Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1212 Demon Sealing Chain

Chapter 1212 Demon Sealing Chain

He stopped in front of the temple, the temple door was half closed, one door had collapsed, and the inside was dark, but a Buddha statue could still be seen coiled in the temple, with a charm attached to the Buddha statue, glowing with a faint golden light.

However, it was obvious that no one had been here for a long time, and a lot of talismans had fallen off, revealing the Buddha wall, which was engraved with some strange words, twisted and twisted like ghostly talismans.

And there were thick chains on the Buddha's feet, these chains locked the Buddha statue, Jian Fengyun immediately saw that these chains spread from the temple, and took root all the way to the depths of the mountain.

"Strange, why do these chains lock this Buddha statue?"

Jian Fengyun was puzzled, the temple was originally used to enshrine the Buddha statue, but now the temple has locked the Buddha statue.

The door of the temple was gently pushed open, and the dust fell.

At the foot of the Buddha statue stood a faded wooden signboard.

"The one who cuts the chain will get my inheritance."

Jian Fengyun frowned, could it be that the test on this mountain peak is to cut off this chain?

With a thought, a top-quality bronze-level long sword fell into his hand.


There was a clear and crisp collision sound, and the bronze-level top-grade artifact fell without hurting the chains in the slightest.

This chain, which looks like ordinary scrap iron, is actually very strong.

clang!clang!clang! .
After swinging it a few more times, the bronze-level top-quality long sword still couldn't damage the chain in the slightest.

"Boy, don't waste your energy in vain. This is a demon-sealing chain. If you want to break it with brute force, unless your cultivation has reached the realm of a god-king, it is absolutely impossible."

At this moment, the voice of Devouring Soul resounded in Jian Fengyun's ear.

"Demon Sealing Chain?"

Jian Fengyun showed doubts on his face, and then asked: "What is it?"

"The Demon Sealing Chain is a treasure refined by the Buddha with his own life. It contains pure Buddha power. It is generally used to seal the demons. It cannot be harmed by ordinary weapons." The voice of the devourer explained slowly. .

"During our time, several powerful true Buddhas ignited themselves with the red lotus karmic fire, integrated into the chains of sealing demons, and used them to suppress and seal the demon race. Even the existence of the holy realm could not break those chains of sealing demons."

"Is there a solution?"

Jian Fengyun frowned and asked.

"In addition to breaking it with brute force, the magic-sealing chain can also be awakened by Buddhism, so that it can be dispelled by itself." Spirit Devourer said.


Jian Fengyun frowned tightly. Although he has understood Buddhism, he has never practiced Buddhism. It is almost impossible for him to awaken this magic chain with Buddhism.

"Actually, for you, there is another solution."

"What solution?"

"Drop the blood on the demon-sealing chain, and then run the technique of swallowing the god's body to swallow and refine all the Buddha's power in the demon-sealing chain. If the magic-sealing chain loses the Buddha's power, it will be no different from scrap iron. Then you It can be untied."

"it is good."

Jian Fengyun frowned, now it seems that he has no better solution, he can only do as Devouring said.

Jian Fengyun bowed to the Buddha statue and said: "Jian Fengyun, I have offended many people for passing the test. If there are any senior Buddhists and Taoists who leave their souls here, please forgive them and don't blame them."

After saying this, Jian Fengyun sat cross-legged in front of the Buddha statue, cut through the meridian on his arm, and let the golden blood drip on the chain.

The blood dripped on the chains, and golden charms emerged one after another, and the chains that looked like scrap iron instantly came to life, and the Buddha's light flooded.

The chain trembled, as if sensing his impending fate.

Without hesitation, Jian Fengyun directly grabbed the demon-sealing chain, activated the skill of swallowing the god's body, and devoured it.

In an instant, he felt a large amount of pure Buddha power from this magic chain.

All these Buddha powers were absorbed by his kung fu and poured into his body, the quality of which was no less than the aura of heaven and earth in the devouring divine jade.

A large amount of Qi and blood surged, and golden meridians emerged from Jian Fengyun's body. Hundreds of meridians all over his body glowed with golden light. After nine rounds of refining the scriptures, all the meridians in his body have been completely absorbed by Qi and blood. Power washed.

There is a faint trend of a breakthrough in the swallowing body.

The Buddha's power of a demon-sealing chain was swallowed up, and the sky behind him had become dark.

The bones of Jian Fengyun's left hand have all turned into a crystal clear gold color.

The power of golden qi and blood surged, washing the metacarpal bones of the palm, the five fingers contracted, and terrifying power emerged spontaneously.

Swallowing God Body, the third stage, Bone Refining Realm.

Bone refining environment turned around.

That's right, with just one turn, Jian Fengyun felt that the power on his palm was terrifying to the extreme.

The power of qi and blood is no less than ten times thicker.

The third stage of swallowing the gods is already equivalent to the realm of the god king.

After turning to the Bone Refining Realm, you can face off against warriors with at least one star in the God of War King Realm.

Grabbing lightly with the right palm, the originally indestructible demon-sealing chain made a light sound, and then shattered into the void, turning into nitrate powder.

This palm did not use the power of blood and energy, and the power was three to five times stronger than when his Tuntian Divine Body was still at the ninth turn of the scriptures. imagine.

Suddenly, a woman's chuckle came from behind him, and she said lightly, "My lord, your hands are really good, which is rare in my life."

Jian Fengyun hurriedly turned around, only to see a little girl standing at the gate of the temple behind him, about the same age as him, also seventeen or eighteen years old, with black hair all over her hair, looking at him with a smile on her face.

The girl was wearing a pink gauze dress, with a pink ribbon of bells tied around her waist. The ribbon fluttered in the wind, and the bells bumped and jingled, which made her laugh a little more charming.

Jian Fengyun got up quickly and said: "This girl..."

"Where is the girl from?"

The woman stepped in front of Jian Fengyun, smiled happily, and winked like silk: "My name is Hu Ling'er, I live in the temple, I'm a spirit clan, what's your name?"

Jian Fengyun swept his eyes and said: "My name is Jian Fengyun, and I am here to accept the test of the Holy Academy on the mountain."

Hu Ling'er leaned close to Jian Fengyun's ear, sniffed lightly, exhaled like blue and said: "What kind of holy court test, this ruined temple in the mountain, I have lived here for thousands of years, and I have never seen any holy court test."

Jian Fengyun hesitated for a moment, and said: "You said there is no Holy Court test here?"

Hu Ling'er raised her beautiful eyes, and said: "We Spirit Clan can't lie to people. For thousands of years, we haven't even seen a single person, so where is the test?"

Jian Fengyun shook his head and said: "Girl is really good at joking, I have seen the test, why do you say no?"

A flash of panic flashed in Hu Linger's eyes, but it was quickly covered up, and she said with charming eyes: "Young master, don't worry about the test, the sky is getting dark, how about enjoying the moon with Linger?"

"There will be no rewards for the month, I will send you on the road earlier, and rush to the next stop."

The corner of Jian Fengyun's mouth curled into a slight smile, he stretched out his hand to grab it, and the long sword fell into his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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