Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1285

Chapter 1285
Use the cremation furnace to borrow the heart to refine the weapon.

This is the method recorded in the refining experience left behind by Che Tian.

Jian Fengyun didn't know that if this scene fell into the eyes of outside craftsmen, their eyes would definitely be shocked.

It can be done with a cremation furnace, but it requires a very high level of refinement with the mind. Even a Tianjiao refiner will need a hundred years of refinement to do it.

But Jian Fengyun did it in just the first refinement, which is simply unbelievable.

Next, countless mysterious techniques were revealed in Jian Fengyun's hands.

The aura of heaven and earth in Tianyi Peak was affected, and gathered in the refining furnace condensed by Jian Fengyun,

In the main hall, the sacred materials that had been processed before flew into the refining furnace one by one, and were refined by the Nine Nether Fire.

Yin Yang Temple

A huge palace covering an area of ​​about a thousand feet, the whole body is made of a kind of black rock.

Around the Yin-Yang Hall, countless formations surrounded them. These formations all exuded deep demonic energy, and they were obviously the large formations of the demon clan.

This is the main hall of the Yin-Yang Sect. In the past, there were many disciples of the Yin-Yang Sect. However, at this moment, all the people standing here are ugly demons.

Inside the hall, a huge magic circle enveloped the entire hall.

In the magic formation, a total of more than 200 human warriors rested in a group.

Most of these human races are the original disciples of the Yin-Yang God Sect, and a few are members of the Holy League.

"Jie Jie Jie, human race, have you figured it out, as long as you accept Lord Xueao's gift, you can leave immediately, otherwise you will become blood food in the mouth of the great demons after seven days."

A sharp and ear-piercing sound sounded and spread throughout the entire formation.

"It's that devil's voice, is he going to kill again?"

"He has already killed seven of my senior brothers. If he wants to kill again, I will fight him."

"Yes, he will splash blood all over his face if he dies."

The human warriors in the magic circle showed panic, but they still gritted their teeth.

Most of these people's faces are pale and lifeless, obviously, they haven't rested for a long time.

The disciples of the Yin-Yang Sect have been trapped here for nearly a year. At the beginning, there were nearly [-] people. After all, the Yin-Yang Sect is also a force comparable to a holy place.

It's just that, for a year, these demons have been forcing them to surrender. Accepting the gift from Lord Xueao is actually accepting the refining of demon blood into the body, and then becoming an existence that is neither human nor demon, lost. Wisdom, insanity.

Many people could not resist the persecution of the demons, and eventually became half-human demons.

As for those who struggled to resist the persecution, many of them were killed by the demons and became the blood of the demons outside.

They are one of the few human races who have not been killed. The reason why they have not been killed is because people from the Holy League came here about a month ago.

That is, Su Xiangru brought her people to visit the Yin-Yang Sect.

I was trapped when I first came here, so I had to stay here. Fortunately, Su Xiangru has some powerful means, so it can be arranged to resist those demons.

"Everyone, calm down, these demons can't break my restriction for the time being, they can only influence us with the magic sound."

Su Xiangru stood in the middle of the crowd, stood up abruptly, and said.

Soul power was infused into her voice, which spread to everyone's ears.

Everyone felt their minds cleared up, and the irritability and panic provoked by the magic sound just now dissipated.

"Thank you, Saintess Su."

Everyone was sober-minded, and immediately thanked Su Xiangru.

"You don't need to be polite, I have already spread the news here, within three days at most, the Holy League will definitely send strong men to rescue us, as long as we hold on, there is hope."

Su Xiangru's beautiful face was full of seriousness.

As the saintess of the Taixu Temple, she has also experienced many scenes, but this is the first time she was trapped by the demons, so she also felt a little uneasy.

However, at this time, she is the only one who can stabilize people's hearts.

Therefore, anyone can panic, but she needs to be calm.

"Jie Jie, human race, don't think that outsiders can save you. When they come, they can only become the defeat of Lord Xueao and provide blood food for our demon soldiers."

The voice of the demon clan laughed strangely, with anger in his tone.

Obviously, he hated Su Xiangru very much, and it was all because of this woman that they couldn't deal with the last group of people here, and even the human blood food that they could enjoy when they were hungry became scarce.

"Hmph, if that blood pride of yours is so powerful, let him go directly to attack the Holy League. Why bother lurking in the galaxy and not dare to expose it?"

A chill flashed in Su Xiangru's beautiful eyes, he swept around and said.

"Jie, it's just that the real body of Master Xueao has not yet arrived. If he arrives, not to mention being exposed in the galaxy, it will be easy to flatten the entire galaxy."

The Demon Race responded angrily.

Su Xiangru ignored it, sat down cross-legged directly, calmed down, and began to adjust his state.

She must always maintain the best condition to deal with any sudden situation.

Two days passed like a white horse, fleeting.

Tianyi Peak, Tianyi Palace

A turbulent breath swept through the air.

Jian Fengyun's long hair fluttered all over his head, and in his hands, he continuously typed out one after another, the speed was astonishingly fast.

In the mid-air in front of him, a dark blue refining furnace about half the size of a human was floating, exuding a terrifying temperature.

"Retract the sword!"

The light in Jian Fengyun's eyes widened, and he struck out the last formula, which landed on the refining furnace.


A piercing sword cry resounded.

Afterwards, a white sword energy shot up into the sky, causing everyone in the holy courtyard to feel a terrifying pressure.

The refining furnace dissipated.

A snow-white long sword was suspended in the void, exuding a monstrous sword power, dazzling brilliance.

At this moment, above the sky of Tianyi Peak, the robbery clouds condensed and thunder bursts.

The success of the five kill swords triggered the thunder calamity in the galaxy.

Jian Fengyun looked up at the sky, this lightning calamity is not terrifying, but it is not small, it is very powerful at least comparable to the attack of a one-star god emperor, plus the destructive power of thunder and lightning, it is estimated that the actual damage is more than that.

The success of the sword leads to the calamity of thunder, which is a sign of a top-grade artifact.

If the Thunder Tribulation can withstand it, then the Penta-kill Sword is a silver-level top-grade artifact. If it cannot withstand it, the quality will decline at least, and the sword will be destroyed if it is serious.

"My God, there is a thunder disaster in the direction of Tianyi Palace."

"Isn't that the residence of the Holy Son of Heaven? Could it be that he is going through a catastrophe?"

"No way, the Holy Son of Heaven probably hasn't reached the Divine King Realm yet, there shouldn't be a Thunder Tribulation under the Divine King Realm."

"Could it be that the top-grade artifact appeared in the refinery, triggering the thunder calamity?"

"It's possible, and it's also possible that it's the refined pill that can trigger Thunder Tribulation."

Inside the holy courtyard, countless people discussed and focused their eyes on the sky above Tianyi Hall.

(End of this chapter)

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