Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1233

Chapter 1233
Jian Fengyun felt that he had entered a strange state, and when he started to operate according to those scriptures, his figure unconsciously moved along with it.

At this moment, if there are outsiders here, they can see that erratic figure, like a ghost, invisible and invisible.


Jian Fengyun fully comprehended the true method conveyed on this iron chain.

When he opened his eyes again, the iron chain under his feet disappeared, the clouds and mists disappeared, and the surrounding area was completely white.

In front of a door of space, an invisible vortex appeared on the door.

"The Hansuo Bridge just now was a test!"

Jian Fengyun came to his senses just now, he was a little surprised.

Passing through the door of space, I only feel a blur in front of my eyes.

"Congratulations, you passed the test."

When Wan Buyi saw Jian Fengyun's figure appearing in front of him, a look of joy immediately appeared on his face.

"This test is really special, it turned out to be a true inheritance."

Jian Fengyun's expression was calm, and he didn't blame Wan Buyi for not informing him in advance.

After all, he is an outsider himself, and it is quite normal for Mingyang Shenzong to want to test it.

"Follow me into the Patriarch Hall."

Wan Buyi forcibly suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said to Jian Fengyun.


Jian Fengyun followed closely behind.

On the cliff, the gate of the huge stone palace was slowly opened, countless dusts were flying, obviously no one had been there for some days.

"It's so old."

Jian Fengyun's gaze scanned the surroundings, and the scenery around the stone palace, ancient trees, and rocks all revealed the ancient times of this place.

Stepping into the stone palace, a scene that shocked Jian Fengyun appeared.

Cobwebs are everywhere here, the ground is covered with a thick layer of dust, and there is a dull aura in the air, which is the aura deposited in the space that has been closed for a long time.

A faint halo shines in from the door, and it can be seen that there should be no one living here.

The whole hall is like a huge ancestral hall, covered with densely packed memorial tablets.

Looking at it suddenly, at this moment, it was a little scary.

At least a thousand memorial tablets are displayed on the table, exuding a sinister atmosphere.

In front of the desk, there is a futon.

The futon was dusty and looked very old.

With a serious expression, Wan Buyi stepped forward, lit the incense, and inserted it into the incense burner directly in front of the desk.

Afterwards, he knelt in front of the futon, bowed three times and kowtowed nine times, and made a great salute.

After he saluted, one of the countless spirit cards on the table lit up.

"This is?"

Jian Fengyun was puzzled and felt puzzled.

"This is the preaching of souls. This senior master of Mingyang Shenzong will draw out all the souls and put them into special tokens. In addition, this place is a very yin place, so that they can live in the form of spirits in the spirit tokens after death. Among them, use this to preach." The voice of Devouring Soul rang in Jian Fengyun's ear.

"Then what's the point of preaching with the soul?" Jian Fengyun asked again.

"It doesn't matter. As long as you have enough talent, after offering incense and saluting, you will be recognized by the spirit card. After the approval, you can accept the inheritance through the soul sea. After you accept the inheritance, come here again to offer incense and salute, and the spirit card will be activated. Resonance, just like this Wan Buyi at this moment, that luminous spirit card is the spirit card he has inherited." Ling Devour explained.


Jian Fengyun's heart moved slightly, and he asked: "Then there is a limit to the number of spiritual card inheritances, can I accept all the inheritances by myself?"

"There is no limit to the number, but generally only one spirit card will be recognized at a time, unless your talent is high enough, so you will be recognized by multiple spirit cards." Spirit Eater said.

"It's just right, I lack some real methods to get started, maybe I can get them all."

The corner of Jian Fengyun's mouth twitched into a vague smile.

In the upper realm, his five gods cannot be used in the open to avoid being discovered by others, so the only real methods he can use at this moment are Donghuang's Palm, Heaven's Forbidden Finger and Qingfenghuasha from the Dongfang family.

He himself doesn't have any other real techniques to use, even the Tianchibu he just got, although mysterious, it's just a body technique after all, it can't hurt people.

If there is a real method for the inheritance of these spirit cards, it will just solve his urgent need.

"Fengyun, come here, offer incense and salute."

After Wan Buyi finished everything, he turned around, walked towards Jian Fengyun and said.

Jian Fengyun nodded, imitating Cai Wanbuyi's appearance, took out three incense sticks from the desk, lit them, and inserted them into the incense burner.

Cigarette curls slowly drift away.

He walked to the futon, saluted and knelt down.

Three bows and nine knocks!

Since he has joined the Mingyang Sect, it is not unreasonable to bow down to these ancestors and seniors.

Just as he saluted, the whole hall trembled slightly.

The more than one thousand spirit cards in front of them all emitted a dazzling light, and the light on each spirit card was much brighter than when Wan Buyi saluted before.

"how is this possible!"

Wan Buyi showed shock. Although he also knew that Jian Fengyun had passed the test of Hansuo Bridge, it might be different, but he didn't expect that all the spirit cards would be recognized.

One must know that the spirit tablets placed here are all the spirit tablets of the Mingyang Shenzong generations of powerhouses.

Each spirit card may represent a peerless figure of that era.

However, so many peerless figures actually recognized Jian Fengyun at the same time.

This shocked Wan Buyi for ten breaths.

However, Jian Fengyun couldn't see Wan Buyi's shock at this moment.

Because, a total of thirteen hundred volumes of scriptures appeared in his soul sea.

Each volume of scriptures has its own strengths and weaknesses, some are a true method, and some are a secret technique.

After Jian Fengyun flipped through it, he felt puzzled.

There are so many scriptures, but none of them are about exercises. Could it be that there is no so-called inheritance of Mingyang Shenzong exercises?

He still remembered the reason why Wan Buyi asked him to come.

Isn't it just to obtain the inheritance of the ancestor and get back the complete exercises of Mingyang Shenzong, so that the disciples in the sect can quickly improve their cultivation.

"Boy, this is the True Dharma Canon. I didn't expect that there would be other people who would know this ancient Dharma door besides Chu Tian."

The voice of devouring spirits suddenly rang in Jian Fengyun's ears.

"True Dharma Canon, what do you mean?" Jian Fengyun asked in his heart.

"I can't explain it clearly to you. You can comprehend all the [-] volumes of exercises. They are not difficult. It will not take you a few days. As long as you comprehend them, you will naturally know." Devouring Soul The voice resounded impressively.

Jian Fengyun frowned, and then poured his soul power into the scrolls of scriptures.

There are more than [-] volumes of true law and secret arts. These inheritances are not very advanced, nor are they very strong.

Exactly what the Devourer said
(End of this chapter)

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