Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1230

Chapter 1230
Jian Fengyun's eyes moved, and then he said: "Then when we parted just now, what did Elder Gu Dagger mean when he said that time is enough?"

"This is a gift from me. After seven days, you will know when you leave Mingyang Shenzong."

Wan Buyi smiled and said.


Jian Fengyun responded, and thought of something at the time, said: "Sect Master, on my way to Mingyang Shenzong not long ago, I met a great elder of Mingyang Shenzong, who led the people of the demon clan to ambush me and me halfway. Saintess of Taoyuan, do you know what happened in the sect?"

"Well, I didn't want to tell you about this, but since you asked, I'll just say that since the seal of the Three Realms was broken, the Demon Realm has sent people to invade the various forces in the galaxy. Mingyang Shenzong has existed for a long time. There were traitors, and after that battle, the sect’s high-level officials were wiped out, otherwise it would not be my turn to be the suzerain.”

Wan Buyi's eyes were slightly heavy, and he said.

"Oh, the demons have infiltrated all the forces in the galaxy, didn't the Holy League respond?" Jian Fengyun asked immediately with his eyes moving.

In Ten Thousand Realms, he has encountered demons, but fortunately, he has the inheritance of Heaven Devourer, so that he can disintegrate the crisis.

Although Wanyu was not completely eroded by the demons in the end, it was still seriously injured, with countless casualties.

He is well aware of the horror of the demons, and those demons are only below the realm of the gods. If a group of demons have reached the realm of the gods or even higher, it will be an unimaginable disaster.

"The Holy League has already known that all the demons that appeared in the galaxy have been wiped out, leaving only some hidden traitors. They will not be discovered for the time being, but they will be found out sooner or later. The Holy League has united with various The army of the star field is going to the battlefield of gods and demons, and the real confrontation will still be placed on the battlefield of gods and demons."

Wan Buyi opened the mouth and said.

"The battlefield of gods and demons?"

Jian Fengyun's eyes moved, and there was a look of doubt in them.

"As for the demons, after you step into the Holy Court, someone will explain it to you. Now that the demon world is invading, the Holy Court should have many targeted tasks. The Mingyang Sect is located in the Southern Star Region, and many news have not come, so I can’t explain it to you now.”

Wan Buyi said while walking.

About the matter between the demon race and the human race, even if it takes seven days and seven nights to talk about it, he can't finish it, and he needs to lead Jian Fengyun to meet several important figures of Mingyang Shenzong as soon as possible, so he can't waste time.

"Oh." Jian Fengyun responded, and followed behind Wan Buyi.

"The battlefield of gods and demons is a meeting space between the upper realm and the demon realm. It is vast and full of dangers. There have been human races and demon races fighting on that side since endless years ago. Che Tian visited that battlefield back then and did not say much. What."

The voice of devouring spirits rang in Jian Fengyun's ears.

Jian Fengyun was slightly surprised.

Even Che Tian personally visited the battlefield of gods and demons back then, presumably there must be a lot of mystery in it, otherwise he would not have alarmed a person like him.

Moreover, I don't know how many tens of thousands of years have passed between Chu Tian's era and his era.

In the vicissitudes of the world, the battlefield of gods and demons still exists.

"This is the Artifact Refining Hall. There is also a senior in it who is no less senior than Elder Gudao. His name is Gu Ci. Elder Gu Ci has been in the hall for many years. I don't know if he is in the hall at this moment."

Wan Buyi led Jian Fengyun to a big brass hall. The whole body of the hall was made of copper, and dense patterns were engraved on the pillars of the walls.

This is a very powerful artifact.

Jian Fengyun saw through the essence of this brass palace at a glance.

The Artifact Refining Hall in front of me is not built of earth and stone, but it itself is a divine artifact, and its level is very high. Some of the patterns on it are very similar to the patterns outside the treasure hall of the Heaven Devouring Pagoda.

However, although they are similar, the function and the whole are quite different. After all, the treasure hall in the Heaven Devouring Realm is the painstaking effort of Devouring Heaven all his life, which is extraordinary.


Stepping into the main hall, many disciples of Mingyang Divine Sect saluted Wan Buyi one after another.

Wan Buyi nodded in response, without staying too long, he directly led Jian Fengyun to the inner hall.

There is an inner hall behind the main hall, and there is a light curtain between the two halls. Without permission, it should not be possible to pass through this light curtain.

After walking past, the decoration of the inner hall is eye-catching.

To be precise, there should be no decorations here.

Because except for a small platform in front of him, there are scorching lava everywhere, exuding crimson flames, and sparks splashing from time to time, the heat is astonishing.

In the lava, there are a lot of divine weapons stuck upside down. Some of them have just been refined, and some have been hammered into embryos. They are connected with each other by iron cables, forming a sea of ​​magical weapons. Burnt red.

The walls around were glowing red with the lava, and artifacts were inserted into the walls densely.

Most of the magic weapons in the lava pool have not been refined, but on the wall, all of them are finished products of the magic weapons that have been refined, and the quality is not bad, although it is not as good as the best magic weapons in the treasure hall , but the difference is not very far.

In the center of the lava platform, there is a Dao platform about seven or eight feet away, on which sits a white-haired old man cross-legged.

In front of the old man was a huge furnace for refining artifacts, and there were arrays of magical lights filling the air, which should be refining artifacts.

"Elder Guthorn!"

Wan Buyi stood on the platform, bowed to the platform ahead, and said respectfully.

"Young Sect Master, I have met, yes, I will go to the Patriarch Hall in person after seven days."

The white-haired old man punched out a few spells and landed on the refining furnace, and then said lightly.

"it is good."

Wan Buyi responded, bowed again before leaving, and then exited the Artifact Refining Hall.

Jian Fengyun followed behind, his heart was even more shocked.

The white-haired old man on the platform was not far from him, but it gave him the feeling of looking up at a thousand peaks, unattainable.

This feeling never appeared when he faced Mei Xiangu and Taoyuan Shengnun.

It's a pity that Mei Xiangu and Taoyuan Shengnun did not attack Mingyang Shenzong in Mingyang Divine City.

It turned out that it was not only because of the Divine Guardian Star Formation of the Mingyang Sect, but also because there were such peerless figures in the Mingyang Sect. This was probably what they said.

"Next, we are going to the Patriarch's Hall. Remember not to make noise, and no matter what you see, don't spread it, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

Wan Buyi led Jian Fengyun towards the last place shrouded in restriction.

"Sect Master, don't worry."

Jian Fengyun nodded in response, since Wan Buyi said that, there must be a reason, and he would not harm himself if he thought about it.

There was no way to that forbidden land, Wan Buyi led Jian Fengyun to the main peak in the center of Mingyang Sect.

(End of this chapter)

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