Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1227 is up

Chapter 1227 is up

Dongfang Yi's head was wiped out, a terrifying black force pierced through the void, making people tremble, and shot towards Jian Fengyun.

Jian Fengyun had just slapped a palm, but he didn't have time to react in an instant.


At this moment, a fragrant plum blossom suddenly appeared in front of Jian Fengyun.

The plum blossoms shook, and the petals fell down like silk ribbons, blocking the black light and not attacking Jian Fengyun.

Jian Fengyun took a deep breath, if not for this peach blossom, he would have been hit by the bird light just now! .

"It seems that all the strong men of the Dongfang family have a terrifying power sealed in their bodies, which will be triggered when they die. It's really frightening..."

Jian Fengyun was alone in the void.

At this moment, the surrounding Baiji seal formation has been broken.

"Jian Fengyun, I am not in good condition today, and I will definitely make you pay the price in the future."

Dao Qingfeng took the opportunity to crush a talisman, his body was wrapped in a silver light, and shot thousands of miles away, it was hard to find traces.

"I am waiting."

Jian Fengyun recovered his mind, looked at the direction where the silver light was grazing, frowned slightly, and said.

An old man from the Dongfang family and dozens of disciples from the Dao Sword Holy Land were shot to death by him alone. This must have caused an uproar!
The elder Su of the Dongfang family and the disciples of the Dao Sword Holy Land all wanted to avenge Jian Fengyun, and they even did not hesitate to use tens of thousands of top-grade divine crystals to seal the array.

However, Jian Fengyun did not kill him in the end, but was swept away by the opponent, killing them all.

Down below, all the spectators in Mingyang Divine City couldn't find peace of mind. It was conceivable that this matter would definitely shock the sky and cause boundless waves.

This news can't be suppressed at all, all the fighters in Mingyang Divine City have seen it, and it will be spread in the first time.

The Shendi family and a holy land united to besiege and kill a young man, but he slapped him in the face, killing everyone who came. If he slapped the Dongfang family and the Daojian emperor in the face, it would inevitably lead to a big disturbance.

However, no matter what the uproar was, it couldn't shake Jian Fengyun's heart.

"Thank you, Senior, for your help!"

Jian Fengyun's aura receded, and his clothes fluttered, falling on the treasure pavilion of Meifeng Huayue.

If Xiangu Mei hadn't blocked that attack for him just now, it is estimated that he could barely block it with his Heaven-Tuning Divine Body, but he would be seriously injured if he didn't die.

At that time, the city will be full of murderous intentions, and he will not be sure that he will be safe and sound.

It is Jian Fengyun's nature to repay favors.

"It's quite elegant, unlike those children of aristocratic families, whose eyes are higher than the top, and who have no strength but are full of arrogance."

Mei Xiangu sat on the wheelchair, looked at Jian Fengyun and nodded with satisfaction.

"Thank you for your praise, senior." Jian Fengyun responded lightly.

"Well, Yu'er has a good eye. You don't have to thank me. It's my niece who begged me. She hasn't asked me for anything since she was a child. It's the first time she asked me today. I'm embarrassed not to help." Mei Xiangu showed a smile under her veil, and looked at Mei Yuer beside her with deep meaning.

"Auntie." Mei Yuer snorted coquettishly, her cheeks flushed slightly.

"Thank you Miss Yu'er for speaking."

Jian Fengyun's eyes were fixed, and he also thanked Mei Yuer who was on the side.

"You still thank me just like that, I asked you to bring three altars of fragrant flower wine, and let you go to the holy courtyard with me, but you are not willing." Mei Yu'er slightly tilted her mouth, said.

"Miss Yu'er, don't worry, after I enroll in Mingyang Shenzong, I will follow you to the Holy Court." Jian Fengyun said with a thought.

Although he has passed the road to the Holy Court, he still doesn't know how to get to the Holy Court. Maybe the commoner god king will guide him, but after all, he is not as familiar with the disciples of the Holy Court, so it is not a loss to agree to Mei Yuer.

"Really?" Mei Yuer's eyes lit up, she didn't expect Jian Fengyun to agree so happily.


Jian Fengyun smiled lightly and said.

"Okay, then it's decided, when you come to Mei Feng Huayue to look for me, I will wait for you in the Xianghua Pavilion in Mingyang Divine City." Mei Yuer said immediately as if she was afraid that Jian Fengyun would regret it.

A smile appeared on the corner of Jian Fengyun's mouth, and he said no more.

Of course he won't regret what he said.

"Then I will go ahead, senior, if there is a need to use me in the future, I will definitely do my best."

Before Jian Fengyun left, he bid farewell to Mei Xiangu.

"it is good."

Mei Xiangu said with satisfaction.

Obviously, being able to get a favor from the emperor of the Holy Court made her feel that this shot was not a loss at all.

Jian Fengyun turned around and walked towards Wan Buyi who was already anxious.

Looking at Jian Fengyun's back.

"Yu'er, this man is not bad, he can be our lord of Meifenghuayue." Mei Xiangu said to Mei Yuer who was beside her.

"Auntie, he already has a wife." Mei Yuer said with a blushing pretty face for no reason.

"Our Mei Feng Hua Yue tradition has ever been afraid of other women. As long as you swing your hoe well and you can't dig into any corner, aunt is optimistic about you." Mei Xiangu laughed brazenly.

"Auntie, you're making fun of me again."

Listening to Mei Xiangu's flowers, Mei Yu'er's cheeks turned redder, she was very shy.

"Where did I make fun of you? His wife is the saint of the Dongfang family, and she is not by his side now. You are close to the water, so don't waste your innate charm. There is no man who can't be tempted by a stunner like you." , as long as the raw rice is cooked, it will be too late to regret it." Mei Xiangu continued.

"Auntie." Mei Yu'er was coquettish again, her pretty face blushing to the bottom of her ears.

Before she left the cabinet, Mei Xiangu told her about men and women, which made her feel a little shy.

Jian Fengyun couldn't see the conversation between Mei Fenghuayue's aunt and niece behind him.

He has already walked in front of Wan Buyi.

"Fengyun, are you alright?" Wan Buyi sized up Jian Fengyun and immediately asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, I'm not injured, what do I need to do to join Mingyang Shenzong?" Jian Fengyun said lightly.

He doesn't have much time, and the Dao Sword Holy Land of the Dongfang family will definitely not let him go easily.

He needs to find out about the Mingyang Shenzong soon, and then go to the Holy Academy to improve his strength.

Those old guys in the holy courtyard still owe him an emperor's order, but he has heard from Devouring that the emperor's order can unconditionally enjoy all the top cultivation resources of the Holy League within a year. With enough resources, he will You can quickly increase your strength.

"It's fine. In fact, there is no trouble in worshiping Mingyang Divine Sect. You just need to go to the Patriarch Hall to receive some inheritance. You have already walked the road of sagehood. Everyone in the world knows that you are the young master of Mingyang Divine Sect. With your Talent, I am afraid that it will not be long before it will be higher than my suzerain, and I can rest assured that Mingyang Shenzong will be handed over to you." Wan Buyi said.

"No, although I am the young suzerain of Mingyang Shenzong, I am not interested in power struggles.
(End of this chapter)

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