Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1270 The Challenge Under the Spirit Peak

Chapter 1270 The Challenge Under the Spirit Peak
"The Great Void Sword?"

Jian Fengyun's eyes moved, and he couldn't help but recall the scene when he fought against Dongfang Shaodi not long ago.

Dongfang Gu, the young emperor of Dongfang, besides the three god emperor true arts he practiced, also has a swordsmanship true method, it is this swordsmanship true method that completely suppressed Jian Fengyun.

To this day, Jian Fengyun still remembers it fresh.

"That's right, it's really the Great Void Sword, the strongest inheritance of the Eastern God Emperor, the true method that only the most talented Tianjiao in each generation of the Eastern Family can comprehend. question."

Devouring looked at Jian Fengyun and said slowly.

"Oh, how many soul-devouring stones does the big void sword need?"

Jian Fengyun was moved and immediately asked.

If he had mastered the Great Void Sword like Dongfang Shaodi, his combat power would definitely be raised to a higher level.

Soul Eater said: "Ten thousand Soul Eater Stones."

Jian Fengyun: "."

I just got [-] soul-eating stones, and I haven't exchanged any treasures yet. In order to exchange for such a true inheritance, I have to consume the soul-eating stones.

"Don't worry, in the Sky Devouring Tower, consuming Soul Devouring Stones to exchange for treasures is definitely worth the money. The Great Void Sword will definitely satisfy you."

Soul Devouring seemed to have guessed what Jian Fengyun was thinking, he glanced at it immediately and said.

"Okay, exchange it for the Great Void Sword over there."

With a thought in his mind, Jian Fengyun said in a firm tone.

The figure of the devouring spirit flashed, and disappeared in the third floor of the Sky Devouring Tower. After a while, Jian Fengyun felt that the spirit devouring stone floating on his spiritual sea was drawn away by a mysterious force, and finally disappeared.

A total of [-] soul-devouring stones were used up just a few days after they were obtained.

Jian Fengyun felt a burst of heartache.

"Great Void Sword, here!"

The figure of Devourer appeared in front of him again, and a black and simple jade scroll appeared in his hand, and he handed it to Jian Fengyun.

"Let me see how mysterious this true method is, and it is worth ten thousand soul-devouring stones."

Jian Fengyun took the jade scroll, and secretly said in his heart.

I don't know what kind of jade this black jade scroll is made of. There are four golden ancient characters on the jade scroll.

These four ancient characters are very ancient and complicated, they are the characters of the human race in the ancient times, and they have long been lost in the galaxy.

Fortunately, Jian Fengyun has cultivated immortal alchemy and can recognize characters from ancient times.

Great Void Sword!

These four characters are really a big Void Sword, and there is a strange fluctuation exuding from the golden characters.

When Jian Fengyun's hand touched the jade scroll, the four golden ancient characters suddenly disappeared, and a black glow surged out of the jade scroll, shooting into Jian Fengyun's soul sea.

"The Great Void Sword, borrowing the power of the void, transforms the invisible space, the invisible space, and the invincible sword."

A mighty scripture with tens of thousands of characters unfolded in the sea of ​​swords, clouds and souls.

Jian Fengyun immediately sat cross-legged, and comprehended.

After comprehending the ten-thousand-character scriptures in the sea of ​​souls, he could clearly feel the bursts of Sanskrit sounds in his ears, which were very mysterious.

The first form, the invisible sword!

The second form, the shadowless sword!

The third form, the invincible sword!

After sitting cross-legged for three full days, Jian Fengyun finally opened his eyes, the sun, moon and stars evolved in his eyes, and sword energy surged around his body.

"The invisible sword!"

Jian Fengyun's eyes narrowed, and he waved his hand imposingly, the divine power surged in his body.

In an instant, hundreds of sword qi flew out of the huge third floor Heaven Devouring Pagoda unexpectedly.

These Dao sword qi exude black light, most of their power comes from the turbulent flow of space, and rarely consume Jian Fengyun's divine power.

The so-called invisible sword is called invisible because it is just a space turbulence flowing deep in the space before attacking. Only when attacking, the power of the space turbulence will instantly condense and turn into sword energy.

It has to be said that this great void sword, Xuan Ao Wushuang, can actually control the power in the void that does not belong to him and turn it into sword energy.

"Shadowless Sword!"

Jian Fengyun waved his hand again, all the sword energy in the void dissipated, and the dissipated power of the sword energy permeated the entire void, allowing him to perceive all movements in the entire void.

This kind of perception is more detailed and transparent than the perception of soul power, even Qingfenghuasha cannot escape this kind of perception.

At this time, Jian Fengyun finally knew why his Qingfeng Huasha was ineffective against Dongfang Shaodi.

With a thought, dozens of sword qi appeared in the void and crossed.

The sword qi is invisible, like nothingness, and cannot be detected by the naked eye, but the damage of the sword qi still exists.

Dozens of sword qi intertwined, forming a gust of wind blowing Jian Fengyun's black hair.

Black hair fluttering, white clothes swinging.

As for the Invincible Sword, Jian Fengyun didn't try it, because this sword is to evacuate the power in the surrounding void and fuse all his own power, turning it into a powerful sword.

It is recorded in the true biography that this sword is generally used as a trump card and must not be used unless it is in a crisis.

After using the Invincible Sword, he will also become weak due to exhaustion of strength, which is very dangerous.

"It is indeed the true method of ten thousand soul-devouring stones."

Jian Fengyun murmured at the corner of his mouth, stretched out his hand and moved slightly, and the sword energy flew in front of him, with astonishing power.

The sword energy that comes from the turbulent flow of space is still very terrifying.

At this time, Jian Fengyun felt that his combat power had increased by more than a star and a half. If he met Tang Shiba again, he would not need to make any effort at all, and he would be able to severely injure him with just one thought.

"Linggu, I think it's time to kill that Tang Anran now."

With a smile on his face, Jian Fengyun said while trying the Great Void Sword move.

With the Great Void Sword, coupled with the speed of Tianchibu, there should be no pressure to deal with Tang Anran.

I secretly planned in my heart.

"You'd better go out and check first, it seems that someone is looking for you outside."

Devouring glanced at it, and said.

"Someone looking for me?!"

Jian Fengyun was shocked and suspicious.

Didn't I already enter the holy courtyard, and it's still my own cave, how could someone look for me?

Confused for a while, Jian Fengyun decided to go out and have a look.

Afterwards, his figure slowly disappeared in the Heaven Devouring Tower.

"Jian Fengyun, I want to challenge you."

"I want to challenge you too."

"For my senior sister Lan, I must kill you."

The figure had just appeared in the bedroom, and countless noisy voices continued to enter the hall from outside the hall.

Jian Fengyun frowned, he seemed to have just retreated for three or four days, how could so many people want to challenge him.

Could it be that someone is looking for trouble maliciously?
Feeling suspicious, Jian Fengyun walked out of the sleeping hall and walked towards the gate of Tianyi Hall.

Passing through the yard, the clamor and clamor grew louder.

ka ka ka-

The gate of Tianyi Hall was slowly pushed open by Jian Fengyun.

I saw hundreds of male disciples gathered under Tianyi Spirit Peak, and they were the ones clamoring to challenge Jian Fengyun.

"he came out"

(End of this chapter)

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