Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1243 One-handed suppression

Chapter 1243 Single-handed suppression

Baizhang's blood-red saber aura descended.

The elder of the outer sect, who was already seriously injured, was finally overwhelmed. He was blasted down by the saber energy, and the light curtain propped up shattered at the sound, turning into white light all over the sky, which is very amazing.

The body of the elder from the outer door fell down.

"Seven elders!"

Countless Mingyang Divine Sect disciples exclaimed, and then swarmed forward.

They caught the severely wounded body of the Seventh Elder.

"All disciples, protect the elders."

Someone roared, and all the disciples of Mingyang Shenzong gathered together, released their divine power, and condensed a light curtain to resist Gu Qingli who was in the midair.

"A group of trash who have fallen from the sect are really not afraid of death. I will help you. Today, this place will be washed with blood, and no grass will grow here from now on!"

Gu Qingli said cruelly.

After the words fell, a scroll in his hand was crushed by him.


The scroll was crushed, and a huge curtain of light piercing the sky suddenly emerged from the void.

The light curtain is thousands of feet long and wide, covering the sky and covering the earth, with countless whirlpools surging, which is very frightening.

In the vortex, bursts of shocking spatial turbulence surged, giving people a frightening and terrifying aura.

A moment later, two huge warships, dozens of magnificent chariots, and the sky filled with killers from the Temple of Death rushed out of the vortex with their armor gleaming coldly.

"Kill the divine weapon volume of the temple!"

Inside Mingyang Divine City, a big man saw this scene and exclaimed in shock.

With the expansion of the power of the Killing Temple, in order to stabilize its powerful position, it cultivated killers in each branch, and prepared many warships and chariots to prevent foreign enemies.

These are the killers and the soldiers of war, they are collectively called the Killing Guards.

When the Shenbing scroll is crushed, the nearby killing god guard will put down everything and rush over.

Obviously, there are not many God-killing guards near Mingyang Divine City.

Just summoned two warships, thirty chariots, and ten thousand killing guards.

Even so, the Killing God Guards are the top killers in the Killing God Temple. For [-] Killing God Guards, each of them is at least in the Shenyuan Realm, and there are at least three commanders in the God Emperor Realm. As for the two warships, at least one The existence of a God King Realm sits in town, and there are thirty chariots, at least thirty God King Realm.

Such a lineup is enough to crush the ordinary Shenzong.

Moreover, in recent years, Mingyang Shenzong has been unknown, not as famous as those normal Shenzongs in the galaxy, and people feel that its strength is even weaker.

The curtain of light condensed by all the disciples of Ming Yang Shenzong expending their divine power could not be stopped at all, and was about to burst. Everyone gritted their teeth, and their eyes were full of unyielding.

"Give me a bloodbath here."

Gu Qingli sneered from the corner of his mouth.

He didn't want to waste the magic scroll, but this group of Mingyang Shenzong resisted collectively, which really made him very angry.


Ten thousand killing god guards responded in unison.

The two warships and [-] chariots didn't make any moves, and the power of only [-] killing god guards would smash the light curtain gathered by so many disciples with all their strength.

All the disciples of Mingyang Shenzong were desperate, they gritted their teeth, unwilling, they really wanted to drag a few evil enemies to die together, but they couldn't do it, they were full of resentment.

"If we die, Zongmen will definitely avenge us."

In the eyes of many disciples, there is already a light of ready to die at any time.

"Stop me!"

Suddenly, a thunderous roar came from the sky above Mingyang Shenzong. With this loud roar, dozens of God Killing Guards were sent flying, and a figure in white came rushing towards him with golden power all over the sky. The speed was extremely fast.

Outside the mountain gate of the Mingyan Sect, all the people watching the battle were terrified, and immediately retreated, running away as far as they could.

There was a monstrous aura in that roar.

They all felt the horror of the person who came, and the golden energy and blood covered the vast sky like a vast ocean, sweeping the sky for thousands of miles, and the terrifying aura behind him was surging like a tsunami.


A cold shout came in an instant, and the speed of the person coming was creepy.


In the sky, a big black handprint moved towards Gu Qingli impressively.

"Sir, be careful!"

After Gu Qing left, hundreds of god-killing guards reacted instantly and rushed up to resist the big black handprint.

The hundreds of god-killing guards were directly photographed into a cloud of blood mist, unable to resist the opponent's palm.

At the same moment, a white palm stretched out in front of Gu Qingli, like grabbing a chicken, pinched his neck with one hand, and lifted him up.


Gu Qingli wanted to resist, but found that the power above his body was suppressed, and the divine power in his body was swallowed by a powerful devouring force, and it was about to dry up in a blink of an eye.

"Sword Storm"

Gu Qingli saw clearly the man in front of him with evil spirit, and said in horror.

"Stop all the people who kill the temple, or I will kill him!"

Jian Fengyun ignored Gu Qingli, his face was cold and authentic.

He had just come out of the stone palace, Wan Buyi was still in a coma, but he heard Mingyang Shenzong's alarm bell.

Then he rushed over, and on the way, he happened to meet a disciple who was carrying several elders from the outer sect to heal their wounds, and he immediately became angry.

With a loud roar from the person who came, all the god-killing guards in the sky, including Jiudaoyao, who was crushing the elder of the outer sect of Mingyang Shenzong, also stopped.

"Boy, don't make yourself mistaken. Young Master is the direct disciple of the Lord of the Killing Temple. If you kill him, no matter where you flee to the ends of the earth, the temple will chase you down to death."

Not far away, a God-Killing God Guard Commander stepped out and spoke loudly.


Jian Fengyun didn't reply him, but waved his hand and slapped Gu Qingli's face with a big mouth, directly pulling half of his face crooked, bloody and bloody, and broken bones.


Gu Qingli felt the severe pain on his face, he kept struggling but couldn't get away, and wanted to say something, but found that Jian Fengyun's slap deformed his face, and every mouth would release a burst of heart-wrenching pain.

Murderous aura surged from Jian Fengyun's body, he was wearing a white robe, hunting, and a terrifying evil spirit swept the sky behind him.

Qingfenghuasha, he deduced a complete cultivation method from the elders of the Dongfang family, so what he released when he came here was the complete Qingfenghuasha.

Qingfeng increased his speed to the extreme, while Huasha increased his combat power by more than [-]%.

"All the people who kill the temple, all get out of the hundred feet away!"

Jian Fengyun glanced around and said coldly.

He didn't want to talk nonsense with the people who killed the temple, so he ordered directly.

"who are you?!"

Ps: I wish you all a happy Chinese New Year. Thank you for your continued support. I will work harder next month. There are many things at home today, so the update is late. Sorry for the late update.

(End of this chapter)

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