Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1247 The Power of Mingyang Divine Sect

Chapter 1247 The Power of Mingyang Divine Sect

"Do you really dare to disobey the holy attainments of the God Lord?"

General Feilong had a cold look on his face. He didn't think that people from Mingyang Sect dared to disobey the holy attainments in his hands.

"Dry tongue!"

At this moment, behind Jian Fengyun's left side, the white-haired old man holding a sword made a move.

As soon as the words fell, an ancient sword in his hand was swept away.

"Zheng——" the sound of the sword sounded.

Immediately, a hundred-foot sword glow appeared in the void, and when the sword glow fell, only the holy attainment was shattered, and the word "kill" was cut in half.

All of a sudden, everyone held their breath, beheading the holy attainment of the God Lord of the Youhuang Dynasty, which was a kind of provocation to him.

At this moment, the word "kill" that had been cut in half unexpectedly "bang", fused together like a scroll formation, and the word "kill" instantly emitted a terrifying light.

In that instant, the murderous aura was soaring to the sky, and an incomparably majestic figure appeared in the light. As soon as this figure came out, there were waves of divine power, roaring like a mountain torrent, and the terrifying divine power impacted thousands of miles around.

Under such divine might, even Jian Fengyun couldn't help but retreat several steps.

"A ray of Divine Sense from the Divine Lord!"

Seeing the incomparably stalwart figure emerging from the brilliance, the warriors watching in Mingyang Divine City couldn't help shouting.

As soon as the incomparably stalwart figure appeared, he suddenly opened his eyes. In an instant, he gave people an illusion that these eyes were like the eyes of gods, swallowing stars and rivers, evolving into the sun and the moon, making people tremble and lie dormant.

"The majesty of a saint is inviolable!"


As soon as Shenying opened his mouth, there was a gust of wind and thunder, and before the words fell, he swung his big hand down, and the power of the palm went straight to the elder Guthorn. Yue, crushing all Shenzong.

At this time, Elder Gu Ci's face sank.

"If a saint came to me in person, I would respect him a little bit, but it's just a divine thought, so I can't help it."

Elder Gusta's eyes were fixed, he drew his sword,

The big hand of the god came in a flash, and at this moment, there was a loud "boom".

At this moment, some martial artists who watched the battle in Mingyang Divine City couldn't bear to watch, thinking that the ancient assassin must have died tragically.

However, at the moment when he was about to slap Gu Ji with his palm, a towering sword energy slashed out from under his sword, and with a loud noise, the god's hand was directly chopped open, and the sword energy swept across the starry sky.

Directly cut off the shadow not far away.

The Divine Sense of the Divine Lord immediately screamed, and a ray of soul power wanted to escape from the sword energy, but the sword energy went forward without hesitation, and immediately wiped out this ray of soul power, and the phantom of the Divine Master was instantly wiped out.

All this happened so quickly that few people could see how the ancient assassin made his move.

Seemingly full of gray hair, the elder Guci, who was getting old, made this sword fight, with white hair flying behind him, and an aura of suppressing the starry sky surged from his body.

Far beyond the Nine-Star Divine Sect Realm, it seems to have stepped into the Holy Realm, but it is still a little bit short.

"Half-step holy realm!"

Seeing this scene, General Feilong was shocked.

The white-haired old man in front of him didn't feel anything if he didn't show his aura, but the aura burst out with the sword just now was enough to crush him.

Sweeping out with a sword, easily crushed the Divine Sense of the Divine Lord.

There is only a thin barrier between the half-step holy realm and the sacred realm. Although there is a gap, it is not comparable to a single divine sense.

"Slaying the Divine Sense of Divine Lord Youhuang with one sword, the Mingyang Divine Sect is too terrifying!"

In Mingyang Divine City, countless warriors were shocked.

The outside world often hears about how powerful Mingyang Shenzong used to be, how ancient its lineage was, and how deep its foundation was, but they have never seen the so-called foundation of Mingyang Shenzong.

Seeing it now, I can't help but feel shocked.

The so-called Mingyang Shenzong's background is actually guarded by star beasts of the sacred realm, and there are two half-sacred elders.

Looking at Mingyang Shenzong again, it is covered with a layer of mystery. Maybe there is a more powerful existence in their depths, but the current situation is not worth exposing.

At this moment, not only all the warriors watching from a distance, but even Mingyang Shenzong were stunned, and General Feilong was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a long time.

A ray of divine sense in the sacred realm, how terrifying and astonishing, however, was easily wiped out.

Moreover, this person was an elder in the Artifact Refining Hall of Mingyang Shenzong's sect, Elder Gu Ci.

"Young Sect Master, I'm a little tired waiting, so I'll leave the matter here to you to preside over. The Sect Master ordered you to go to the main hall of the sect afterwards."

Elder Gudao who hadn't made a move spoke slowly.

Afterwards, someone came up and pushed his wheelchair back to Mingyang Shenzong.

Elder Gu Ci also put away the ancient sword in his hand, turned around, and walked slowly back to Mingyang Shenzong.

In the depths of Mingyang Shenzong, the phantoms of star beasts in the sacred realm slowly faded away.

Inside and outside Mingyang Shenzong, apart from the cracked ground outside the mountain gate, and a few streaks of blood in front of the mountain gate, everything became as normal as nothing.

The power of Qi and blood surged in Jian Fengyun's hand, and rushed directly into Gu Qingli's body, crushing it to burst.

"Do not--"

When Gu Qingli was dying, he couldn't help screaming, he never thought that even the God Master of Youhuang God Dynasty could not save him now.

After finishing all these, Jian Fengyun turned around slowly and walked into Mingyang Divine Sect.

The disciples of Mingyang Shenzong looked at this white-clothed figure, and at this moment, they recognized this young sect master whom they had never met before.

When Mingyang Shenzong was suffering, he stepped forward, and then the entire foundation of Mingyang Shenzong was affected by him.

Sweeping all directions, looking down on the world.

"Mingguang Shenzong will start recruiting new disciples today, and those who are interested can come and wait in front of the mountain gate."

A moment later, Wan Buyi's voice came from Mingyang Shenzong.

Although his cultivation was no more than six-star God Emperor Realm, his voice still spread to every corner of Mingyang Divine City after passing through the big formation of the sect.

"General, take me away."

Jiudaoyao was seriously injured, looking at General Feilong not far away, it was like seeing a savior.

However, as soon as he opened his mouth, a branch flew out from the void, nailing Jiudaoyao to death in front of the gate of Mingguang Shenzong.

"Send a message to the Temple of Killing God for me. If they dare to attack again in the future, my Mingyang Divine Sect will definitely fight against them."


Seeing Jiudaoyao being killed in front of him, General Feilong's face was ugly, looking at the gate of Mingyang Shenzong, he finally gritted his teeth, his figure flashed, and escaped into the void.

The person who made the move just now had a much stronger aura than Gu Dagger and Gu Thorn. If he was impulsive, he would probably be instantly killed by the other party.

Moreover, his task target was Gu Qingli, Gu Qingli was already dead, and it was useless to do anything else.

Countless people saw this scene, and news immediately spread.

After today, Mingyang Shenzong is destined to be famous in the galaxy.

(End of this chapter)

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