Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1242 Cruel and Innocent

Chapter 1242 Cruel and Innocent
"Senior, aren't you going too far?" Tang Wushan's face was extremely ugly, and his voice was almost choked out from between his teeth.


A smug smile appeared on Jiudaoyao's withered old face, and said: "It seems that I have been silent for too many years, and someone dared to mention these two words to me."

The moment he finished speaking, a huge blood-red rune appeared in his hand.

The monstrous murderous aura turned into a wave, shocking countless people.

Tang Wushan was the first to bear the brunt, feeling the blood in his chest surging, and it was difficult to resist the opponent's murderous aura.

As the chief elder of the outer sect of Mingyang Shenzong, he has also reached the nine-star level of the Shenzong realm, but there is still a big gap with Jiudaoyao.

The gap here is not simply a gap in realm, but more of a gap between inheritances.

The most powerful core inheritance of Mingyang Shenzong is lost, and the inheritance of the Killing Temple has a long history. Their orthodox inheritance is by no means comparable to that of Mingyang Shenzong today.

This kind of inheritance gap is difficult to highlight above some relatively low-end combat power, but the gap becomes larger when the realm is higher.

"How about it, have you considered whether to hand over Jian Fengyun, or let the whole sect be buried with him?"

Jiudaoyao's cold old eyes froze, and he spoke abruptly.

Tang Wushan's complexion was heavy, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Everyone will die at the end of their lives. My Mingyang Shenzong will never hand over my disciples for refuge. At worst, they will all die in battle, and I will never be a coward!"

"War, even if they all die in battle, they will be splashed with blood!"

In the rear, among the Mingyang Divine Sect, the disciples of the Mingyang Divine Sect who rushed over upon hearing the news were united, all drew their weapons, and their eyes were full of unyielding.

"That's right, our Mingyang Divine Sect has never had a coward. At worst, we will all die in battle. Even if we die, we will tear a piece of flesh from you."

After the void, the other six elders also spoke one after another.

"Hmph, a bunch of trash are also trying to hurt me. If I make a move, there are not many people in your Shenzong realm who can stop me." Before the mountain gate, Gu Qingli sneered.

"It is worthy of inheriting the ancient Shenzong. It is very good and has a backbone. If this is the case, let's use blood to open the way."

A sneer twitched at the corner of Jiudaoyao's mouth.

Finally, he was about to make a move.

Above his head, the nine blood-blood knives erupted with dazzling light, turned into red clouds all over the sky, and swept towards Tang Wushan and the seven elders of Mingyang Sect.

A mighty aura surged, murderous aura swept in all directions like a vast ocean, flooding the entrance of Mingyang Shenzong's mountain gate.

In the sky not far away, there were warriors watching the battle, all of them were surprised.

The Temple of Killing actually sent Jiu Dao Yao, could it be that he really came here to destroy the sect?

Jiudaoyao ranks one hundred and one on the top list of the five domains, and he was already an elder of the Killing Temple in his early years. As a retired elder, he is a scary figure with a high status in the Killing Temple. He came here to represent The Temple of Killing must have known about this.

Sending out a retired elder to destroy a declining Shenzong, this kind of thing has been done by the Killing Temple before, and it is done very quickly every time.


Tang Wushan was blood-stained in the sky, and after being attacked by Jiudaoyao as the main target for a long time, he coughed up blood, and the gray elder robe turned into fly ash, and his body fell down.

"Great Elder!" Many disciples of Mingyang Divine Sect cried out mournfully, and even many martial artists who were only in the Shenyuan realm clenched their fists tightly, with tears in their eyes.

Their elders are bearing great perils on their behalf.


The second elder of the outer sect of Mingyang Shenzong also suffered heavy injuries, and was knocked down by two blood-red curved blades. His body was almost covered with wounds. Jiudaoyao's attack was fatal, and both the real method and the secret technique were far superior to them.

Blood stained the sky, and another elder coughed up blood and fell down. They were indeed in the Shenzong realm, but the gap with Jiudaoyao was too great.

Only the three elders were left to support them, and they suffered heavy blows several times, but they had a treasured garment of divine weapon, which protected them from the fatal attack.

"Fight, fight with them!"

All the disciples in the entire sect shouted loudly, with angry expressions, they helped up the three elders who were lying in a pool of blood, and the disciples who could fly took them to the rear to heal their injuries.

Even a martial artist in the Divine Origin Realm with a very low cultivation level gritted his teeth at this moment, his eyes were red, and he said angrily: "Fight with them and avenge the elders!"

"If I die, I will splash their blood all over!"

Some female disciples with weak personalities also clenched their teeth at this moment, full of righteous indignation.

At this moment, all the disciples in Mingyang Shenzong were not afraid of death, they showed no fear, and they wanted to perish together with Jiudaoyao, rushing to the sky together.

Everyone was united, seeing death as home, all fearless, and the atmosphere became very sad.

Even if the entire sect died in battle, no one surrendered and begged for mercy, and no one even thought about handing over Jian Fengyun.

"A bunch of trash from the Garbage Sect really don't know how to live or die. Since you want to die, I will help you."

In mid-air, Gu Qingli sneered again and again, several elders from the outer sect of Mingguang Shenzong were suppressed by Jiudaoyao, he could completely crush these ordinary deacons and disciples.

I saw that he stretched out a hand and pressed down, trying to crush everyone.

"Stop me."

An elder from the outer sect, who was fighting hard with Jiudaoyao, flew over with a roar, and took a stab in the back, taking Gu Qingli's palm.

Jiudaoyao's attack was really powerful, and Gu Qingli didn't hold back at all.

Although the elder of the outer sect was protected by a treasured armor, he was severely wounded in the end and fell into the air with his beard stretched, full of grief and indignation.

"Six elders!"

There was another cry of grief in the Mingyan sect, and the deacons who could fly rushed towards Gu Qingli at the same time, like moths to a flame.

The corner of Gu Qingli's mouth showed a smear of coldness, and he made a bold move, slashing out with a knife, transforming into a blood-red knife aura of hundreds of feet, wanting to wash the mountain gate with blood, and wipe out all the disciples of Mingyang Shenzong present.

The saber qi was slashed out, and the first batch of God Emperor Realm deacons were all cut off, and a knife mark appeared on their chests.

Gu Qingli was only at the six-star God Emperor Realm, but he completely crushed these realms and was not far behind him, and some of them even surpassed his Mingyang Divine Sect deacons.

Dozens of figures fell directly to the ground, severely injuring the endangered.

"A group of ants, go to death!"

Gu Qingli's eyes revealed the excitement of killing.

Afterwards, he swung his knife again, as if he wanted to kill all the people who had delivered these severe injuries.


Another elder, who was struggling against Jiudaoyao, tried his best to take a blow from Jiudaoyao's saber aura, rushed forward with his wounded body, propped up a light curtain, and blocked the hundreds of feet of deadly saber aura.

Baizhang blood-red saber energy.
(End of this chapter)

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