Xia's nose and pinched her cheek: "Little housekeeper."

Such a close breath was all over her body, Sheng Xia quietly blushed her ears, but her face was terrified, she covered her nose as if trying to avoid it and said: "Your body smells like alcohol, it stinks to death!" As she said this, Gu Yingning But as if he wanted to sing against her, he intentionally hugged her even tighter, and even buried his face in her neck and rubbed carelessly: "How dare you think I stink... Sheng Xia, you are really bolder... "

His breath was so hot, and it was so itchy that she couldn't help but hide even more.Sheng Xia laughed so hard that he pushed him away, panting, "Gu Yingning... Gu Yingning, please stop!"

He finally grabbed her hand.Gently wrapping Sheng Xia's arms around her waist, Gu Yingning leaned down, with a smile in her eyes and a radiant spirit.It seems that in memory, Sheng Xia seldom saw such a happy Gu Yingning.His joy infected her so easily, making her entire waist go limp.Nunuuo leaned against Gu Yingning, Sheng Xia didn't know that in his eyes, she was so looking forward to.

"Sheng Xia, move back, okay?" He said, his voice was not high, but it was so clear in such a small compartment.

She stared at him, as if surprised but expected.His eyes were also staring at her closely, as if there was a kind of magic power, Sheng Xia only felt as if he was about to melt into it.

Almost subconsciously, she nodded and responded, "Okay."

As soon as the words fell, his lips had already covered them warmly.Joy flew between his and her brows, except for the sound of each other's breathing, everything was silent in this world.

His tongue drove straight in when she was caught off guard, and entangled with hers fiercely, so much force that she felt the root of her tongue tingling.As if aware of midsummer's discomfort, Gu Yingning finally backed out slowly, biting her lower lip lightly with her teeth, grinding them together once and for all.Sheng Xia felt that she was a rickety boat, and he was the most vast and vast ocean. She was obsessed with his bosom, even if the water flooded and capsized the boat, she would not hesitate to do so.Apart from subconsciously clinging to his waist, she didn't know what else to do or what to do.

When Sheng Xia regained her composure, she belatedly realized that the car had stopped.He turned his head and looked out the window in a daze. It was He Ji Rice Noodles.She didn't hear what Gu Yingning said clearly, the next second Jiang Tan had already unbuckled his seat belt and opened the car door.

It was only then that she realized that there was actually another person in the carriage. Thinking of the long kiss just now, Sheng Xia couldn't help but blush.Her eyes were already a little charming, but they were so sparkling when she turned her eyes.She was slightly angry, and said angrily, "It's all your fault! Jiang Tan has always been there..."

Gu Yingning smiled calmly and said, "It's not the first time."

Sheng Xia was embarrassed and sullen: "You still talk!"

He didn't care about it, probably because of the effect of alcohol that made his emotions seldom exposed like this.Resting her chin on Sheng Xia's shoulder, Gu Yingning's voice suddenly softened.There was a hint of fragility in his tone, with a sense of belonging that he had finally found a harbor after traveling through thousands of rivers and mountains, he said in a low voice: "Midsummer... Fortunately, you are still mine, fortunately."

Her heart suddenly ached at that moment.Why didn't she rejoice that he was still hers.

She used to think that he didn't love her in the first place, that her fate with him would stop like this, that she would never hear him call her name in a faint but intimate tone... She thought she It will collapse, but fate is kind after all.After the heartbreak, luckily they both had time to start over.

Obviously she hadn't drunk a drop, but Sheng Xia felt that she was already drunk.Taking advantage of the alcohol, she stroked his cheek with her hand, touching his slightly prickly new mustache.It turned out that there were already so many fine and dense lines in the corners of his eyes, but in her eyes, they were so kind and moving.

Life is a quiet river, and he and she are two fish swimming in it.Because of his warmth, she smiled like a flower, and for the first time in her drunkenness, she confessed herself transparently in front of him, saying: "Gu Yingning, I love you."

In the next second, both the sky and the earth rotated, and his smell enveloped him completely.

Compared with just now, this kiss is truly deep and blazing, turning early autumn into hot summer in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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