Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1225 Exhaustion?

Chapter 1225 Exhaustion?

"Want to besiege me?"

The corner of Jian Fengyun's mouth curled into a sneer, seeing through Dao Qingfeng and Dongfang Yi's thoughts.

Qingfeng Daojian, combined with Dongfang Family's true method sneak attack, even an existence beyond the God King Realm will suffer.

However, Jian Fengyun is not the same.

Jian Fengyun's eyes were fixed, and a dark blue long sword appeared in his hand.

The sword is seven feet three inches long, the amber is the bone, and the life is like mud.

This sword is exactly the heavy water sword that he took away after Daojian died that day. It was placed in the Sky Devouring Tower for many days, and it has not had time to test its power.

The heavy water sword fell into Jian Fengyun's hands, and it was instantly radiant. This light spread to a radius of hundreds of feet, making all the people below who were illuminated by this light feel their bodies sinking, as if they were carrying a huge mountain on their backs. , They were so oppressed that they couldn't breathe.

This heavy water sword is completely transparent, blue and bright.

The tremendous pressure caused many people to feel palpitations, their complexions were pale, and cracks appeared on the ground of Mingyang Divine City below.


With a soft shout, Jian Fengyun waved the long sword in his hand, and swept out, sweeping forward with sword energy sweeping across the sky.

The void oscillated, and the dense sword energy was crushed towards the attacking Dao Qingfeng like a storm.

At the same moment, he slapped another palm, and the Donghuang palm condensed on his left hand, and a huge palm print emerged to slap Dongfang Yi.

Two huge collision sounds resounded in the void.

The white awns produced by the two collisions suddenly lit up in the void, turned into dots of halo, and spread out.

The violent aftermath turned into two circles of light and spread out towards the surroundings, knocking Dongfang Yi and Dao Qingfeng away at the same time.

It can be seen how violent the two collisions were, but Jian Fengyun, who was in the middle of the collision, was completely motionless.

"how is this possible!"

Countless people showed shock on their faces.

They didn't expect Jian Fengyun to resolve the deadlock just now so lightly.

"If he doesn't fall, I'm afraid that the chief of the Holy Academy will be his in the future."

Inside Mingyang Divine City, some young disciples of the Holy League looked up at this scene and spoke in shock.

"His Eastern Emperor's Palm is even stronger than mine!"

The figure of Dongfang Yi stepped back, shocked in his heart, his old face was full of disbelief, and he froze in place.

"Chongshui Dao Sword, how is it possible, how could you activate the Chongshui Dao Sword?!"

Dao Qingfeng revealed a look of astonishment, looked at Jian Fengyun and said.

"Why is it impossible? It's just a weapon. As long as you meet a more suitable owner, you can control it."

Jian Fengyun swept his eyes lightly, speaking incomparably calmly.

It has to be said that the Chongshui Dao Sword is indeed a very powerful artifact. Just now, he just poured the power of Qi and blood into it as divine power, and he was able to generate a sky-filled sword energy to resist Dao Qingfeng's attack.

However, the divine tool is so powerful that it consumes a lot of energy, just activating it consumes at least [-]% of his divine power.

If he strikes a few more times, it is estimated that there is no need to fight, the divine power in his body will be exhausted, and the power of Qi and blood will also be exhausted.

"No, you haven't cultivated the skills that match Dao Sword. Forcibly activating Dao Sword consumes a lot of divine power. You must be short of divine power now, right?"

Dao Qingfeng's eyes narrowed, looking at Jian Fengyun with a cold look on his face.

The Dao Sword is an inherited weapon built by the sages of the human race with painstaking efforts just before the endless years. Each Dao Sword has a set of true methods corresponding to it. Only by cooperating with it can the power of the Dao Sword be brought into full play , and there is not much consumption.

However, if one does not cultivate the true method corresponding to the Dao Sword and forces it to move, it will take a lot of divine power to be devoured by the Dao Sword before it can exert its power.


Jian Fengyun focused his eyes slightly, and felt the heavy water sword in his hand. It contained mystery, and it seemed that there were countless cultivation methods hidden in it. He didn't press the sword according to the method on the sword body, but urged it with brute force. move.

It seems that it is necessary to comprehend the true method of inheritance recorded on the Dao Sword, and then use it to motivate the Dao Sword to reduce consumption.

Seeing Dao Qingfeng also urged the Dao sword to attack several times, but the breath on his body was strong, and there was no sign of exhaustion.

"Boy, even if you don't speak, I know that you are exhausted. The Chongshui Dao Sword is the inheritance of my Dao Sword Holy Land. For countless years, only the body of the Dao Sword can comprehend the true law corresponding to the Dao Sword. You, the lower realm! How could the mortals who came here understand the inheritance of Dao Sword."

The corner of Dao Qingfeng's mouth twitched into a sneer, and said bluntly.

He felt that he had seen Jian Fengyun clearly, the more he kept silent, the more guilty he seemed, he must have wanted to cover up the embarrassment of his exhaustion, and then take the opportunity to recover.

"Boy, it turns out that you can still pretend to be so calm after exhausting your mental strength. It's really rare!"

Dongfang Yi suddenly came back to his senses, and looked at Jian Fengyun with a cold look on his old face.

Jian Fengyun glanced over and did not respond to them.

Although the sword just now consumed a lot of his divine power, it was not enough to exhaust him.

Moreover, he has practiced Nirvana Returning to Yuan, and his divine power and blood power can be recovered extremely quickly, and he is not afraid of these trivial things.

"Boy, you are talking, weren't you very arrogant just now?"

Dao Qingfeng frowned, and slowly stepped forward.

He wanted to get close to Jian Fengyun and try Jian Fengyun's reaction.

"I think he is exhausted, and he is dumbfounded and unable to speak."

A sneer appeared on Dongfang Yi's old face, and he also secretly walked towards Jian Fengyun.

Obviously, the two of them had the same idea, they both wanted to get close to Jian Fengyun and test his reaction, if he didn't make any movement, it must be that his strength was exhausted, if he fled or launched an attack, then he must still have some strength left.

However, as the two got closer, Jian Fengyun just backed away, and didn't move too much.

This scene fell in the eyes of outsiders, and Dang even focused his eyes together, and his heart lifted for a while.

"If Jian Fengyun's strength is exhausted, he will probably return to bliss soon."

"That's right, could it be that this generation of Tianjiao is going to die before they leave school?"

"If he dies, he will become the first emperor of the Holy League who has never been to the Holy Court before his death."

Inside Mingyang Divine City, countless spectators were talking about it.

At the same time, a big snow-white dog suddenly appeared on the Taoyuan boat.

On the back of the big dog sits a pure and untouched girl, it is Wen Yijing who has been hiding for many days.

I saw her hurrying out and breaking into the cabin.

"Hmph, dead girl, how do you know you're back now?"

Inside the cabin, Aunt Taoyuan sat on a mahogany seat, her old face moved slightly, and said.

(End of this chapter)

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