Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1248

Chapter 1248
In the depths of Mingyang Shenzong, outside the stone hall

"Thank you!"

Wan Buyi bowed his hands towards the Kunwu sacred tree.

"You don't need to thank me, the patriarch planted me in this Mingyang Sect, so naturally he also has the responsibility to contribute to this sect." The old voice of the Kunwu Sacred Tree sounded.

The old man who killed Jiudaoyao with a branch just now was the tree spirit of Kunwu Sacred Tree.

In fact, even if there is no sacred star beast under the ground today, nor the two elders Gudao and Guthorn, with the tree spirit of the Kunwu sacred tree, Mingyang Shenzong will still be fine.

It's just that Wan Buyi revealed the star beast in the sacred realm, and let the two elders take action, all to tell the world that the background of Mingyang Shenzong is unpredictable.

Of course, it is also in preparation for recruiting more disciples in the future.

The war between gods and demons has already begun, and Mingyang Shenzong's inheritance has also returned, so it is completely possible to start accumulating strength and showing its edge.

After killing Gu Qingli, Jian Fengyun calmly walked towards the main hall of Ming Yang Shenzong's sect.

"Young Sect Master!"

"Hi, young master."

Along the way, from time to time, disciples of Mingyang Divine Sect greeted him. Compared with Jian Fengyun before joining the sect, the attitude of these disciples became much gentler.


Jian Fengyun responded all the way, walked to the depths of Mingyang Sect, and boarded the main hall.


Jian Fengyun stepped into the hall.

Wan Buyi was already standing in the hall waiting for him.

"Fengyun, are you alright?"

Wan Buyi looked at Jian Fengyun and asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Jian Fengyun smiled faintly.

Although the horrific confrontations just now took place under his nose, they didn't hurt him at all.

"You'll be fine."

Wan Buyi breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Jian Fengyun, and asked nervously: "Fengyun, what did you see behind the stone palace, and how did you get the inheritance of Mingyang Shenzong? I was influenced by a mysterious force. After passing out, I don't know many things behind."

"Sovereign, under the stone hall is a memory left by the patriarch"

Jian Fengyun narrated the experience under the stone palace from beginning to end, including meeting the patriarch and mother, and the process of getting Mingyang Shenzong's inheritance.

Of course, he skimmed over the detailed description of that memory, saying only that it was an ancient history.

"So that's the case. I never thought that the true inheritance of my Mingyang Sect came from my grandparents!"

After Wan Buyi listened, he was thoughtful and shocked.

"Yes, regarding inheritance, I will use my soul power to record it in the jade scroll as soon as possible. The suzerain and the disciples of the sect can start to practice, but now that I have offended the Temple of Killing and the Youhuang God Dynasty, the sect still has to be careful."

Jian Fengyun swept his eyes and expressed his opinion.

"You don't need to worry about the safety of the sect, but there is one thing that is very strange. You asked me to sacrifice the guardian beast in the hidden cave under the Kunwu sacred tree. According to the grandmother and mother, the beast should respond, but it is only now. After turning around once, there was no more sound, could something be wrong?" Wan Buyi asked with a frown.

"Shouldn't it be?"

Jian Fengyun frowned. According to the patriarch's mother's inheritance, the guardian beasts under the Mingyang Sect are sacred-level star beasts. Their blood comes from ancient true dragons, and they have a long lifespan. Nothing will happen at all.

"What did you sacrifice with?"

Jian Fengyun seemed to think of something, and asked immediately.

"With the blood of the star beasts in the Divine Origin Realm, as well as top-grade divine crystals and some silver-level elixirs." Wan Buyi said immediately.

"No wonder."

Jian Fengyun focused his eyes, and there was a hint of bewilderment in his eyes.

According to the records of the Immortal Alchemy, if you want to sacrifice the star beasts above the sacred realm, you need to use the blood of the star beasts in the god king realm, cooperate with immortal jade, and then add gold-level elixir to satisfy their appetite. If you sacrifice with inferior spiritual materials, Fear of backlash.

Wan Buyi sacrificed the blood of the star beasts in the Shenyuan Realm, as well as top-quality spirit crystals and silver-level elixir. It was not bad that it didn't get angry. It was obviously because of the ancestors of the Mingyang Shenzong on the face.

"Sovereign, to sacrifice the sacred star beast, you need to use the blood of the god king star beast, together with immortal jade and gold-level elixir, otherwise it will not meet the standard of sacrifice." Jian Fengyun said.

"Ah, then did I commit a taboo, why don't I hurry up and do the sacrifice again."

Wan Buyi was startled when he heard the sound, and said immediately.

"Let's go, let's go to worship together."

Jian Fengyun moved his eyes, nodded and said.

A strange look appeared in his heart, because the voice of devouring spirits rang in his ears.

"I know the star beast under the Mingyang Shenzong, but I didn't expect that he is still alive after such a long time."

"Who is he?"

"You'll know when you go and have a look. It's quite easy to talk about. Back then, Che Tian gave him favors. If he has a conscience, he should still remember it."


Using soul power to communicate with Devouring Soul, Jian Fengyun was surprised.

It's the same age as the owner of the Heaven Devouring Inheritance on him, and it seems that this star beast has lived for a long time.

Mingyang Shenzong was peaceful inside, but the outside world began to have an undercurrent.

Mingyang Divine Sect aggressively exterminated the invasion of the temple, and the news swept across the galaxy like a storm. Of course, the most important thing was that it spread throughout the first divine dynasty of the five regions, the Youhuang Divine Dynasty, within a short period of time.

All the fighters and forces of Youhuang Divine Dynasty were shocked in a moment.

In particular, the Divine Sense of Divine Lord Youhuang was cut off, which surprised the heads and holy masters of the Five Realms religions as well as the major holy places.

Due to the power of the Youhuang God Dynasty, warriors in the galaxy dare not discuss this matter openly, but many people are discussing it in private.

"Could it be that the ancestor of Mingyang Shenzong is still alive?!"

An old Holy Master who knew a little bit about Mingyang Divine Sect couldn't help but murmured: "In the past thousands of years, Mingyang Divine Sect has only a handful of Shenzong realms, who gave them the courage to dare to destroy the Divine Sense of Divine Lord Youhuang. "

Thinking of the elders of the Mingyang Sect slashing the Divine Sense of the Lord Youhuang with a single sword, this made countless people sink in their hearts.

It wasn't that it shocked that elder's strength, but that Ming Yang Shenzong dared to attack the Divine Sense of Divine Lord Youhuang.

"Mingyang Divine Sect is courting death, even daring to destroy Divine Lord Youhuang's divine sense. Is this a war against the Youhuang Divine Dynasty?" Some warriors also speculated secretly.

"Perhaps Mingyang Shenzong wants to show its strength again when the battle between gods and demons begins, and compete with the major religions of the holy lands!" Some big figures who inherited the ancient holy lands also speculated one after another.

"Although I don't know the background of Mingyang Shenzong, but if you want to fight against the Youhuang God Dynasty, I'm afraid there is no hope."

"That's right, even if Youhuang Shenchao doesn't make a move."

(End of this chapter)

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