Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1277

Chapter 1277
"Try not to move your mouth if you can, okay?"

Jian Fengyun glanced at it, and said bluntly.

If it was an ordinary challenge, he would naturally not have such a posture, but the opponent was Li Yinyang, who came to slap his face, and was a person who had practiced the art of the demon clan.

He doesn't have to be polite to this kind of person.


Li Yinyang sneered, with a hint of anger on his face.

Jian Fengyun's provocation instantly aroused his anger.

It stands to reason that the higher the level of cultivation, the stronger the state of mind will naturally be. Many powerful and peerless figures are not moved by external objects at all.

But Li Yinyang runs counter to the way of a warrior.

He didn't even realize this detail. Ever since he practiced the method of the demons, his emotions became more irritable and even uncontrollable.

Jian Fengyun stared, he discovered this detail.

When he was in Wanyu, he met people who fused with the blood of the demons or practiced the skills of the demons. In the end, all of them became irritable, their emotions were difficult to control, and even their minds became bloodthirsty.

This Li Yinyang can already be sure that he has returned to the demon clan.

Just a moment of thought.

Li Yinyang made a move, a blood-colored flame burned on his body, his speed increased to the extreme, and he turned into a dark red beam and charged towards him. The blood-red fist hit the space and made a violent trembling sound.


Jian Fengyun slapped out the palm of the Eastern Emperor, and the big black handprint spread across the sky, and the black pressure was dense, and he hit the blood-red fist heavily.


It seemed like a swan exploded, shaking the surroundings of the holy war platform, and the aftermath of the collision of red and black surged in all directions like a tide.

boom! boom! boom!
Like wind and clouds, like huge waves sweeping.

Around the holy war platform, all the plants and trees were uprooted and shattered in the air. The ground of the bluestone pavement was all cracked and turned into dust and scattered. As for the holy war platform, it was even more overwhelmed. open.

The first collision destroyed everything around the holy war platform and was razed to the ground.

The people watching the battle were all shocked. When the aftermath of the collision between the red and black streams hit, they all dodged to the rear, and some even released their divine power shields to resist the aftermath.

It is hard to imagine that the aftermath of this terrifying collision was actually caused by a battle between a one-star god emperor and a nine-star warrior in the spiritual realm.

The jihadist tower was reduced to ruins.

Although this holy battle platform is just an ordinary battle platform for the disciples of the Holy Academy to compete with each other, it has a long history, and there is also a prohibition formation arranged by the Great Spirit Formation Master of the Holy Academy. of.

From this point of view, the power generated by the collision between the two of them just now has reached the nine-star God Emperor Realm.

It's terrible, isn't it? !

Around the holy war platform, everyone gasped.

After a while, the smoke and dust in the center of the Jihad platform dispersed.

I saw Jian Fengyun and Li Yinyang standing on both sides of the ruins, their eyes facing each other, not giving way.

"Oh my god, Jian Fengyun is fine?!"

"He was okay after receiving Li Yinyang's punch?!"

"It's incredible!"

At this time, all the spectators were only surprised by Jian Fengyun.

"Hmph, you must die!"

Li Yinyang's eyes were full of blood, and behind him, a blood-red gossip suddenly appeared, and a terrifying force poured into his back.

In the next moment, his body rushed forward, and his dark red fist was burning like a mass of red flames. It was the performance of him pushing his power to the extreme. It was so dazzling that people couldn't open their eyes. It was hard to imagine this How powerful the fist is.

"Can't bear to borrow external force?"

The corner of Jian Fengyun's mouth curled up.

"The invisible sword!"

With a grasp of his palm, one after another sword marks were squeezed out impressively.

In the void, thousands of sword qi emerged instantly, borrowing the power of the turbulent flow of space within a radius of a hundred miles.

bang bang bang --

The blood-red fist was blocked by countless sword qi.

Although many sword qi were shattered by his fist, countless sword qi condensed from behind to make up for it.

It took a full ten breaths in this way.

Finally, Jian Fengyun no longer condensed the sword energy, but stretched out his right hand, the golden veins on his arm lit up, and the power of Qi and blood in his body surged, making his right arm reach the strongest state in an instant.

"Kirin method!"

At the same time, Jian Fengyun used the secret art of the Qilin method among the five gods' methods to bless his body, making his right arm strength reach an even more terrifying level.


The second time they collided, the two created a terrifying storm. The power of the red and gold colors was overwhelming, like a gust of wind swirling in all directions.


The ground couldn't bear it, and the cracked city was like a spider web, making an ear-piercing crunching sound. At the same time, rocks flew, dust filled the sky, and some gravel shot in all directions.

Jian Fengyun and Li Yinyang collided like two gods.

In an instant, the surrounding dust engulfed the two of them.

The strong wind swept through and the dust flew up, which lasted for seven or eight breaths.

Just when everyone thought the two were going to draw again.

A big black handprint emerged from the sky above the dust, it was still the palm of the Eastern Emperor, this big black hand seemed to have fallen from the galaxy, it was pitch black and oppressive, terribly frightening.

With a palm falling, the void vibrated.


A huge palm print suddenly appeared on the ground.

The dust was scattered, and everyone could see that Jian Fengyun's right arm was glowing with golden light, and his left hand was shining with black light, standing there like a peerless God of War.

And under his feet, Li Yinyang was slammed into the soil, and a lot of blood oozed out.

"Did you win?"

All the spectators around widened their eyes and looked at it suspiciously.

"Damn you!"

At this moment, Li Yinyang's body suddenly disappeared, appeared behind Jian Fengyun, and punched him down.

Jian Fengyun's body seemed to be hit, but then dissipated, it turned out to be just a phantom.

"But if you treat you the way you treat my disciples of the Holy Court, why should you die?"

Jian Fengyun floated behind Li Yinyang, slapped out his palm, and said calmly.

The power of that palm hit Li Yinyang's back, but was blocked by a bloody light.

Li Yinyang's body didn't move.


Jian Fengyun frowned.

The next moment, his body retreated seven or eight feet.


Li Yinyang turned around, starting from the soles of his feet, a dark red flame was burning, and he turned into a burning man in a blink of an eye.

"Jian Fengyun, you should die, you should die."

At this moment, Li Yinyang's voice has become hoarse and piercing, his eyes have all turned dark red, and his breath has changed.

If he was still Li Yinyang just now, then he is no longer Li Yinyang at this moment, he has become a monster who is neither human nor demon.

"Demon energy. There is magic energy in him!"

Tang Shiba got closer, and suddenly noticed the clue, and shouted.

(End of this chapter)

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