Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1234 Immortal Alchemy

Chapter 1234 Immortal Alchemy

Just like what Ling Devourer said, he can comprehend all the [-] volumes in at most three days for this kind of ordinary true method.

What exactly does the Canon of the True Dharma mean?
Jian Fengyun didn't understand, so he quickly comprehended these scriptures.

Outside, in the stone palace

Wan Buyi saw that Jian Fengyun was sitting on the futon, his eyes were closed tightly, and he exuded a mysterious and unapproachable aura.

"What's going on, which inheritance did he choose?"

Wan Buyi was puzzled.

"He didn't choose any inheritance. There are [-] ways, none of which are suitable for him. He is studying the exercises of the ancestors."

At this moment, that old voice sounded again.


Wan Buyi was a little surprised.

There are [-] ways, none of which is suitable for Jian Fengyun, what kind of freak is he.

These [-] Taos are all inherited from the ancestors of Mingyang Shenzong, and there are many peerless figures among them, who are not suitable for Jian Fengyun.

"Since he is so weird, is it possible that the patriarch's exercises are not suitable for him?" Wan Buyi continued to ask.

"No, the patriarch's exercises are all-encompassing, so every person from the Mingyang Sect in the future has a different inheritance when he comprehends the patriarch's exercises. If he can comprehend, he will become a famous existence just like the patriarch."

The old voice sounded, as if it brought back infinite memories, the tone became a little slow.

"Oh." Wan Buyi was thoughtful.

The chaos in the galaxy is imminent, the war between gods and demons will start, and the human race, spirit race, and demon race will all be born. Where the powers are, there will be competition. If Mingyang Shenzong can produce a patriarch-like figure, maybe Mingyang can be defeated in this era. Shenzong pushed back to the peak of the past.

Three days passed like a white horse passing by in the blink of an eye.

Jian Fengyun opened his eyes, and he comprehended all the thirteen hundred scriptures.

When he mastered it, a practice method emerged in his soul sea, only a thousand words, but it contained supreme mystery.

"Immortal alchemy!"

Thousand-character scriptures appeared and lit up word by word in his eyes, flashing alternately.

"What's up with him?"

Wan Buyi saw a change in Jian Fengyun's body, and asked immediately.

"I didn't expect that he really succeeded. This aura is very similar to the aura of the Patriarch back then. He is comprehending the inheritance of the Patriarch."

The old voice became shocking.

I can't remember how many years, but there has never been a person who accepted the inheritance like Jian Fengyun in this stone palace.

Another three days passed in a blink of an eye.

An astonishing vision appeared on Jian Fengyun's body.

The clouds and mist are curling up, like a fairy.

"Immortal alchemy is divided into four ways, namely divination, geomancy, observation, and enlightenment."

"Divination is used to predict good and bad luck, geomantic omen is used to look at geography and geomantic omen, and observation is used to cultivate a pair of sky-watching eyes to see the flaws in various ways. As for the technique of enlightenment, there are not many records. Martial arts, for practice."

When Jian Fengyun fully comprehended the immortal alchemy, he couldn't help being shocked.

In some respects, the inheritance of Immortal Alchemy is no less than the inheritance of Heaven Devouring, because the aspects it touches are the ones that Jian Fengyun has least dabbled in, and they are also the most mysterious in this galaxy.

"Fengyun, are you alright?"

Wan Buyi's voice resounded in Jian Fengyun's ear.


Jian Fengyun snapped back to his senses, and when he saw Wan Buyi's figure, he responded immediately.

"How about it, what inheritance did you get?"

Wan Buyi's eyes shone with hope.

"Well, I can't tell what the specific inheritance is, but it's actually a scripture."

Jian Fengyun's eyes moved slightly, and he didn't know how to describe Xian Fang Guo Shu, because Xian Fang Shu involves too many things, and some of them are very mysterious, it is simply a fantasy, and it is impossible for someone to describe it. believe.

The thousand-character scripture was written on the jade scroll by Jian Fengyun.

"Isn't this exactly the cultivation method of ordinary disciples engraved in the main hall of Mingyang Shenzong?"

Wan Buyi held a thousand-character sutra in his hand, with a look of surprise on his face.

In his eyes, this thousand-character scripture is very familiar, and it is the ordinary exercise practiced by every disciple of the Mingyang Shenzong who has not been passed down.

"Ordinary exercises?"

Jian Fengyun was very puzzled, this thousand-character scripture fell into his eyes, it could be transformed into countless contents, why couldn't Wan Buyi see it?
"Boy, he hasn't comprehended the [-] volumes of the true Dharma, so naturally he can't see the means of this true Dharma collection."

The voice of devouring spirits rang in Jian Fengyun's ears.

The original meaning of Zhenfa Zangjing is that the true inheritance of Taoism is hidden in these thousand-character scriptures, but this kind of scriptures need to comprehend specific true methods and secret techniques to understand.

At this moment, Jian Fengyun suddenly realized.

No wonder Wan Buyi couldn't understand this thousand-character scripture, even the entire disciples of Mingyang Shenzong couldn't understand it.

Using the scriptures and culture as countless true methods and secret techniques to conceal their essence, these methods can be called miraculous.

"Forget it, maybe the patriarch's inheritance is for those who are destined."

After a long time, Wan Buyi sighed.

"Sovereign. Wait"

Jian Fengyun just wanted to explain the situation of alchemy to Wan Buyi, but found that this stone palace is extraordinary.

"what happened?"

Wan Buyi saw that Jian Fengyun seemed to have something to say, so he couldn't help asking.

"I seem to know where the inheritance of Mingyang Shenzong's skills is."

In Jian Fengyun's hand, a formula was struck out, and it landed on the ground of the stone hall.

The magic formula fell to the ground and turned into a gossip.

Afterwards, Jian Fengyun's hand spelled out one after another, and when it landed on the eight trigrams, rays of light shot out, and the light spread from the eight trigrams to the ground of the stone hall.

There was a loud sound, and cracks seemed to appear on the ground of the entire stone hall.

These cracks are concave and convex, and they seem to have been built long ago.

After about fifteen breaths, the roar in the air gradually subsided, and the vibration of the stone hall also slowly disappeared.

In the center of the stone hall, a deep cave suddenly appeared. The cave was extremely dark and bottomless.

Injecting spiritual power into it, the light made the entire cave entrance light up. It can be seen that the stone wall of the cave entrance is made of an extremely smooth material, and there is a subtle moral prohibition engraved on it, which is obviously indestructible.

"Stealing the way to Shimu Town, alchemy opens Yin and Yang."

This sentence is recorded in the Kanyu art of Xianfangshu. The first half of the sentence describes the time when the tomb robbers want to keep the treasure land here after the tomb robbery. The stone hall is planted with ancient trees to suppress the Yin Qi below, and the second half of the sentence is to break this situation, you need to use the secret technique recorded in the alchemy to open it.

Just now, the formula he used was the method to open the situation of suppressing the tomb.

"How is this going to go down?"

Looking at the smooth and unfathomable hole, Wan Buyi hesitated.

(End of this chapter)

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