Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1210

Chapter 1210

On the jihad platform, everything disappeared.

On the stone tablet in front of the battle platform, the number one name was adjusted down one place.

Jian Fengyun!
Three handsome characters appeared on the jihad stele.

"He succeeded in the challenge, and the No. 1 Jihad Monument, which has remained unchanged for a hundred years, was replaced by him."

"Could it be that another evildoer comparable to Lan You appeared?"

"No way, as soon as Lan You appeared, he was accepted as a direct disciple by the vice-principal of the Holy Academy. Those vice-principals of the Holy Academy are all like old monsters in the galaxy, and they have not accepted apprentices for many years. I think this Jian Fengyun should not be as defiant as Lan You."

"That's right, it's been seven or eight years since Lan You challenged the path to the Holy Spirit. Back then, Lan You was just a little girl, not much worse than Jian Fengyun."

Under the battle platform, countless people stared at the jihad monument and talked about it.

But on the holy battle platform, Jian Fengyun ignored the horrified crowd behind him, his eyes fell on the faintly visible formations around the battle platform.

He has practiced the forbidden formation method of the Heaven Devouring inheritance. Although it is only a relatively low-level volume, it is just right to see through the formation in front of him.

The other formations connected to this formation are very mysterious, it should be the formations that simulate various attack methods of warriors on this battle platform, those formations are indeed mysterious and unparalleled, but Jian Fengyun is not interested.

This formation that only he could see through made him very excited.

There is no other reason, but there are a thousand pieces of divine jade placed under this formation.

On the first section of the road to the Holy Path, he broke through a whole mountain range with thousands of formations to get only nearly a thousand pieces of immortal jade, and in front of him there are only a thousand pieces of immortal jade with just one formation.

"Since the road to the Holy Court is the test road of the Holy Court, this immortal jade must be the Holy Court's reward for those who pass the test."

A smile appeared on the corner of Jian Fengyun's mouth.

The next moment, he bent down and leaned towards the back of the jihad platform.

"Hey, this Jian Fengyun has passed the test and still doesn't leave, why is he squatting down?"

"Could it be that he was injured, but I didn't see any injuries on his body just now?"

"No, his direction, that seems to be the formation of the Jihad platform, could it be him?"

Following the discussion of the crowd.

Jian Fengyun's hands twitched one after another of the formulas, bursts of light flickered, and the entire jihad platform made muffled sounds.

About thirty breaths or so have passed.

A puff of blue smoke rose from the holy battle platform, and the formation of the whole holy battle platform seemed to be turned off, and all the light disappeared.

"It turns out that this formation is to provide energy for other formations. Unfortunately, the method is too rough. I will not hesitate to accept this fairy jade."

In the staring eyes of countless people, Jian Fengyun lifted a stone slab next to the holy war platform, rolled up a piece of divine jade that exuded divine light with a wave of his hand, then brushed off his sleeves, and stepped towards a curved line behind the holy battle platform walk away.

"What did he do just now, the jihad ring seems to have stopped functioning."

"That's right, all the formation lights have been extinguished, and the formation seems to have stagnated."

"Could it be that he was cracking the formation of the Jihad platform just now?"

"By the way, before he left, he also took away a lot of divine jade, and those should be the source of the formation of this jihad platform."

"It was rumored that he broke the sage restriction on Taoyuan Island before. I still didn't believe it, but now it seems that I suddenly believe it."

Under the jihad arena, some warriors stepped onto the arena, but there was no phantom of a challenge.

But for a moment, the entire Jihad Canyon was flying like chickens and dogs, and everyone who was about to challenge the Jihad Platform was immediately stunned.

What kind of person is this Jian Fengyun?

If he had this ability, he would be able to clear the level by directly breaking the formation. Why did he have to defeat the mark of martial arts left by Lan You before breaking the formation and leaving?
Did he come here specially for Lan You?
All of a sudden, various rumors spread from the Jihad Canyon, sweeping towards the outside world like a strong wind.

Mingyang Divine City, the entrance to the Holy Road

There are still crowds here, and there are many more martial artists watching the excitement than before. They all heard Jian Fengyun's name and happened to be nearby, so they came to see if they could take a look at this famous man.

"Oh my god, have you heard that Jian Fengyun passed the second stage of the road to the saint, and also defeated the mark of martial arts left by Lan You, becoming the number one talent in the road to the saint in a hundred years!"

"Not only that, he also broke the formation of the second test, taking away more than 1000 divine jades from the Holy Academy."

"He has the ability to break the formation, why should he face Lan You's martial arts mark? Could it be that there is some secret between him and Lan You that has to be revealed?"

When the signs of public opinion come together, it almost indicates that it cannot be stifled.

All eyes were focused on the matter about Jian Fengyun.

"No way, Lan You's origin is extremely mysterious, and as the direct disciple of the vice-principal of the Holy Academy, he is known as the first Tianjiao who has the hope of obtaining the Order of the Emperor of the Holy League in the millennium of the Holy Academy, how could he have anything to do with Jian Fengyun?" relation?"

"Why not? Even Saintess Su has something to do with Jian Fengyun, as well as Mei Feng Huayue and the Saintess of Taoyuan Island. What do you think Lan You has something to do with him?"

"That's true. Could it be that Lan You has some love-hate relationship with him? It must have hurt him deeply. Otherwise, he wouldn't have to go to the road to the Holy Spirit and trample her under his feet."

Countless people didn't know the truth, and couldn't find anything to investigate, so they couldn't help but start to make up a lingering and dormant story.

If Jian Fengyun was here, he would probably lose control of his hands when he heard these words, and slap them all to death.

The news about Jian Fengyun, after brainstorming by these warriors outside Mingyang Divine City, swept away towards all parties in the Southern Star Region like crazy.

The more it spread, the more outrageous it became, and finally evolved into some small stories about some restaurants and teahouses in the Southern Star Region, such as "The Stories Jian Fengyun and Lan You Have to Tell", "The Wonderful Relationship Between the Four Saints and Jian Fengyun", "Jian Fengyun and The Mystery of All Saints".
East of the Central Star Territory, Holy God City
Sheng Tian Lou

This is a restaurant of the Holy League, and countless warriors come and go every day.

In the front seat of the restaurant, a table was set up, and a storyteller was telling stories in front of the table. There were many tea and drinkers around the table. Of course, people passing by were curious, so they ordered drinks and sat down to listen to the book. ,

"Guest officers, what Xiaosheng told you today is the third chapter of "The Stories Jian Fengyun and Lan You Have to Tell". I'm talking about Jian Fengyun."

In front of the table, a young man with greasy hair and pink face shook his head and held a brand new booklet in his hand, reading.

On the second floor, in a private seat by the window, sat a woman in a blue robe.

The woman's face is outstanding, her face is light without makeup, her eyes are like water, and she is full of pure beauty.

Seeing that she heard the words of the storyteller below, she couldn't help turning her face, swept her beautiful eyes over, and frowned slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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