Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1362

Chapter 1362
On the seventh day, a group of warriors in black descended from the sky.

It is extremely cruel to kill people when they meet.

They originally wanted to resist, but the combat strength of this group of people far surpassed them, and most of them were in the Shenzong realm.

Half a day of bloody battle, in the end, most of the warriors of all races died.

As for those who have not died, they are basically gathered in the center of the underwater city.

This formation was arranged by the saintesses of the Dongfang family. With the help of the formation, everyone can resist the attack of this group of black-robed warriors.

However, after half a day, the consumption of the formation is huge, and everyone can only supply it with divine power.

Now, their divine power is also consumed enormously, and the recovery pills they carry with them are also taken in sevens and eighties.

After all, a formation capable of resisting the siege of hundreds of experts in the Shenzong realm must consume a huge amount.

"What should I do? There's no news here, and I'm sure I'm going to die."

"What's the use of spreading it out? You forgot the teams of human races and monster races that came before. They came just to add a few more corpses to the underwater city."

"That's right, there are so many demons who have reached the level of the Demon God Sect, who can fight against them in this secret realm."


In the formation of Haidi City, more than 800 people were discussing in whispers.

Most of them have gloomy eyes.

They were crushed for nearly half a day, and when they maintained the formation to resist the attacks of these demons, they could not see the slightest hope of making it through.

In the center of these more than [-] people, warriors from various ethnic groups and great forces gathered in one place.

"Who else in this secret realm can resist these demons?"

A group of people sat in a restraining formation isolated from the outside world, frowning.

Those present include disciples of the Dongfang family, members of the Jinwu clan, members of the Tianling clan, and people from Taoyuan Island.
All are the top forces of various races.

"Can the son of the Golden Crow Clan do it?"

An old woman from Taoyuan Island spoke slowly.

"Young Master Jin Yao replied, he said that he will go out and report for us when the exit of the secret realm is opened."

The young member of the Jinwu tribe spoke with a livid face.

"What, he is desperate to save himself."

The old woman on Taoyuan Island turned cold and said.

"Auntie, you can't blame him for this. Even the arrogance of the Golden Crow Clan came here, and he would have escaped death. There are so many powerful people at the level of the Demon God Sect, so there is no need for him to risk his life."

Weng Yijing beside her moved her autumn eyes and said.

"That's right, coming here to save people at this time is basically a game of death, even if I were Mr. Jin Yao, I might not come here."

A woman from the Celestial Race beside her spoke slowly.

"Hey, forget it, can the Taixu Temple be contacted?"

The old woman from Taoyuan Island sighed, and then looked sideways at several very young Taixu Temple disciples.

"The news has been sent out, but there is no reply yet."

The disciple of Taixu Temple nodded in response.

There are only about [-] disciples of the Taixu Temple who are trapped in the seabed city, and their cultivation bases are not very high. Except for one who is eight stars in the God Emperor Realm, the others are all below the five god emperor realm, so they can only be regarded as the Taixu Temple. His core disciples are not arrogance.

"Hmph, with the means of your Taixu Temple, you will not reply after such a long time. I think they have given up on you."

The old woman from Taoyuan Island snorted coldly and said.

"Impossible, even if I give up, the Tianjiao of my Taixu Temple will send a message to let me know."

The disciple of Taixu Temple instantly vetoed it.

"Ha ha."

The old woman laughed dryly, her face full of disbelief.

"I contacted the people from the Tiancan clan, but they didn't intend to come to rescue them, saying that they were not strong enough to help."

A strong man from the Yaopeng clan spoke out loudly.

"Hey, even if they come, there is actually no chance. Even if the arrogance of all the clans in the secret realm is assembled, they may not be the opponents of these hundreds of Demon God Sects."

Mei Yuer of Meifenghuayue spoke slowly.

"If there is a glimmer of life, we have to fight, otherwise, the dedication of our saintess will be meaningless."

An old man from the Dongfang family spoke slowly.

He suppressed his cultivation and entered the secret realm.

As the strong man sent by the Dongfang family to protect Dongfang Xueer, his cultivation has reached the half-step holy realm, but he is still suppressed at the nine-star god emperor realm in this secret realm.

Therefore, he could only watch Dongfang Xueer cast the forbidden technique at the cost of a thousand years of life and one month of weakness, and then mobilize such a large guardian formation to temporarily protect everyone here.

Otherwise, with a cultivation base below the Shenzong realm, it would be impossible to even activate the large formation.

Dongfang Xueer's large formation enabled them to output their divine power, and with the help of the formation, they could resist the attacks of so many Demon God Sects from the outside world.

The high-level figures of these forces, in order to calm people's hearts, said that the news did not spread.

Otherwise, if people outside know that the news has already spread, but they have not come to support, it is estimated that all thoughts have been lost and they have given up resistance.

However, such procrastination is not an option, they are still trying to contact the warriors outside the seabed city to see if there is a chance.

"I sent out the distress signal from the Holy Court. If there are disciples from the Holy Court nearby, they may come to rescue them."

Mei Yuer at the side swept her beautiful eyes and said.

She is a disciple of the Holy Court, and with the identity of the Holy Court, she can issue a notice similar to a distress message.

This is the formation specially created by the Holy Court during the war between gods and demons. It can ignore everything and announce the news of distress to the tokens of the disciples of the Holy Court with a radius of [-] miles.

The disciples of the Holy Court who received the message for help must go to the rescue if they have the ability, otherwise they will be treated as traitors.

"What's the use of sending it out? Do you think the current Holy Court is still the Holy Court from the previous era?"

The old woman from Taoyuan Island snorted coldly.

"That's right, the elites of the Holy Academy have already rushed to some battlefield. There are no strong people who have entered the five mysterious realms this time."

The warriors of the Golden Crow tribe on the side spoke slowly.

"That's right, if the previous generation of the Supreme Court's arrogance hadn't gone to the battlefield of gods and demons, then with their stance of being the best in the world, they would definitely be able to suppress these demon sects across realms."

The Tianling clan woman sighed.

"Not necessarily. Although the Tianjiao of this generation of the Holy Academy is still immature, there is a character who cannot be measured by the standards of ordinary warriors."

A disciple of the Taixu Temple moved his eyes, as if thinking of something, said.

"Are you talking about Jian Fengyun? I see that the outside world's stories about him are amazing, but I haven't seen it with my own eyes at all, so I can't take it seriously."

The old woman in Taoyuan glanced at her eyes and said.

"That's right. I've seen Jian Fengyun's fighting power when he was in the City of the Five Gods. Although he can crush Dongfang Qiyu, it's almost impossible for him to fight against so many Demon God Sects by himself."

A woman from the Tianling tribe also spoke slowly.

"This is a sect of hundreds of demon gods. You have to have a powerful Tianjiao come here with some means to have a chance."

(End of this chapter)

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