Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1268

Chapter 1268
Could there really be a legendary immortal under this immortal burial formation?

A doubt rose in Jian Fengyun's heart.

"Up here is Tianyi Hall, you can go up by yourself."

Mei Yuer's voice sounded from the side, pulling Jian Fengyun back to reality.


Jian Fengyun responded, and glanced forward.

In front of him was a spiritual peak, which was more than a hundred feet high, surrounded by restrictive formations, if there was no token for passing the restriction, even warriors in the Shenzong realm would not be able to break through this layer of restriction.

"By the way, if you want to use meritorious deeds, you can go to the meritorious service hall behind the executive hall, where you can exchange meritorious deeds for many treasures."

Mei Yuer thought of something and then spoke.

Jian Fengyun followed the sound and looked towards the Hall of Merit and Merit, which was a little far behind, it was crowded with people, there were many disciples from the Holy Academy staying there, presumably there were many treasures there.

"it is good."

Jian Fengyun responded lightly.

He is not very short of treasures now, what he wants is time, let him go to the Sky Devouring Tower to improve his strength.

"It's okay, I'll go back first."

Mei Yu'er's beautiful eyes dimmed slightly, and she spoke out.


Jian Fengyun responded lightly and said, "Go slowly."

After the words fell, he turned around, and the token in his hand emitted a ray of light, protecting Jian Fengyun's body, allowing him to safely pass through the restriction of Tianyi Lingfeng.

Seeing the gradually shrinking figure walking up to the top of the mountain, Mei Yu'er couldn't help but flicker a little wave in her beautiful eyes.

There is an inexplicable feeling in my heart, like reluctance, but I don't believe it is reluctance.

It took a long time before she turned around from outside the restraint and walked towards her own residence.

As a core disciple, she also has an ordinary residence in the holy courtyard. She lives alone in a palace. It is not as luxurious as the cultivation cave, but it is not bad.

Tianyi Temple

A huge palace is located on the Lingfeng Peak, and the aura is misty, very dusty, like a cave in the world.

Pushing open the gate, one can see a surrounded courtyard, except for a few ordinary green spirit trees, there are no other plants planted in the courtyard.

Jian Fengyun looked around the palace, found the main bedroom, and walked in.

After setting up restrictions in the dormitory to ensure that outsiders could not spy on him, his figure flashed and disappeared into the hall.

Devouring Heaven Realm, the third floor of Devouring Sky Tower.

Jian Fengyun's figure appeared here, he still has [-] soul-devouring stones that have not been exchanged, but he did not come here to exchange for treasures, he was going to enter the test passage on the third floor.

He has to try his own strength first, and then consider what treasures to upgrade.

Step into the deep space door, and enter the long-lost cemetery.

Black mist lingers, eerie and bone-piercing.

In this cemetery shrouded in darkness, there were many tombstones, the one closest to Jian Fengyun had been quietly shattered.

Because, this tombstone is the tomb of Emperor Dongfang, and Jian Fengyun has fought against him before.

After fighting fiercely for nearly half a day, the divine power in Jian Fengyun's body was almost exhausted. In the end, he was barely exhausted by relying on the terrifying recovery power of the Heaven Swallowing Divine Body and the Nirvana Returning Method.

Then go to the back, no one knows what kind of strong person you will meet, but you still have to keep trying, because if you don't meet someone stronger, you don't know where your flaws are.

About a hundred feet away, I saw the second tombstone.

Yin Hong's blood left a line of writing on the tombstone, and a terrifying murderous aura rushed over his face.

Before approaching the tombstone, one could feel the murderous aura above the tombstone. It can be seen that the owner of the tombstone must have been a peerless existence before he was alive, but it was a pity that he was defeated by the Heaven Devourer.

"Young Emperor of the Dark Moon, Tang Anran."

The terrifying murderous aura was derived from those blood characters, and these bloods were obviously the blood of Tang Anran, the Young Emperor of the Dark Moon.

"Another young emperor."

Jian Fengyun's eyes narrowed, and his face became heavy.

In this terrifying murderous aura, he felt a trace of familiarity.

Where did you feel this momentum?
He was puzzled in his heart, and then his eyes narrowed, and he suddenly heard something. When he first stepped into Shengtian City, he was fighting against a holy son of the Dark Moon Sage Emperor.

His name is Tang Shiba, and this Young Emperor of the Dark Moon is Tang Anran. They have the same surname and the same murderous aura. Obviously, they come from the same lineage.

Unexpectedly, the orthodox inheritance of the Dark Moon Holy Land came from the existence of the God Emperor level!

Jian Fengyun was slightly surprised, no wonder Tang Shiba could entangle with him for so long in the daytime, it turned out to be an extraordinary inheritance.

Just after Jian Fengyun approached a few steps, a figure wearing a black robe stepped out of the tombstone. This figure had a black ghost face on its face, and a strange red flame danced in its eyes.

The moment his figure stepped out, the surrounding air froze suddenly.

Above the cemetery, the original sinister feeling disappeared, replaced by a deep sense of crisis.

Tang Anran's figure exuded the aura of a nine-star Divine Spirit Realm, but the murderous aura on his body was more terrifying than the pressure given by a nine-star Divine King Realm, or even a one-star Divine Emperor Realm.

This young emperor of the dark moon is stronger than the young emperor of the east!
The moment he saw Tang Anran, Jian Fengyun had this thought in his heart.

If the young emperor Dongfang made Jian Fengyun feel the crisis, then the young emperor Anyue made him feel the murderous intent, like the breath of death.

"Dark Moon Tang, please enlighten me!"

The black shadow moved, and in a flash, it appeared in front of Jian Fengyun.

Jian Fengyun knew that he moved, but he didn't have time to react, because Tang Anran's speed was too fast, faster than the speed of his mind and body.

There was a sound of flying blades piercing the air.

Three poisoned black needles appeared in Tang Anran's hand, piercing Jian Fengyun's heart. At the same time, a black flying blade emerged from behind Jian Fengyun, exuding a terrifying murderous and poisonous aura.

Whether it was the three silver needles quenched with poison, or the flying blade behind him exuding a terrifying murderous and poisonous aura, Jian Fengyun had no power to resist.

"Xuanwu method!"

Finally, Jian Fengyun still had a chance to catch it, and he didn't have time to think about it, so he directly activated the Xuanwu method.

No one can break the defense of Xuanwu method at the same level.

Two crisp sounds sounded, the three poisoned silver needles and the black flying blade did not penetrate the basalt phantom transformed by the basalt martial arts, but they also left dense cracks on the basalt phantom.

Jian Fengyun felt that in his spiritual sea, [-]% of his divine power was directly emptied and turned into the consumption of Xuanwu method.

In order to resist the two hidden weapons just now, the Xuanwu method drained [-]% of his divine power.

At this moment, Jian Fengyun was shocked.


Just about to say something.
(End of this chapter)

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