Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 311 Using the Power of the Void

Chapter 311 Using the Power of the Void
"Young man, you have to pay attention, I'm not begging you, if you don't agree, this is your end!" The man in white waved his hand.

A sound of "Boom" sounded, and a towering mountain peak thousands of miles away suddenly broke and fell towards the ground.

"Really?" Jian Fengyun glanced coldly at the man in white.

Almost at the same moment, when the Hongxiu Emperor Sword in Jian Fengyun's hand moved, a wisp of red sword energy shot out suddenly, directly cutting towards the white-clothed man in front of him, the sword energy went forward without hesitation.

Emperor Wei is rolling, extremely tyrannical.

"The Secret of the God of Strength!"

The white-clothed man waved his hand, and a mysterious formula was shot out in the air. In an instant, a huge palm appeared, like the hand of a god, and they all slapped Jian Fengyun's sword energy together.

That Emperor Dao sword energy was caught by that giant hand and wiped out.

"Young man, your realm is still low, and you can't exert one ten-thousandth of the power of the swordsman emperor in your hand. You can't compete with me. I advise you to think about it. My Feixian sect has no lack of inheritance, nor lack of power. Genius!" The man in white resisted the sword energy, and then said coldly.

Seeing this scene, Jian Fengyun's eyes suddenly turned cold.

Of course, he also has some impressions of the Feixian Sect. It is rumored that it was inherited from the beginning of the ancient times in Wanyu. In his previous life, Jian Fengyun became the No. 1 in Wanyu. Signs, I didn't expect this life to be born.

There are also those forces hidden in the distant sky, the major ancient countries, and even some big forces that Jian Fengyun only knows about superficiality, all showing their figures.

Could it be that the catastrophe of the times is approaching, and these truly ancient and powerful forces can't hold back and are dispatched one after another?
Jian Fengyun thought for a while, and couldn't help thinking of the description of the catastrophe recorded in "Tai Shi Dao Shu" in his mind. The catastrophe falls, the world rises, the destiny moves, and the gods come out!
"Is troubled times really about to start?" Jian Fengyun murmured.

All along, he has not seen anything abnormal in the Qingyun domain, but now, so many forces have come to this ancient forbidden land in the south, which is enough to see that troubled times seem to be really coming.

"What did you say?" The man in white looked at Jian Fengyun in a daze, and couldn't help frowning.

Feeling the pressure on his body, Jian Fengyun couldn't help returning to his senses instantly, looking at the man in white in front of him, a cold look flashed in Jian Fengyun's eyes.

Regardless of troubled times or peaceful times, I will repay my hatred and practice martial arts.

Jian Fengyun's eyes were fixed, and he said calmly to the man in white: "I'm talking, I've almost done what I should do, it's time to go!"

The moment Jian Fengyun opened his mouth, the man in white felt a strangeness in his eyes, and immediately stretched out his hand and slapped Jian Fengyun with his palm.

The moment the palm force fell, Jian Fengyun's figure suddenly flashed and disappeared into the air.

The tyrannical palm force fell into the void, instantly shattering the void, triggering countless turbulent flows in space, and the void was chaotic.

The sky was full of turbulent void, but the man in white just frowned, looked to the north, and said to himself: "It's so weird, what kind of treasure is this, it is hidden in the void in an instant, spanning a hundred thousand miles!"

On the mountain, everyone couldn't help being stunned when they saw this scene,

A strong man who can shatter the void with one palm is at least a strong man at the king level, but under the hands of such a strong man, Jian Fengyun unexpectedly escaped, and a young man in the true spirit realm unexpectedly escaped.

This boy is too weird!
Even in the sky not far away, those strong men of great powers were instantly moved when they saw this scene, as if they saw something unbelievable.

"Grandpa, this young man is so strong that he can cross a hundred thousand miles of void in an instant!" said a young warrior from the ancient Baihu country, looking at the place where Jian Fengyun disappeared, his eyes glowing brightly.

An old man at the side, hearing the young man's voice, couldn't help returning to his senses. Seeing the bright golden light in the boy's eyes, he couldn't help but anxiously said: "Yuan'er, why did you open the white tiger eyes to see that boy!"

"Grandpa, it's okay, it's just a waste of blood power, such a powerful big brother, I haven't seen anyone who can compare with him in the sanctuary!" The young man smiled slightly.

"No matter how strong he is, what's the use of it? Yueyou in Baiyi from the Feixian Sect will definitely catch up to him. He's probably doomed!" The old man said with a slight sigh when he heard this.

"Yueyou in white, what grandpa is talking about is King Yueyou who is ranked [-] on the list of kings in the Holy City?" The young man was slightly taken aback.

The old man nodded, and said: "That's right, King Yueyou is just his name in the outside world, his real identity is the envoy of the Feixian Sect, and the Feixian Sect is a force left over from countless eras, and it is the leader of Wanyu. Those strong emperors dare not offend it!"

"Oh, it's so strong, why is it still taking root in the sanctuary?" The young man couldn't help frowning when he heard it.

"Yuan'er, you don't understand this. The Flying Immortal Sect has a long history. Its ancestor is rumored to be a god in the sky. It established the Feixian Sanctuary as its ancestral land. It has never changed for endless years. The Feixian Sanctuary can be said to be better than the Emperor's Domain." Even stronger."

"I see!" The boy nodded, looking thoughtfully at the man in white who was not far away in the sky.

At the same time, in the Immortal Palace

"Pfft..." Jian Fengyun stepped into the hall, and opened his mouth to spit out scarlet blood from Yiku.

Jian Fengyun's eyes moved slightly, urging the cultivation technique, forcibly suppressing the injuries in his body, and said in his heart, "I didn't expect that the people of the Feixian Cult are so powerful, they can hurt me in an instant through the void!"

"Master, what's wrong with you? How did you use the void power of the Undead Hall?"

The spirit of the Immortal Hall, the soul of the black dragon, instantly appeared beside Jian Fengyun, seeing the disordered aura on Jian Fengyun's body, the black dragon's huge eyes were full of worry.

The power of the void spans [-] miles, but it needs [-] top-quality spirit crystals, which is not a small amount for the current master.

Jian Fengyun promised to help him break free from the laws of the Immortal Palace, and Jian Fengyun was also the first person he had ever seen who could consume the laws of the Undying Palace. It can be said that Jian Fengyun is his hope for freedom.

Jian Fengyun circulated the Taishi Swallowing Heaven Sword Sutra in his body, devouring the remaining power of the white clothes in his body, took a breath, raised his head, but saw two figures appeared at the door not far away, and immediately frowned and said: "I'm fine, but What's up with the two of them?"

"Amitabha, the poor monk saw that Brother Heilong was lonely, so I came to accompany him to relieve his boredom!" Sanguang Buddha smiled and said immediately.

When Qin Xuan saw Jian Fengyun, his expression turned cold and he didn't say much.

"Master, I'm rather bored. This monk can speak well, so I let him out to relieve boredom. No..." Black Dragon explained.

Jian Fengyun interrupted before he finished speaking.

"Do not……"

(End of this chapter)

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