Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1211 Asking Peak

Chapter 1211 Asking Peak

"Sword Storm"

The corner of the blue-robed woman's mouth moved slightly, and a wave flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Many years have passed, except for those old monsters and some heirs of great powers, she has not heard the names of other young men for a long time.

Of course, there were a few names from time to time, but they only rang in my ears for a day or two before I heard them again.

Those people became ordinary in the end, so naturally they wouldn't cause any waves in her heart.

However, just about eight days ago, Jian Fengyun's name rang out among the core disciples and true disciples of the Holy Academy.

Because, the dean who had ignored worldly affairs for many years actually issued a god-level mission in the holy hall of the Holy Academy.

There are many god-level missions in the holy courtyard, and every day the holy alliance will arrange some, but this time the god-level mission was issued by the dean. The most important thing is that the goal of the mission is only a lower realm of the gods. juvenile.

This task alarmed many disciples of the Holy Academy, and it was discussed everywhere in the Holy League.

At that time, Jian Fengyun's name would often ring in her ears.

I thought that this name would be like those people in the past, and no one would discuss it after a few days. Unexpectedly, eight days have passed, and the enthusiasm for talking about him has not diminished but increased.

At first, only the disciples of the big forces of the Holy Academy and the Holy League were talking about Jian Fengyun, but now, walking in the city of Shengtian, you can hear people talking about Jian Fengyun everywhere.

Restaurants, teahouses, gambling houses, places of romance.
Whenever there are people, the topic of Jian Fengyun is almost inseparable.

Even if it is the holy Tianlou of the Holy League, it is inevitable that countless people will discuss it.

Of course, this is not enough to make her frown. More importantly, the direction of this public opinion spread towards her since Jian Fengyun broke through the jihad platform on the road to the holy half a day ago.

Lan You, as the first female arrogance of the Holy Academy for a century, she rarely appears in the eyes of outsiders, except for some important events in the Holy Academy or going out to perform some tasks, otherwise, she spends most of her time practicing.

"This person is only in the Divine Spirit Realm, and he can break my martial arts mark, so he shouldn't be too weak."

Lan You's beautiful eyes fluctuated, she retracted her gaze, picked up the teacup and licked her lips lightly.

She has heard a lot of rumors about Jian Fengyun in the past few days, but in her opinion, most of them are bragging, and the outside world spread rumors, so she didn't pay much attention to them.

The only thing is that he defeated the martial arts imprint he left on the Jihad platform, which shows that his talent may be very extraordinary.

This made her somewhat curious about this man she had never met before.

With this in mind, she slowly turned her gaze to the south, as if she wanted to cross the vast galaxy and see the person who could defeat her mark of martial arts.

The road to the holy
Walk past the holy war tower and embark on a winding path.

The ground of the trail is paved with blue stones and moss, obviously no one walks on this road often.

There are some sacred trees planted on both sides, with twisted roots and branches, and long leaf whiskers. It is obvious that these sacred trees have grown for some years.

After walking for about a quarter of an hour, I could vaguely hear the sound of water flowing, Yu Lai Yu Jin.

At the end of the bluestone path, there is a green lake. The water in the lake is clear, and spirit fish swim. This lake seems to be connected to a big stream.

There are hills standing on both sides of the big stream.

"Is it to climb to the top of these mountains?"

Jian Fengyun stepped on the muddy lakeshore, looked up at the surrounding mountains in front of him, his eyes sparkled.

In his perception, there seems to be a restriction on each of these mountain peaks. The restriction is not dangerous, but it is indeed mysterious and extraordinary, and it cannot be broken by his current level of formation.

Every prohibition seems to contain a different inheritance, and the prohibition is more like a test.

If there are core disciples of the Holy Academy here, they will definitely know that this is the third stage of the road to the holy.

asked the peak.

Ascending Wenwen Peak, one is a true disciple.

There are a total of three thousand peaks here, which are accumulated by the Holy Academy in the endless years, symbolizing the three thousand roads, and each peak has its own test.

These three thousand peaks, the inheritance of each peak is the famous powerhouse in the history of the Holy Academy. When they were dying, they left their inheritance to test on Wenwen Peak. True disciple.

In the past hundred years, there are only a handful of Tianjiao who can climb Wenwen Peak, and of course there are some.

Without exception, they have all become well-known geniuses in the Holy League today.

Since the founding of the Holy Academy, all the warriors who have been able to reach the Peak of Asking have achieved at least one of the figures in the Holy League, and even some powerful giants have climbed the Peak of Asking and practiced in the Holy Academy.

The inheritance of Wenwen Peak can make the road of martial arts accessible, but its test will naturally not be easy.

Over the past hundred years, there have been at least tens of thousands of disciples who have passed the Jihad Platform, but the number of people who have climbed the Taoist Peak does not exceed a hundred.

With such a ratio, it can be seen that this Wendao Peak is not so easy to climb.

However, Jian Fengyun didn't know about these.

There are restrictions on the surface of the lake, making it difficult to fly, but there is a bamboo raft not far away, which should be used to climb the peak.

"Go and see."

Jian Fengyun stepped towards the bamboo raft.

The body fell on the bamboo raft, and the water surface shook slightly. There seemed to be some restriction on the lake, which temporarily suppressed the divine power in his body.

However, the power of qi and blood and soul power are still normal and have not been suppressed.

There is no bamboo pole on the bamboo raft, Jian Fengyun can only use the power of Qi and blood to push the bamboo raft forward.

It has to be said that the third stage of the test on the road to the holy is a bit difficult. If it is an ordinary warrior who loses his divine power and wants to cross the lake, he will have to use his weapons to punt the boat, otherwise he will have to cut down the trees behind him. Make a boat pole.

However, these problems are not considered problems for Jian Fengyun.

The bamboo raft paddled slowly on the lake, and after half an hour, it finally stopped on the Wenwen Peak, which is the nearest to the entrance.

It was only when he got close to this mountain that Jian Fengyun saw its true appearance.

This mountain peak is covered with black soil, about a hundred feet high, with giant trees growing in the sky, full of vitality.

From this point of view, there does not seem to be any danger.

Stepping off the bamboo raft, Jian Fengyun stepped onto the shore.

On the black soil, bushes and berries grow, and the fallen leaves of the giant trees in the sky are scattered all over the mountain.

Stepping up the mountain, the journey was very peaceful, no birdsong could be heard in the forest, only the salsa of grass and trees, just in front of Jian Fengyun, a temple was hidden in the forest, revealing the broken stone wall.

Jian Fengyun walked forward and had walked for two or three hours so far.

I saw that the temple has been dilapidated, it seems that the years have passed, no one takes care of it, and there are cobwebs everywhere, but it is not bad to rest here.

(End of this chapter)

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