Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1278 A fierce battle

Chapter 1278 A Fierce Battle

"Demon energy. There is magic energy in him!"

Tang Shiba got closer, and suddenly noticed the clue, and shouted.

After the words fell, under the jihad stage, all the disciples of the holy court stared wide-eyed, and their heads went blank.

They were deeply shocked.

"Demon Qi, could it be that Li Yinyang already belongs to the Demon Clan?"

"He became a traitor to the human race?!"

Countless spectators opened their mouths in shock and murmured.

Obviously, no one thought that Li Yinyang would be a person who surrendered to the demon clan. The methods he used before were completely consistent with the true method of the human race, and there was no trace of demon energy at all.

However, once he fought Jian Fengyun, his identity as a traitor was exposed.

"Go and inform the elders."

Someone shouted loudly, and immediately ran away many disciples and rushed to the depths of the holy courtyard.

At this time, Li Yinyang had dark red lines appearing on the flesh and blood all over his body, which was very penetrating.

A stream of demonic energy came out through his body, and his eyes were completely swallowed by dark red.

Apparently, his rationality has been suppressed by the devil in his body, now, he only has one thought in his eyes, that is to kill Jian Fengyun.

"God forbids fingers!"

Jian Fengyun's eyes narrowed, and he pointed out, causing the void to tremble.

A shadow of a black dragon swirled out, divided into ten parts, and charged towards Li Yinyang.


Li Yinyang roared hoarsely, then swung his fist burning with dark red flames, and smashed it on the ten dragons that charged.

boom! boom! boom!
There were ten sounds in a row.

All the power of the ten dragon fingers transformed by the Heavenly Forbidden Finger was dissipated by the bombardment, and they were resisted by it.

"Why is this demon so perverted? His physical body is astonishingly comparable to the true law of the god emperor."

Li Chongzun who was below said in surprise.

"He borrowed the power of the demons and forcibly fused with his body, so that he can resist the real law. The body of the demons is very powerful, and it is difficult for ordinary people to kill." Lan You looked serious.

"It's no wonder that Li Yinyang dared to come to the Holy Court to challenge today. It turned out that he had such means." Tang Shiba was surprised.


During the battle, Jian Fengyun naturally discovered this situation. Li Yinyang, who borrowed the power of the demons, had a physical body that was not weaker than his third-stage ninth-rank Tuntian Divine Body.

Jian Fengyun also waved his golden fist, instead of attacking, the terrifying aftermath shook the surrounding ground.

However, his physical body did not have the upper hand, Li Yinyang was very fearless and completely took over.

He borrowed the power of the Demon God Sect of the Dead Demon Race, and the Demon God Sect was an existence comparable to the God Sect of the Human Race.

Although he borrowed the secret technique of the Demon Race and could not fully obtain the power of the Demon God Sect, he still integrated [-]% to [-]% of it.

Only [-]% to [-]% is enough for his physical body to fight against the existence of the Nine Stars of the God King Realm. The blood flames are raging, and he can resist Jian Fengyun's Tuntian Divine Body.


After a moment of fierce fighting, the two separated.

"Shadowless Sword!"

Jian Fengyun squeezed the big void sword seal, and countless sword qi suddenly appeared beside him, like a wave of swords gushing out of the void in an instant, penetrating the sky and the earth, very terrifying.

The sword energy was condensing, Jian Fengyun waved his hand, countless strands of sword energy appeared in front of Li Yinyang quickly, and fell down directly.

"What kind of true law is this?!" Everyone was surprised.

The momentum was too great, the sword energy went straight to the sky, like a tide, it was as majestic as a god who controlled the sword, and there were countless sword energy at his fingertips.

When the wave of swords fell, Li Yinyang resisted with all his strength.

The terrifying sound of swords resounded in all directions.

This wave of swords was so violent and earth-shattering that it engulfed Li Yinyang all at once.

Not far away, all the disciples watching the battle changed their faces. This true method is too terrifying. Many people think that they cannot escape under this kind of sword wave. Sauce.


Li Yinyang roared, his black hair suddenly turned blood red, he swung his fist, and a dark red illusory demon figure appeared behind him.

The devil's roar moved the sky, spreading for dozens of miles.

Not far away, many warriors felt tingling in their ears and almost fell to the ground.

Li Yinyang punched out, and the huge phantom of the demon god behind him also punched the billowing wave of swords, splitting the sword energy in the void.

boom! boom! boom!
At the same time that countless sword qi shattered, the devil qi on Li Yinyang's body became more and more serious, and the ground under his feet sank a foot deep.

This is the terrifying power of the Demon Race.

Jian Fengyun looked calm, so what if he could borrow the power of the demons.

The invisible sword!

Shadowless Sword!

The two forms of the Great Void Sword were all activated by him, and there was an inexhaustible power of spatial turbulence in the surrounding void.

These sword qis don't consume much to Jian Fengyun, so he can stimulate them as much as he wants.

Whoosh whoosh.
The sword energy is like coming from the galaxy, densely packed, some can be seen, some can't be seen, and the speed is extremely fast.

Li Yinyang resisted with all his strength, and the phantom of the demon god behind him protected him from the invisible sword energy from all directions.


However, Jian Fengyun's divine power will never be exhausted, and tens of millions of sword qi will fall continuously.

In the distance, many disciples watching the battle from the Holy Academy were dumbfounded, and the eyes of Tang Shiba, Li Chongzun and others were also wide open.

Li Chongzun murmured: "He really didn't bother to fight with me before, such a monster is simply perverted!"

Borrowing the power of the Demon God Sect, Li Yinyang also felt a little overwhelmed, tens of millions of sword qi fell one after another, and countless invisible sword qi were attacking wildly.

Scars appeared on the phantom of the demon god behind him.

"You forced me, I will kill you today."

Li Yinyang gritted his teeth, and terrifying formulas appeared in his hands.

These formulas turned into dense dark red symbols, like a forbidden technique.

The dark red symbols slowly landed on Li Yinyang's body, but he was trembling all over, as if carrying these symbols made him feel severe pain.

Wait until all symbols fall.

Li Yinyang's whole body was engulfed by the dark red blood flames, and he couldn't see the figure clearly.

"What is he doing?"

"Could it be self-destruct?"

"No, it doesn't look like it."

The spectators of the holy courtyard whispered to each other and talked endlessly.

Before they could come to a conclusion, Li Yinyang erupted with a wave of demonic energy, soaring into the sky, which was very terrifying.

The red light dissipated.

Everyone saw him clearly.

This can no longer be regarded as Li Yinyang, to be precise, he cannot be regarded as a human being. Four black arms grew out of his back, and the skin around his body was glowing with black light, surrounded by demonic energy. The power of the demons.

If it is said that Li Yinyang borrowed the power of the Demon Race before, then he has completely become a Demon Race now.

"Human race. Ants"

(End of this chapter)

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