Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1308 Blue Emperor

Chapter 1308 Blue Emperor
"what happened?"

Jian Fengyun's soul body sat cross-legged on the third floor of the Devouring Tower, looking at the panicked Devouring and Tianling, he asked suspiciously.

They didn't care about responding to Jian Fengyun at all.

The next moment, the whole blood man suddenly opened his eyes, a pair of eyes full of black and red.

His eyes shot out and landed on Jian Fengyun who was directly opposite.

Jian Fengyun's body trembled, and he felt the cold from the depths of his heart.

His eyes saw a skeleton, a skeleton covered in chains.

Although he has become a skeleton, he is still struggling, and the skeleton is filled with countless devilish energy.

Most importantly, the eye pupils of the skeleton.

Filled with black and red, like a god of death from hell.

But he is more terrifying than the God of Death. With those eyes, it seems that as long as he looks at him, he can hear the screams of countless innocent souls.

What kind of eyes are these.

"It's you, it's you, I won't let you go."

The skeleton seemed to see Jian Fengyun, and roared crazily.

The chains on his body were shining brightly, binding him to an altar, restricting his struggle.

Suddenly, Jian Fengyun felt a breath of death.

An extremely strong soul force rushed towards his forehead, as if it wanted to rush into his soul sea and kill his soul.

The next moment, the blood man finally burst open under the efforts of Tian Ling and Ling Devouring, turned into a little blood mist, and dissipated in the void.

And Jian Fengyun's consciousness suddenly returned.

Just last second, he felt the aura of death, as if as long as the blood man didn't explode, he had a high chance of dying.

Moreover, this kind of death is the death of the soul, not the death of the physical body, and it is almost impossible to resurrect.

"Boy, are you alright?"

Devouring Ling opened his mouth, glanced at Jian Fengyun, and asked eagerly.

They also felt a terrifying killing intent just now, earlier than Jian Fengyun, so they acted ahead of time.


Jian Fengyun must have been shocked and heaved a sigh of relief.

At this moment, outside his physical body was already dripping with sweat. The time from the appearance to the disappearance of that gaze just now was only about one breath, and it was such a short time that he felt the breath of death.

"Did you see something?" Ling Devour asked.

Jian Fengyun thought for a while, then nodded, and said: "I saw a skeleton, sealed by chains on an altar, he seemed to have seen me too, and struggled crazily, and then I felt my body was a little out of control, It's like dying."

"It's really him."

Devouring Ling lowered his head impressively, his face became slightly heavy.

Jian Fengyun saw that there seemed to be something wrong with Devouring's face, and immediately asked: "Who is that skeleton, and why did it let me see it in the eyes of this bloody man?"

Devouring Ling hesitated for a moment, then looked at Tian Ling beside him.

Tianling nodded slightly, as if trying to make him firm.

"That skeleton is the ancestor of the Soul Devouring Spirit Clan. He took refuge in the Demon Abyss and was responsible for controlling the source of the Demon God of the Demon Clan. However, Tian Che later took action and sealed him under the source of the largest Demon God of the Demon Clan."

"It should be that we absorbed too much magic power from the source of the demon god through the blood man just now, so he realized that he wanted to descend on the blood man with the help of secret techniques, so you saw him."

Devouring's tone was a little slow, and his expression became a little gloomy, obviously recalling some sad past.

"Hearing his voice, it seems that he hates me very much. Is it because I have accepted the inheritance of the Heaven Devourer?"

Jian Fengyun swept his eyes, and continued.

"Perhaps, he is the most outstanding existence of the Soul-devouring Spirit Clan. He led the Spirit-devouring Spirit Clan to the peak of the galaxy. Unfortunately, because of his betrayal, the entire Soul-devouring Spirit Clan disappeared in the galaxy."

Devouring sighed.

Obviously, he still knows something about this ancestor of the Soul Eater Spirit Clan.

"Then where is the Mo Yuan you mentioned just now? Shouldn't he seek refuge with the Mo Clan?"

Jian Fengyun swept his eyes and felt puzzled again.

Moyuan, I don’t know why, this word makes him feel a little heavy, it seems to have a similar feeling.

"The Demon Abyss is the existence behind the Demon Race. It transcends the Galaxy and the Demon Realm. You should understand its existence when you step into the Holy Realm." Ling Devour said.

Mo Yuan, he knew it.

This place is too scary for Jian Fengyun now, so knowing about it is not of any benefit.


Jian Fengyun nodded in response.

With his current strength, even the ancestor of the Soul-devouring Spirit Clan can easily kill him in seconds, not to mention the Moyuan behind that ancestor. Knowing about it will only increase troubles and be useless.

"With your current combat power, you should be able to pass the test of the third floor. Go and try."

Devouring Spirit didn't seem to want to say anything more, and after saying a word, his figure disappeared into the Sky Devouring Pagoda.

Jian Fengyun's heart fluctuated, something was wrong with the state of devouring the spirit, probably because he remembered the past.

After a while, restrain your mind.

His gaze swept to the light door beside him.

The next moment, his footsteps moved, and he stepped into the light door.

The light flashed, and the surrounding scenes changed.

The gloomy cold is coming.

It was this cemetery again, surrounded by darkness and no sound could be heard.

Here, Jian Fengyun fought against Young Emperor Dongfang, and also fought against Young Emperor Anyue.

He won all of them, but they were all barely won, and he didn't suppress the opponent much.

Being able to keep the demeanor of a peerless figure of that era here shows the strength of Heaven Devourer's methods.

It's no wonder that he was able to live from Heaven Eater to Taixu Jiang God Emperor. He must have more powerful means, and being able to get his inheritance is also considered a chance.

Jian Fengyun walked past the first two tombstones, both of which were shattered.

Go forward.

Senhan's breath permeated the surroundings, giving people an invisible pressure.

After walking for about half a quarter of an hour, the outline of the third tombstone appeared.

The blood on the tombstone is blue, but it is more stressful than the previous two tombstones.

Obviously, the owner of this blue blood was more powerful during his life, even stronger than those young god emperors.

Young Emperor Youhuang, Blue Emperor.

The simple six words gave people an unstoppable coercion.

Jian Fengyun stepped closer.

About thirty feet away from the tombstone.

A figure of a man in a blue robe emerged.

His clothes were ordinary and his appearance was ordinary, but there was one thing that stood out.

A pair of eyes, burning with raging blue flames.

There was an ancient aura exuding from his body, ancient and powerful.

"I didn't expect the Youhuang God Dynasty to have a God Emperor?"

Jian Fengyun swept his eyes, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

He had seen the blue flames in the blue emperor's eyes before.

It is of the same origin as the one used by Senior Sister Lanyou in the Holy Academy.

"Blue Emperor!"

(End of this chapter)

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