Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1267 Immortal Burial Formation

Chapter 1267 Immortal Burial Formation

"What's the matter, can't you choose Tianyi Hall?" Jian Fengyun asked.

"No, you can choose it, but you can choose it, but this Tianyi Hall was reserved by Senior Sister Lanyou in front of many disciples of the Holy Academy, so if you choose it, you may have some misunderstandings with Senior Sister Lanyou." The girl said Be careful and authentic.

"She made a reservation, but delivered the meritorious service?" Jian Fengyun swept his eyes and asked.

"It hasn't been delivered yet," the woman said.

"If you don't deliver it, it's fine. I want Tianyi Hall." Jian Fengyun's eyes moved, and he said immediately.

"Okay." Seeing Jian Fengyun's firm tone, the girl immediately began to operate for Jian Fengyun.

After a while, there were only five caves left on the silk scroll.

"This is the prohibition token of Tianyi Temple. There are three pieces in total. You can give it to your cronies to live with. The Holy Court has no control over the cave." The girl handed the three black crystal tokens to Jian Fengyun .


Jian Fengyun responded lightly, and put away the three crystals.

"Thank you for clarifying your doubts today, if you have anything to do in the future, you can come to Tianyi Hall to find me."

Leaving a sentence behind, Jian Fengyun's figure slowly walked out of the executive hall under the attention of everyone.

"Junior Sister Lin at the second window is really lucky, to be able to catch up with Sheng Tianzi just like that."

"Hey, with the status of the Holy Son of Heaven, just giving some benefits at will is enough for us to do many tasks."

"Really, I never imagined that the Holy Son of Heaven would be such an unremarkable martial artist in the Divine Spirit Realm."

In the executive hall, countless people looked at Jian Fengyun, and then cast envious glances at the girl at the second window who was in charge of registering her identity.

Seeing this scene, Senior Sister Li at window No. [-] felt so depressed that she was about to vomit blood.

Originally, these belonged to her, just because of her snobbish eyes.

At this moment, her intestines were turning green with regret.

Compared to the remorseful Senior Sister Li, Junior Sister Lin at the second window seemed a little flattered. This Holy Son of Heaven was not as scary as the rumors said, and his attitude just now was quite approachable.

Of course, not long after Jian Fengyun left, someone discovered a hot spot.

"Look, Tianyi Hall was actually taken away by Jian Fengyun."

"In the holy courtyard, everyone knows that Tianyi Hall is the cultivation cave that Senior Sister Lanyou pre-arranged, yet Jian Fengyun dares to take it. Could it be that there is some grievance between him and Senior Sister Lanyou?"

"Could it be that those storytellers in Shengtian City are telling the truth, that Jian Fengyun and Lan You really have secrets that they have to tell?"

At the moment, countless people are talking about it.

Previously, because Jian Fengyun broke the record of Lan You, the second level of the road to the holy road, various versions of stories about Jian Fengyun and Lan You began to spread in Shengtian City, but everyone thought it was a rumor, and few people believed it. Seeing this scene made many people feel convinced.

Outside the executive hall, Mei Yuer was full of joy, holding a silver token in her hand, and a light curtain appeared on the token, showing the number 23.

Just now she submitted the god-level task she accepted to complete, a total of 20 merits, far exceeding the [-] merits she had only gained in the past few years.

"20 meritorious service, it seems that you have gained a lot of benefits by bringing me back."

Jian Fengyun appeared behind Mei Yuer, and said slowly.

He is not stupid, after thinking about the cause and effect, he can guess the reason why Mei Yuer brought him to the Holy Court.

"You came out so soon, tell me, which cultivation cave did you choose?"

Mei Yuer turned around, saw Jian Fengyun, immediately put away her identity token, and asked.

"Tianyi Hall."

Jian Fengyun replied lightly, and said.

"You chose Tianyi Hall!!"

Mei Yuer opened her beautiful eyes, looked at Jian Fengyun, and said in amazement.

"what happened?"

Jian Fengyun swept his eyes and asked.

"No, let's go, I'll take you to Tianyi Hall. Disciples above the core disciples of the Holy Academy must complete at least one task on the Holy League task list every year, and the rest of the time can be self-cultivation. It’s best to retreat and practice immediately, and don’t come out for a short time.”

Mei Yuer twitched her lips and said.


Jian Fengyun responded lightly, and was too lazy to say more.

He knew that Mei Yuer must be hinting at herself because of the so-called Lan You.

In fact, he didn't care about this Lan You whom everyone was talking about at all.

Following Mei Yuer, walk to the rear from a bluestone road beside the executive hall.

The layout of this holy courtyard is quite special. Most of the buildings in the area are residences for disciples.

In addition to these residences, there are some huge buildings, such as the Star Beast Pavilion, the Medicine Pill Pavilion, the Artifact Pavilion, and so on.

Not far away, I saw a huge ancient temple with an antique flavor. From this ancient temple, you can still see the three gold-inlaid characters on the door plaque from a distance.

"Holy Path Pavilion!"

Jian Fengyun looked at this ancient palace, and the alchemy of immortality flowed quietly in his heart.

This ancient temple is actually the center of the huge holy courtyard, which gathers the strongest power in this area to supply the prohibition around the ancient temple.

There must be treasures in the defense of Kowloon.

Jian Fengyun took a closer look, there were nine spiritual veins outside the holy courtyard, and the nine spiritual veins surrounded the holy courtyard, causing the aura of the holy courtyard to far exceed the outside world, and the holy way pavilion is the center of the holy courtyard.

It seems that this Holy Path Pavilion is the most precious place in the Holy Court.

Jian Fengyun was secretly certain in his heart.

"Don't look at it, you can enter the Shengdao Pavilion to borrow martial arts classics at will with your emperor's order. Go to Tianyi Hall first, and if you have time to go to the Shengdao Pavilion in the future." Mei Yuer looked at the sword that had stopped. Fengyun suddenly opened his mouth.

Jian Fengyun came back to his senses, responded lightly, and followed Mei Yuer to continue walking forward.

Perhaps because of the inheritance of immortal alchemy, he has been observing the layout of the holy courtyard all the way.

If you don't observe, you don't know. Once you observe, you will discover the extraordinary.

The layout of the entire holy courtyard, every building is like a part of a formation, symmetrical to the sky and the earth, completely natural.

Walk from the executive hall to the spiritual peak of the cultivation cave at the end.

Jian Fengyun's heart couldn't be described as shock anymore, he discovered that the layout of the holy courtyard turned out to be an ancient formation recorded in the immortal alchemy, this formation was called the Immortal Burial Formation.

"The Immortal Burial Formation was created by the immortals of the Ancient Immortal Era. It has the ability to change reincarnation against the heavens and the earth. If a fallen immortal is buried under the Immortal Burial Formation, there is a chance to revive and return in the boundless time."

This sentence comes from the records in the Immortal Alchemy.

"I didn't expect that there really was an immortal burial formation in this world."

Jian Fengyun repeatedly confirmed the surrounding layout, and immediately narrowed his eyes.

According to the records of Immortal Alchemy, the arrangement of the Immortal Burial Formation has extremely high requirements, the right time, place and people are indispensable, and it is also necessary to avoid all possible accidents that may occur in the endless years. It is rare to see this formation in the galaxy after the ancient times.

(End of this chapter)

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