Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1276 One Finger Surprises the Audience

Chapter 1276
"The power of nine puppets, gather!"

The corner of Lan You's blood-stained mouth twitched slightly, and the magic formula in his hand twitched.

From the nine puppets surrounded by blood-red gossip, nine strands of pure blue power surged out and merged into her palm.

As the formula evolved, an illusory war puppet appeared in front of her.

This is the puppet master who integrated the power of the puppet into his body, condensed an illusory war puppet, and controlled this war puppet with his own body.

Only very strong puppet masters can use it.

Lan You's physical body fused with the power of the nine puppets seemed to be a bit reluctant, the blood on the corner of his mouth extended impressively, and his injury worsened.

"Lan You, if you can't hold on, come down, I will try my best to defeat him."

Under the jihad stage, Li Chongzun, who had just stabilized his injuries, roared in distress when he saw this scene.

His liking for Lan You is not like that of an outsider, but his appearance and reputation. His liking for Lan You has been with him for many years since the first time he saw Lan You.

So, at this moment, unlike everyone's waiting and watching, he was worried about Lan You.

Lan You gritted her teeth and held on, not listening to Li Chongzun's words at all.

"The power of ants can shake the sky."

Li Yinyang looked at the illusory puppet with a look of disdain on his face.

Obviously, he is still very confident in dealing with this puppet.

"Destroy me!"

The next moment, the dark red magic formula in his hand was pinched, and the bloody gossip in front of him suddenly split open, revealing a huge blood-red eye.

From the blood-red eyes, a blood-red beam of light as thick as a person shot out, which was quite astonishing.

Lan You lightly gritted her white teeth, and pinched the magic formula in her hand.


Jian Fengyun frowned, looking at Li Yinyang on the jihad platform, his eyes slightly lit up with a cold light.

The methods that Li Yinyang used just now are indeed common methods, but at the moment when the blood-red gossip split, from the depths of the blood-red eyes, a devilish energy was revealed.

If Jian Fengyun's soul power had not reached the silver level, otherwise he would not be able to feel it.

The next moment, the faint blue illusory battle puppet in front of her rushed out impressively, punching the blood-red beam of light with a fist.


The imaginary scene of two giant forces colliding did not appear. The seemingly majestic war puppet shattered under the blood-red beam of light. Xiang Lanyou.


Seeing this scene, Li Chongzun didn't care about anything anymore, he jumped onto the jihad platform and condensed a shield to block Lan You.

He didn't know if he could stop it, but he knew that if he didn't stop it, his heart would be uncomfortable for the rest of his life.

"what are you doing?"

Seeing this scene, Lan You's pretty face moved.

Li Chongzun didn't respond, and all his mind was devoted to the shield condensed in front of him, trying to resist the power of the dark red beam of light.

"It's such a terrifying power, I guess it's more than the talent of the two-star God Emperor Realm, isn't it?"

Under the jihad stage, all the disciples of the holy court felt the terrifying atmosphere on the stage, and they couldn't help being shocked.

When the dark red beam of light was about to fall, Li Chongzun's face changed drastically.

In this beam of light, there was a very strange force that made him feel the breath of death, and he knew that he couldn't stop it.

"Lan You, in fact, I have always liked you very much, but the gap between me and you is too big, so I never mentioned it."

Finally, at the moment when the beam of light was about to fall, Li Chongzun spoke.

He knew that if he didn't say it, he might not have a chance to say it.

In the face of some feelings, life and death also seem inferior.

It's magic energy!
Jian Fengyun stared, the moment the blood-red beam of light turned dark red, he was aware of it.

What Li Yinyang used was the demonic technique wrapped in the cloak of true magic, and the power aroused by this technique did not seem to be his, but other powerful demons.


In the next second, his figure disappeared directly outside the crowd.

On the jihad stage, everyone felt that Li Zhongzun was about to be killed by the dark red beam of light.

"do not want!"

Lan You also panicked. Even though her talent and mind were peerless, she was still young and had never experienced such a thing.

"Hmph, using the methods of the Demon Race, it seems that the Yin-Yang Sect has already surrendered to the Demon Race."

At this moment, a cold snort sounded from the jihad platform.

At the end of the dark red beam of light, a figure in white clothes suddenly emerged.

The man in white snorted coldly, raised his palm slightly, and pointed out.


A dragon chant sounded, and a black dragon slipped out of his fingers.

The Heavenly Forbidden Finger was activated, one divided into nine, and this dark red beam of light was divided into nine.

boom! boom! boom!
There were several earth-shattering sounds on the jihad platform, and the nine dragons and the dark red beam of light that had been transformed by the Heavenly Forbidden Finger disappeared at the same time.

Evenly matched!

"It's him!".
Li Chongzun looked at the figure in white in front of him, and was stunned.

Isn't he the Jian Fengyun that he was going to challenge not long ago?
"Jian Fengyun!!"

Under the jihad stage, all the disciples of the Holy Court were stunned.

Looking at the figure on the stage, with flying black hair and white clothes, he looked like a peerless god of war.

This is the Holy Son of Heaven whom they scolded just now?

Everyone gasped and felt their faces scald hot.

Just a shot, the combat power displayed by one finger is not weaker than Li Yinyang's full blow.

Fortunately, they said before that Jian Fengyun did not dare to fight. This is not weaker than Li Yinyang's combat power. It should be said that they are not worthy of Jian Fengyun fighting them.

Among the crowd, those male disciples who had participated in the challenge of Jian Fengyun before could not help but bow their heads in shame, wishing they could burrow into the cracks in the ground.

The arrogance of the strong is seen by them as the cowardice of the weak.

What a shame.

"You go down first."

Jian Fengyun said lightly to Li Chongzun and Lan You who were behind him.


Li Chongzun responded subconsciously, and then helped Lan You, who was badly injured, to walk down the jihad platform.

"You are. Jian Fengyun?"

Li Yinyang's eyes were fixed, and he stared at Jian Fengyun in front of him with an ugly expression.

Just now Jian Fengyun said something on the stage, the disciples of the holy court under the holy war stage didn't notice it, but he paid attention to it very much.

The Yin-Yang Sect betrayed the human race, this is the innermost secret of the Yin-Yang Sect.

How could Jian Fengyun know?
"Why, didn't you come to me to avenge my uncle's murder? How can you take revenge if you don't even recognize what I look like?"

With a glance in Jian Fengyun's eyes, he said calmly.

"Hmph, it's just in time to clean up you together."

Li Yinyang's eyes turned cold, and a murderous look flashed in Jian Fengyun's eyes.

Yes, he had murderous intentions towards Jian Fengyun.

This person must know something, before he can tell, kill him first to avoid future troubles.

"Try to stay out of the hole if you can, okay?"

Jian Fengyun glanced at it, and said bluntly.

(End of this chapter)

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