Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1307 Refining marrow 9th turn

Chapter 1307 Nine Turns of Marrow Refining
Sky Devouring Tower

"Spirit Devourer, what is this?"

Jian Fengyun stood in the Sky Devouring Pagoda, looking at a dark red blood man in front of him with a strange look on his face.

This dark red blood man looks exactly like Jian Fengyun.

It exudes a strong devilish and bloody aura, which looks very permeating.

"He is condensed from the demonic blood in the bloodthirsty demon formation that you devoured when you were in the Yin-Yang God City." Devouring stood aside and said.

Behind this blood man stands Tianling.

However, Tianling, who hadn't seen him for a long time, was seriously setting up a formation restriction on this blood man.

"You let me devour that blood just to be this blood man?"

Jian Fengyun was taken aback for a moment, and asked.

"Of course not. This blood man is just a temporarily sealed form. As long as you get rid of all the remaining souls in this blood man, then the blood will be of great use," said Ling Devourer.

"What's the use?"

Jian Fengyun glanced at it and said.

He naturally knew that there were countless residual souls in this blood man, and those were the residual souls left in the blood by the human race who resented death, full of countless resentments.

Even if those remnant souls full of resentment were eliminated, the blood was still full of magic power, and it was of no good use to him.

"You forgot, I told you that these devil bloods are connected to the source of the greatest demon god of the demon clan. As long as there are no barriers from those remnant souls and resentments, the Heaven Devouring Immortal Sword can swallow the power of the demon blood, and the improvement of the Heaven Devouring Immortal Sword will also It will bring you improvement."

"You can feel it yourself. Just now, you just helped the dean of the Holy Academy to swallow a demonic energy. Your Heaven-swallowing Divine Body has broken through from the third stage to the fourth stage, from the bone refinement level nine to the marrow refinement level one." change."

Devouring words sounded.

Jian Fengyun's heart fluctuated impressively.

This seems to be right, the devil blood is connected to the largest source of the devil god, God knows how powerful the devil energy contained in it is, if it can be swallowed, the improvement will be huge.

"Then how can we solve the remnant soul and resentment in this devil's blood?"

Jian Fengyun's eyes swept away, and he asked impressively.

He is not an indecisive person, since the magic blood can bring him improvement, then he naturally has to start as soon as possible.

"Use the Sky Devouring Pagoda, these remnant souls are full of resentment, you can't use the Supreme Soul Sutra to devour them, otherwise it will affect your soul power." Spirit Devouring said.

"how to use?"

Jian Fengyun frowned, although the Sky Devouring Pagoda said that he has recognized him as the master, but since he recognized the master until now, he has not used the Sky Devouring Tower once, and he doesn't even know what power it has.

"You are now the owner of the Sky Devouring Tower, try to communicate with the Sky Devouring Tower, let your mind go, and feel your soul power carefully." Ling Devouring said.

"Let me try."

Jian Fengyun's eyes moved slightly, then he sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and meditated.

In his soul sea, the soul power slowly surged out, spreading to the surroundings.

At this moment, he felt a small tower emitting golden light, as if it could purify the soul, emerging from his sea of ​​souls.


For some reason, Jian Fengyun felt that the Sky Devouring Pagoda was his item, and his mind moved.

The body of the Sky Devouring Pagoda is full of golden light.

The light swept across the blood man in the tower, and in an instant, dense golden light spots diffused from the blood man.

These light spots are broken souls, their resentment dissipated under the golden light, and even their consciousness also dissipated, and the light spots turned into the Heaven Devouring Realm and became part of the Heaven Devouring Immortal Sword.

"What a magical feeling."

Jian Fengyun was startled and opened his eyes.

His eyes happened to see the distance beyond the tower gate, and those flying golden lights were also souls.

"I didn't expect that so many people died in the last era."

In the Heaven Devouring Realm, there are countless golden lights, obviously dead souls have been purified into light spots by the Heaven Devouring Tower.

"Successful, quickly devour this blood man."

Seeing this scene, Devouring immediately spoke hastily.

Without those bloody souls and resentment, it became pitch black at this moment, because only the strong devilish energy remained in the blood.

"it is good."

It was also rare for Tianling to speak.

The next moment, the dark blood man was covered by a dense array of two spirit bodies.

When the formation was formed, a large amount of devilish energy suddenly flowed from the blood man.

These demonic energy flooded the third floor of the Heaven Devouring Tower like a tidal wave, and drifted away towards the galaxy in the Heaven Devouring Realm.

Jian Fengyun felt that there was a terrifying devil energy gushing out from the Heaven Devouring Immortal Sword, which was absorbed by the Heaven Devouring Immortal Sword.

The silver-white Heaven Devouring Immortal Sword became more and more bright, and blurred lines began to emerge.

But after a while, Jian Fengyun felt that his Tuntian Divine Body seemed to have improved again.

In fact, the Heaven Devouring Immortal Sword had been condensed into its essence when it was in Wanyu, but after cultivating its supernatural power, Jian Fengyun discovered that the essence of the lower realm was still blurred in the upper realm, even somewhat illusory.

Therefore, Jian Fengyun never used the Heaven Devouring Immortal Sword.

However, after the devilish energy that devoured the dean of the Holy Academy, the Heaven Devouring Immortal Sword was truly solidified.

And now devouring the blood man, lines began to appear on the Heaven Devouring Immortal Sword.

Jian Fengyun had a feeling that the devilish energy contained in this blood man surpassed the devilish energy in the wounded body of the president of the Holy Academy.

Fortunately, this time it was devoured directly without going through Jian Fengyun's physical body, otherwise, with Jian Fengyun's current body, it might be exploded.

A whole day has passed.

The lines on the Heaven Devouring Immortal Sword are still not completely solid, but there are many lines that are blurred.

Jian Fengyun's Heaven Swallowing Divine Body also broke through to the fourth stage nine ranks on this day, only one step away from the fifth stage.

Just kidding, this is equivalent to breaking through from one star of the God Emperor Realm to nine stars of the God Emperor Realm. God knows how much magic power has been devoured.

Moreover, Jian Fengyun also felt that most of these devouring magic powers were digested by the Heaven Devouring Immortal Sword itself, and only a small part was used to enhance Jian Fengyun's physical body.

After a day of devouring, in the world of devouring heavens, the light of the tower of devouring heavens is a little bit brighter.

The golden light is thousands of feet long, and it can illuminate the galaxy that devours the heavens.

In the Sky Devouring Pagoda, the bodies of Devouring Ling and Tian Ling actually solidified a lot, and even their aura became stronger.

Feeling this, Jian Fengyun felt a sudden realization in his heart.

No wonder Spirit Devourer is so eager to let him collect the demonic blood into the Heaven Devouring Tower, if he dares to benefit himself.

"Not good, the blood man will soon be destroyed."

After devouring it for nearly half a day, the Devourer seemed to sense something, and exclaimed in shock.

Tian Ling also did not hesitate, and directly struck, and struck out the ban in his hand, which landed on the blood man.

"what happened?"

(End of this chapter)

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