Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1363 Dawn of the Undersea City

Chapter 1363 Dawn of the Undersea City
"This is a sect of hundreds of demon gods. You have to have a powerful Tianjiao come here with some means to have a chance."

The young warriors of the Golden Crow tribe also spoke.

"My Taixu Temple came with a void warship this time. If they come to support them, they can use the void warship to fight these people."

The disciple of Taixu Temple said slowly.

"It seems that we can only wait for the people of Taixu Temple."

The rest of the disciples around sighed.

One can imagine the danger outside the seabed city. It is very likely that the people of Taixu Temple have received the news, but they have no choice but to come.

After all, this came at the risk of annihilation of the entire army.

"Wait, everyone's strength can last for a day or two. If no one comes, then prepare to open the formation and fight those demons to the death."

A disciple of the Dongfang family said.

Everyone was silent one after another.

If no one comes to aid them after two days, then they must open the formation and fight to the death with their opponents.

Although, with their strength, they may be able to last for another day, but after that day, they will lose all their resistance, and they will almost become meat on the cutting board of the demons, and they can only be slaughtered by them.

Rather than waiting for one more day to die, it is better to fight these demons with the last strength.

Maybe some of them could escape.

In the center of the underwater city, a burst of light flickered.

In the city, there are a large number of demons gnawing on the corpses of the human race, and the ferocious faces showed a look of bloodthirsty enjoyment.

In front of these demons, there is a female demon.

Her eyes were dark red, and she was dressed in a black robe, standing calmly in mid-air, looking at the defensive formations of various races in front of her.

"Master Xuerou, this formation will be destroyed in at most three days, you can rest in the city for a while."

In front of her, there was a blood warrior, bowing and beckoning.

The cultivation base of this blood warrior is in the half-step holy realm, and he is the most powerful among the blood warriors sent into the secret realm by the demons this time.

However, even if he is the most powerful, he can only be the leader among the blood fighters, and there are demons on top of him.

The one in front of her and this female devil are the leaders who led the demons to invade the Five Mysterious Realm this time.

"No need, I'll just watch this formation."

The dark red eyes of the female demon called Xuerou turned slightly, and then she spoke.

"Well, we will do our best to break through the formation as soon as possible."

The blood warrior who was half a step into the holy realm was dull for a moment, and then said.


Xuerou responded coldly, and stopped talking.

Her eyes were closed, but the devilish energy in her body was still circulating, her cultivation was comparable to that of the Nine Stars Sect, but her aura was even more terrifying than that of the Nine Stars Sect.

This is her advantage, she is the descendant of the blood demon clan god emperor lineage.

Seeing this, the blood warrior retreated tactfully.

Two days passed like a white horse, fleeting.

There is still a roar in the seabed city, the power of the formation has gradually weakened, and the eyes of the warriors of various races inside are already full of death will.

They are ready for the final battle.

"Ants, don't go to Europe to resist, come out and die on your own, it will save you from suffering."

The blood warrior who was half a step into the holy realm swept his eyes and said slowly.

Looking at the warriors in the formation that was about to be broken, he wanted to suppress their morale again.

"You are a traitor of the human race, a scum, and you will join the demons, and you will die without a whole body."

Inside the formation, countless people were filled with righteous indignation.

They looked at the black-robed warrior with killing intent in their eyes.

Since there is only one path left to fight for their lives, they have nothing to care about.

All the resentment and anger turned into roars at this time.

"Looking for death, attack me with all your strength."

The black-robed warrior's complexion changed, and he spoke coldly.


However, before his order spread, a monstrous roar fell from the sky.

I saw a silver light beam lasing from the sea above the underwater city.

The light beam hit dozens of black-robed warriors in the Shenzong realm, directly blasting them into a cloud of blood mist.

"That is."

Within the formation, all the human races who were about to fight to the death were stunned for a moment, looking at the sharp horn slowly emerging above the seabed city, with puzzled expressions on their faces.

The sharp corner protruded slowly, and finally floated above the seabed city.

"It's a void warship, the void warship of the Taixu Temple."

"People from Taixu Temple have come to save us, there is hope."

"Great, the Void Battleship can kill warriors in the Shenzong Realm. These demons have opponents."

Warriors of all races within the formation raised their heads one after another, with hopeful expressions on their faces, as if they had seen hope.

The silver-gray warship covered most of the sky in the underwater city, and it was dark.

On the battleship, another shot was fired.

The light of the cannon fire shone in all directions, it was amazing, it shot out, flashed a silver light in the void, and then engulfed three or five blood warriors in the Shenzong realm.


The artillery fire exploded, and those warriors in the Shenzong realm were directly bombarded on the ground, earth and rocks splashed, and the ground cracked.

The warriors who were hit by the artillery fire were directly blasted into a cloud of blood.

As for the place where the cannon fire fell, the blood warriors in the surrounding God Emperor Realm were directly affected, severely injured and dying.

The power of a shot is so terrifying.

No wonder the warriors of all races within the formation showed hope, like hopeless warriors seeing the dawn.

"Holy Maiden of Taixu Temple, come to pick up my disciples of Taixu Temple, and kill the demons by the way."

On the void warship, a cold voice resounded impressively, and then spread.

"Here we are, the saintess of my Taixu Temple has come to pick us up."

Inside the formation, the disciples of Taixu Temple showed excitement.

They had sent a message asking for help before, but they hadn't received a reply for a long time. They thought that the news hadn't spread, but they didn't expect it to have spread, and Taixu Temple didn't reply at all, so they rushed to rescue directly.

This move greatly warmed the hearts of these Taixu Temple disciples.

If they can get out from the five mysterious realms this time, these disciples of Taixu Temple will definitely become the most loyal people in Taixu Temple.

"Hmph, relying on a warship to try to fight us."

In the middle of the battlefield, the corner of Xuerou's mouth twitched into a cruel smile.

Her pair of dark red eyes flickered under the light of the gunfire, and at the same time, on her hands, surges of devilish energy condensed, forming pieces of dark red blood armor on her arms.

The blood armor condensed, and the black robe beside her shattered directly.

A head of dark red long hair hidden under the black robe fell out directly.

If someone looked at that long hair carefully, they could see that there was extremely pure magic power flowing in that dark red hair.


She waved her hand, and a bottle of dark red cauldron appeared directly in her hand.

(End of this chapter)

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