Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1231

Chapter 1231

Thirty-eight thousand steps to the top of the peak.

Looking around, you can see the overall situation of Mingyang Shenzong at a glance, more than a hundred palaces, palaces and pavilions, and even the guardian array can be seen very clearly.

It will be the top of the list, and the mountains are small.

The main peak of Mingyang Shenzong is higher than the highest spiritual peak in Wanyu, and the surrounding landscape is even more vast and astonishing.

Above the main peak is a huge square, and in front of the square is a palace.

Standing in the central hall, there is a bronze door open.

"Mingyang Temple"

Four quaint copper characters are inlaid on the old sandalwood plaque, exuding a breath of time.

Jian Fengyun can feel that the hall in front of him is a building from long ago. Apart from its majestic aura, it also has a soul-stirring coercion.

This kind of coercion is indescribable, it should be the orthodox inheritance of Mingyang Shenzong.

"Sect Master, don't you want to go to the Patriarch Hall?"

At this moment, Jian Fengyun finally couldn't help asking.

Behind this hall is a cliff shrouded in mist, and there should be no way out.

"Just follow me."

Wan Buyi said with a serious expression.

His figure walks ahead, leading the way.

Surprisingly, there are only a dozen or so disciples guarding the huge main peak of Mingyang Shenzong. Around the king's realm.

Although they are stronger than the disciples guarding the mountain gate, there are not many who are stronger.

Moreover, during this journey, Mingyang Shenzong has not encountered a few disciples whose cultivation level exceeds the realm of the god king, and even if there are, they have not seen other people, and they all live in small palaces and practice. .

Jian Fengyun could perceive these by relying on his soul power.

According to such an ancient inheritance of Mingyang Shenzong, there shouldn't be only disciples of this level.

what is the problem?

He was very puzzled in his heart, and looked around from time to time, with a magnificent momentum, not like some small inheritance.

"Are you wondering why Mingyang Shenzong's disciples don't have high cultivation?"

Wan Buyi felt the slow pace of Jian Fengyun behind him, so he couldn't help slowing down and asked.

"Indeed, I have some doubts. I think Mingyang Shenzong looks like it has gone through the years. The inheritance must be very ancient and extraordinary. Moreover, the aptitude of these disciples is not bad. The overall realm should not be so low."

Jian Fengyun nodded, since Wan Buyi had no taboo, he took advantage of the opportunity to ask.

"In fact, all this was not like this 1 years ago. At that time, Mingyang Shenzong was still the top sect in China among the major sects in the five regions. It was just that at that time, the 160th and sixth generation suzerains led the sect. All the elders stepped into a desperate situation, and in the end, none of them survived. Since then, the core exercises of Mingyang Shenzong have been cut off. Since then, the exercises practiced by each generation of disciples are nothing more than ordinary recorded ones. Cultivation method."

Wan Buyi nodded.

"1 years ago?"

Jian Fengyun was a little puzzled, 1 years ago, his first life was not born yet.

He couldn't imagine what changes happened in the galaxy, after all, he didn't know what the world was like at that time.

"Yes, even ten thousand years ago, I did not step into the upper realm at that time. This matter was only recorded in the ancient books of the sect, and I saw it by chance." There is a deep taboo about things.


Jian Fengyun nodded thoughtfully.

Thousands of years ago, there must have been huge changes in the galaxy, otherwise, why would the suzerain of that generation of Mingyang Shenzong lead people into a desperate situation, and no one survived.

There must be something strange about this matter, but with his current strength, it is not suitable for him to get to the bottom of it.

"You don't have to worry too much. In addition to the ancestors of the sect ten thousand years ago, the Patriarch's Hall can also preach. Every disciple who steps into the Mingyang Sect has the opportunity to go to the Patriarch's Hall once and receive an inheritance. , but the inheritance has strengths and weaknesses, and it is difficult for one person to accept all the inheritance, so after so many years, the vitality of Mingyang Shenzong still has not recovered, and they dare not recruit more disciples."

Wan Buyi glanced at Jian Fengyun, and said immediately.

The light in Jian Fengyun's eyes flickered, and then the eyes were fixed, and said: "So, this time, the road to the sage is opened, it is your intention, to recruit a Tianjiao to become the young lord of Mingyang Shenzong, enter the Patriarch Hall, get all Inheritance, and then inheritance?"

Hearing Wan Buyi's words, he couldn't help thinking that this time he walked the road to the Holy League, not only could he become a disciple of the Holy League, but he also had the opportunity to become the young master of Mingyang Shenzong.

It must be Mingyang Shenzong and the Holy Court explaining this matter, so there are such rules.

"It's not what I mean, it's what the elders in the Patriarch's Hall thought. They knew very well that the war of gods and demons is about to start again, and that troubled times are coming. If Mingyang Shenzong's inheritance is not recovered, they will be very passive in the troubled times."

Wan Buyi said as he left.


Jian Fengyun responded, then fell into deep thought.

He has seen the strength of the demons with his own eyes, and the current strength of Mingyang Shenzong is indeed unsafe.

Walk through the copper gate and step into the huge Mingyang Temple.

Inside the main hall, there is a Taoist altar, [-] futons, and the surroundings are quiet and deep. Eight pillars are distributed in a hexagonal shape. Each pillar is engraved with dense ancient texts, as if it records some ancient inheritance. Can't understand the meaning of ancient Chinese.

Judging from the layout, it is enough to see that this place must have been prosperous in the past, and three thousand disciples listened here.

Go through the main hall and go to the back, there is a side door, eight feet high and one foot wide, which can only allow one person to pass through.

Jian Fengyun followed Wan Buyi through the door and saw the cliff behind.

Surrounded by clouds and mist, the eyes are completely white, and it is impossible to see how deep it is below.

No way?
Jian Fengyun was puzzled, in front of him was a bottomless cliff, the clouds and mist curled up, the depth was bottomless, and there was no way to see.

At this moment, Wan Buyi played out a formula in his hand.

The magic formula fell into the void, and unexpectedly splashed waves all over the sky. In the void, countless array patterns lit up alternately.

The loud sound of gears turning one after another rang in Jian Fengyun's ears, and he could feel the slight vibration under his feet.

After a while, an iron chain bridge suddenly appeared in the clouds and mist, trembling slightly, the iron chains were stained with frost and glowed white.

"This is?" Jian Fengyun asked doubtfully.

"Hansuo Bridge leads to the Patriarch Hall, just follow me."

Wan Buyi said, his footsteps lightly tapped the void, and his figure landed on the iron chain.

"Be careful, you can't use divine power above this cliff, you need to control your balance."

(End of this chapter)

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