Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1286 Jian Cheng

Chapter 1286 Jian Cheng
"Sacred Artifact Thunder Tribulation, I didn't expect the Holy Son of Heaven to be able to refine weapons!"

Above the executive hall, Elder Daoyi looked at the sky above Tianyi Peak and said in surprise.

"I didn't expect that the Holy Son of Heaven had the talent for refining weapons. It's really surprising."

Beside Elder Daoyi, the other two elders also nodded in surprise.

"Look at this sky level, at least the best silver level can be attracted."

"From this point of view, Sheng Tianzi's soul power has at least reached the silver level."

"At this age, one can possess the best silver-level soul power, and the future is limitless."

All the warriors in the holy courtyard were alarmed.

However, at the top of Tianyi Peak at this moment, Jian Fengyun pinched the magic formula in his hand, forming a six-pointed star formation in the void.

The formation enveloped the white-glowing five-kill sword, as if it was protecting it.

The six-solution thunder formation, this formation is the formation recorded in the artifact refining experience left by Devourer, and it has a miraculous effect on resisting thunder calamity.


A thunderstorm fell.

The black sky thunder, about the thickness of a millstone, was mighty and mighty. It passed through the thunder formation of six solutions, but it was only the size of a fist, and bombarded the body of the five-kill sword.

The entire long sword was instantly filled with dazzling lightning, which was very dazzling.

However, the electric light only lit up for a few breaths before it was completely dissolved by the Five Killing Sword.

On the sword body glowing with white sword energy, the light is more intense.


Another thunderstorm fell,
This thunder was thicker than the one just now, it was the size of a thousand year tree ring, more than twice as thick as Jian Fengyun's waist.

The terrifying Lei Wei spread out.

The people watching the battle in the holy courtyard couldn't help showing a touch of shock on their faces when they saw this scene.

Although they are not far from Tianyi Peak, they can also feel Lei Wei's deep strength.

However, they didn't see that after the huge thunder tribulation passed through the six-resolved thunder formation above Tianyi Hall, it was only about the size of a fist, and it couldn't do any damage to the Five Killing Sword at all.

After the second thunderstorm, mysterious lines appeared on the smooth body of the Five Killing Sword, evolving into the sun, moon and stars, and appearing in the mountains, rivers and seas, and the terrifying sword power pervaded a radius of hundreds of feet.

It can almost be said that this is already a weapon far surpassing all the divine weapons that Jian Fengyun has seen.

As expected, it is a sword weapon that is specially marked in the refining experience, which is comparable to a gold-level artifact.

Before the third catastrophe fell, one could already feel the terrifying Lei Wei.

Above the sky, the wind is raging and the clouds are densely covered.

A terrifying sky thunder fell, only the thickness of a fist, but the color was not pure black, there was gold in the black.

This thunder calamity is more terrifying than the previous sky thunder.

When passing through the six-solution thunder formation, the entire formation was overwhelmed and made bursts of broken sounds.

But fortunately, it survived. Under the formation in the past, the sky thunder that was as thick as a fist turned into the size of a thumb.

Although it was only the size of a thumb, it made a soul-stirring sound when it landed on the Five Killing Sword.


There were bursts of sword sounds, which was very frightening.

The intertwined black and gold thunders entangled the Five Killing Sword for about a quarter of an hour before being dissolved.

At this moment, even Jian Fengyun felt the weight of the aura emanating from the Five Killing Sword.

He had a hunch that if the previous Li Yinyang used this sword against him, he might not be his opponent.

At this moment, the robbery clouds above the sky dissipated.

Jian Fengyun forced out a drop of blood with divine power, and it bounced off the hilt of the Five Killing Sword.

Jian Fengyun's blood was golden, and when it fell on the Penta Kill Sword, it instantly turned into a golden thread and wrapped around the hilt of the sword.

Drop blood to recognize the Lord.

When refining the artifact, you can make the artifact recognize its owner by adding the owner's blood. In this way, even if someone else steals your artifact, it cannot be used.

With a thought in Jian Fengyun's mind, the Five Killing Sword fell directly into the palm of his hand.

The divine power in the body surged and poured into the hilt of the sword.

In an instant, he felt a sense of full strength, as if he could split the executive hall not far away with the sword in his hand with just one thought.

If he went to fight Li Yinyang again at this time, he was confident that he could kill him with a single strike.

Penta Kill Sword!
It is simply an artifact born for him. The divine power he cultivates has no attributes, but he can cultivate the true methods and secret techniques of various attributes.

The Five Killing Sword can adapt to his divine power and exert the power of the true method of each attribute.

"Good sword!"

Jian Fengyun's eyes glowed with satisfaction.

The time it took to refine the Five-Kill Sword far exceeded his expectations. Originally, he thought it would only take one day at most to complete the refining, but he never thought that it would take two full days.

However, it is clear that these two days were not in vain.

He was very satisfied with this five-kill sword.

After a while, he suddenly frowned, his eyes flashing with thoughtful light.

The Five Killing Sword is very powerful, but the aura it exposes is too terrifying, and it will be perceived by people almost everywhere, if it is carried like this, it will inevitably cause unnecessary trouble.

Of course, he can be put into the Sky Devouring Tower, but sometimes the fighter plane is in the blink of an eye, and taking out the five-kill sword will waste a few breaths, fearing that it will affect the battle.

"Boy, in the Treasure Hall on the first floor of the Heaven Devouring Tower, there is an artifact called a hidden sword box, which can hide the breath of the sword weapon. You can exchange it with Soul Eater Stones. You only need ten Soul Eater Stones."

At this moment, the voice of devouring spirits rang in his ears.

"Hidden sword box?"

Jian Fengyun was slightly taken aback, he seemed to have seen this treasure on the first floor of the Treasure Hall, but he only glanced at it roughly, and did not pay attention to its function, and the Treasure Hall on a higher level behind was opened, so he kept on Did not care.

I didn't expect it to be able to hide the breath of a sword weapon.

For him now, it just works.

"Then redeem one for me."

Jian Fengyun spoke.

Devouring seems to have expected him to say that.

Almost instantly, in the sky above his spiritual sea, the light of the Soul-devouring Stone decreased by ten points, but a dark thing like a scabbard appeared in the Sky-devouring Tower.

With a thought in his mind, Jian Fengyun took it out.

It is said that it is like a scabbard, but it is not a scabbard. It is square, with ancient patterns engraved on it. It is not right to say that it is not a scabbard, because there is indeed a hole where a sword can be inserted into the top of it.

"This is the hidden sword box?"

The corner of Jian Fengyun's mouth twitched, and the sword box in his hand was a bit ugly, it was nothing compared to the divine power of his Five Killing Sword.

It's like the divine gold spirit mine and the broken copper and iron, one sky and one earth.

If this is recited, people who don't know may think that he picked up a piece of broken iron as a weapon somewhere.

His opponent hasn't fought him yet, so he is probably going to laugh at him.

"Boy, don't underestimate it"

(End of this chapter)

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