Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1226

Chapter 1226

"Grandmother, hurry up and save Jian Fengyun." Wen Yijing's pretty face was full of anxiety.

"I won't save him. I gave him a chance before, and promised to be the young master of Taoyuan Island. He would be safe and prosperous, but he refused. In front of so many people, he unexpectedly If he refuses, then the current result is what he has to bear."

Aunt Taoyuan glanced at her old eyes and said calmly.

"Grandma, please save him, he can't die." Wen Yijing immediately knelt down.

For some reason, when she thought that Jian Fengyun might die soon, she felt very uncomfortable.

"Impossible." Aunt Taoyuan said angrily.

This kid who made herself ashamed, she definitely wouldn't do anything to save him.

"Mother-in-law." Wen Yijing's eyes turned red all of a sudden, she gritted her teeth, not to mention how wronged she was.

"Come here, take the saint girl down to me, set sail, and return to Taoyuan Island."

Aunt Taoyuan's old face froze, and then she tapped the peach staff on the ground and said.

Obviously, she was already angry. It is not a big deal for the saint to be taken away, but if the heart is also stolen, Taoyuan Island will be in trouble in the future.

At the same time, a snow-white six-tailed celestial fox also appeared in the void and landed on the treasure pavilion of Meifeng Huayue.

On Tianhu's back, sat a woman in pink veil, who was so charming that people would be fascinated by it just by looking at it.

Mei Yu'er, the saintess of this area.

"Auntie, please save Jian Fengyun."

Mei Yuer stepped off the back of the fox, stood in front of the old man in the wheelchair, and bowed respectfully.

"Yu'er, are you tempted?"

The old man on the wheelchair slowly opened his eyes, looked at the woman in pink in front of him, and asked.

"Auntie, please leave it alone, he can't die, so please ask Auntie to help."

Mei Yuer gritted her teeth slightly and said firmly.

Jian Fengyun is her mission goal this time, a god-level mission with rich rewards, if she can bring it back to the Holy Court, it will definitely give her a lot of rewards, so he must not die.

"Forget it, I'll take a shot at the man who can make me fall in love with the Holy Maiden of Meifeng Huayue."

Mei Xiangu looked at Mei Yuer, took three breaths, and then slowly opened her mouth.

I saw her sitting on the wheelchair, her figure didn't move at all, but she reached out and squeezed out a formula, and a plum blossom bloomed in the void.

Plum blossoms become seals, and the city is full of red.

Pieces of petals condensed and scattered in the air, impacting the hundred pole seal formation.

It has to be said that cracks began to appear in the gold-level formation worth [-] top-grade god crystals.

"No, Mei Xiangu of Mei Feng Hua Yue wants to save him, hurry up!"

Dao Qingfeng felt the abnormal movement behind him, and immediately shouted.

I saw Qingfeng Daojian in his hand suddenly emitting a shocking blue light, the sword energy swept across, divided into nine parts, spanned hundreds of feet, and fell towards Jian Fengyun.

"Boy, go to hell!"

Dongfang Yi didn't hesitate anymore, with his left hand Donghuang Palm and his right Tianjin Finger, they attacked Jian Fengyun at the same time.

Originally, he was still worried about Jian Fengyun's deceit, but seeing Mei Xiangu break the formation with her hands, made them firm their minds, Jian Fengyun was exhausted.


The corner of Jian Fengyun's mouth twitched into a sneer, he didn't speak, and he didn't do anything, just to let these two people do something to him without reservation, and even let go of some of his guard against him.

Cleanse the wind and turn evil spirits!

Just when two terrifying attacks were about to land on him, Jian Fengyun moved.

The body turns into the breeze, invisible and invisible.

In a flash, Jian Fengyun's figure appeared tens of feet away, behind Dao Qingfeng.

"how is this possible?"

When the two saw Jian Fengyun's figure disappearing suddenly, they were shocked.

However, at this time, their attack was obviously unstoppable, and everything happened in the blink of an eye, which can be said to be a sudden change.


A huge collision sounded quietly, and a dazzling silver light burst out from the center of the collision.

The rays of light spread out, causing a look of shock on the faces of countless people.


With Jian Fengyun's thought, [-]% of the energy and blood in his body turned into divine power and poured into the Chongshui Dao Sword. The dark blue sword energy was activated and turned hundreds of feet away. At the same moment, it swept towards Dao Qingfeng's back.

Everyone saw a blue glow passing by before their eyes, and the front was extremely cold.

With a loud noise, the robe on Dao Qingfeng's body was instantly torn apart by the sword energy, and his flesh and blood burst apart, as if he was about to be chopped into a ball of flesh.

Just when everyone thought that he was bound to die, a golden light suddenly exploded on his chest and spread out, protecting his whole body.

An aura that far surpassed the realm of a god king permeated the air, completely resisting Jian Fengyun's sword aura.

"This is a body protection talisman made by a strong man in the Shenzong realm with his own blood. I didn't expect Dao Sword Holy Land to equip Dao Qingfeng with such a treasure."

Countless spectators saw this dramatic scene and did not forget to marvel.

"Body protection talisman?"

Jian Fengyun frowned, this golden light lasted at least dozens of breaths, it was not scientific for him to deal with Dao Qingfeng.

In an instant, his eyes aimed at Dongfang Yi who was blown away by the aftermath.

"The old dog of the Dongfang family, if he wants to kill me, he will die."

Jian Fengyun's icy voice resounded impressively.

Qingfeng Huasha was cast again, and the figure appeared behind Dongfang Yi.

"not good!"

Before the shock in Dongfang Yi's body calmed down, he felt a deadly murderous intent, and he couldn't help but feel the soul of the dead rushing forward, urging the wind to transform evil spirits against his heavily injured body.

His figure disappeared instantly, dodging Jian Fengyun's fatal strike.

However, Jian Fengyun did not let him go, with a movement of his eyes, he judged Qingfeng Huasha's next location, and swept away again.

This time, his attack was less deadly.

Because, Zhanyan Shengfa is quietly operating in the invisible.

His Qingfeng Huasha only has the first half, because the disciples of the Dongfang family who attacked him in the path of Tongsheng have practiced the first half, so the second half of the cultivation method is missing, which prevents him from exerting his full power.

However, the Dongfang Yi in front of him, as the old man of the Dongfang family, had obviously practiced the complete method of clearing wind and dispelling evil spirits. He just took this opportunity to deduce the complete method to make up for his own shortcomings.

Dozens of fights, every time Jian Fengyun's soul sea, a line of scriptures will emerge.

This process lasted about half an hour.

"It's done!"

Jian Fengyun's eyes lit up, and as the last scripture in the sea of ​​souls emerged, his aura surged.

"How is it possible, how could he suddenly improve so much?"

Dongfang Yi's beard and hair fluttered, the corner of his mouth was stained with blood, and he watched Jian Fengyun slap him with a horrified face.

(End of this chapter)

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