Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1269

Chapter 1269

Just about to curse, Tang sadly moved again, and another black flying blade was caught between the index finger and middle finger in his hand.

The black flying blade pierced through the air and appeared in front of Jian Fengyun in an instant.

Jian Fengyun didn't dare to let go, the divine power surged in his body, and at the same time, he activated the Nirvana Returning to Yuan Method, turning the power of Qi and blood into divine power to maintain consumption.

The pitch-black flying blade flashed three inches in front of him, and turned into nine flying blades with different trajectories, blocking nine different directions around Jian Fengyun.

boom! boom! boom!
A series of nine violent collisions sounded.

Nine huge cracks appeared on the Xuanwu phantom.

Chen Yang felt that his body was empty, not to mention that the remaining [-]% of the divine power in his body was taken away, and a full [-]% of his energy and blood power was consumed.

You know, the power of Jian Fengyun's Qi and blood is comparable to the divine power of the Nine-Star God King Realm, and it is incredible that he can use Xuanwu to resist these flying blades, which is simply unbelievable.

Whoosh whoosh.
A few more cracking sounds followed.

Jian Fengyun noticed it, but he didn't have enough time to react.

A moment later, his figure appeared on the third floor of the Heaven Devouring Tower, the power of Qi, blood and divine power in his body was exhausted, and his complexion turned pale.

"How could it be that Nine Stars of the Divine Spirit Realm have such combat power?!"

Jian Fengyun was shocked.

In the battle just now, he could be said to be completely crushed by Tang Anran, without the slightest power to resist, and even every time he wanted to use Qingfeng Huasha to dodge, he was too late.

"Why not? In ancient times, there were many Tianjiao like Tang Anran. It's just that time has passed and many martial arts civilizations have been lost, which has led to the fact that martial arts seem to be a bit weak today."

The figure of Devouring Soul appeared in front of Jian Fengyun.

"I feel that if I am faster, I can still fight him."

Jian Fengyun's eyes narrowed, and he said impressively.

In his body, the Nirvana Return to Origin method began to accelerate the recovery of the energy, blood and divine power that had been consumed.

"Spirit Devourer, is there a real method of movement in the treasure hall?"

The next moment, Jian Fengyun looked at the Devouring Soul and asked.

If it was just now, his speed could keep up with Tang Anran, and he might not be beaten by him without any resistance.

"In the treasure halls on the first three floors, there is no movement technique that allows you to keep up with Tang Anran's speed. The Dark Moon God Step in the Dark Moon Holy Land is one of the fastest movement techniques in Xinghe, and you must have the Dark Moon God Emperor's body. Only blood can be cultivated, and this movement method is also the life-saving technique of the Dark Moon God Emperor." Ling Devour said.

Jian Fengyun frowned, and said: "Then how should we deal with him?"

If the speed cannot keep up with the opponent, unless the combat power is absolutely crushed, otherwise the opponent will be unable to do anything at all.

"Three ways, one is to forcibly break through the realm of swallowing the gods, the second is to practice some attack-type true methods in the third-level treasure hall to improve your combat power, and the third is to find a breakthrough point from yourself." Devouring said.

"The first way is not recommended, because forcibly breaking through the realm of swallowing the gods may cause a weak foundation and affect future cultivation."

"As for the second road and the third road, it is risky to choose either one alone. It is recommended that you choose both."

The words of Devouring Soul echoed in the Sky Devouring Tower.

"Choose at the same time?" Jian Fengyun frowned.

"Yes, choose at the same time."

Devourer's eyes moved, and he said inscrutably: "You should also feel that although your power is far beyond the Nine-Star God Spirit Realm, you don't have a few real methods that can exert these powers, except for the five-spiritual method that consumes a lot , that is, only the Dongfang family’s three god-emperor true methods can be used, so you need to practice a few powerful true methods in order to fully display your combat power.”

Hearing the words of Devouring Soul, Jian Fengyun was taken aback.

Indeed, his attack methods are rather single, especially when he is in the outside world, the five gods can't be used, and only the Dongfang family's three gods and emperors can be used.

It was precisely because of this that when he fought Tang Shiba in Shengtian City, he had to use his own body to suppress Tang Shiba. It took dozens of punches before he defeated Tang Shiba.

Therefore, it is very necessary to learn a few powerful true methods of the God Emperor.

Devouring saw Jian Fengyun thinking, and then said: "Secondly, find a breakthrough point from yourself. The meaning is very simple. Didn't you get the inheritance of immortal alchemy? There is a body method in it. If I see it correctly , this movement method is not weaker than the Dark Moon Divine Step, you have not cherished it, so I will mention it to you today."

After the words fell, Jian Fengyun was shocked violently.


That day he accepted the test in front of the Patriarch Hall of the Ming Yang Shenzong, and that test was a true body method that was passed down to him.

At that time, I felt that this true method was very mysterious, but after I came to the Holy Court in a hurry, I left this true method.

Now when I heard Devouring mention it, the cultivation scriptures of Tianchibu couldn't help but pop up in my mind.

"Without a shadow, one step to the end of the world, the law is invisible, but only close at hand"

About half a day later, Jian Fengyun mastered this body technique.

When he slowly opened his eyes, a white light flashed in his eyes.

"If you use this Tianchi step, the speed can indeed compete with Tang Anran's Dark Moon God Step. It is agile and elegant, and you can completely dodge his hidden weapon attack."

Jian Fengyun's heart moved and he thought to himself.

It has to be said that the master of this fairy alchemy is very good, inheriting such a movement technique is comparable to the first speed dark moon god step in the galaxy, it seems that the inheritance of the fairy alchemy is also very amazing.

Secretly sighing in his heart, the fairy alchemy is mainly a technique that uses soul power, and it won't have much effect in the Heaven Devouring Tower, but once it leaves the Soul Devouring Tower and goes to the outside world, it can definitely be passed on earth-shatteringly.

Jian Fengyun has seen no less than ten kinds of secret techniques to improve one's own strength by using the power of heaven and earth alone.

Of course, Jian Fengyun has never used it, because since he received the inheritance of the immortal alchemy, he has never encountered an opponent worthy of him using the immortal alchemy.

"Bitling, there are too many true methods in the treasure hall, which ones are better for me to cultivate in my current realm?"

Jian Fengyun was not ashamed to ask.

Since Chu Ling has followed Tian Chu, his foresight must be extraordinary, instead of blindly choosing the true method by himself, it is better to ask him directly, which can save a lot of time.

"The most important thing in the inheritance of the Heaven Devourer is the way of the sword, but the Sword Dao of the Devourer must at least reach the God King Realm to practice, otherwise with your physical body and realm, you won't even be able to reach the threshold." Ling Devourer said.

"Then do I have a suitable true method now?" Jian Fengyun asked.

Ling Che's face moved slightly, he thought for a moment, and said: "Choose the Great Void Sword, this is the bet left by Dongfang Gu when he lost to Che Tian. Although this sword method is not as good as Che Tian's sword method, it is still a true sword method. The top class among them, if you succeed in cultivation, it will also be beneficial for you to comprehend the swordsmanship of Devouring Heaven in the future."

"The Great Void Sword?".
(End of this chapter)

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