Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 312

Chapter 312

"Master, I'm rather bored. This monk can speak well, so I let him out to relieve boredom. No..." Black Dragon explained.

Jian Fengyun interrupted before he finished speaking.

"I don't care about you, hurry up and fly the Palace of Immortals to the depths of this mountain range, don't stop!" Jian Fengyun glanced at Sanguang Fozi and Qin Xuan coldly, then turned to the black dragon and said seriously.

As soon as Jian Fengyun fell, the huge eyes of the black dragon couldn't help blinking, and asked in surprise: "Master, you have used the void power of the Immortal Palace to penetrate the void for a hundred thousand miles, from east to middle, and crossed this territory Nearly one-tenth of the distance, no one in this territory should be able to catch up, right?"

"If I tell you to fly, you can fly, what are you talking about!" Jian Fengyun said coldly, although he spent a thousand top-grade spirit crystals to stimulate the void power of the Immortal Hall to span a [-]-mile area, but he can I felt that I seemed to be locked in position, and a tyrannical aura was approaching rapidly behind me.

This aura is the aura of the man in white in Feixian Temple. At this moment, he can be said to have a sharp edge on his back, restless, and his mood can't help but become a little cold.

"Oh!" Heilong couldn't help but feel a little puzzled when he heard it, but he still controlled the Undead Hall and entered the depths of this mountain range.

"Young Master Fengyun, if the poor monk's guess is correct, you met someone from the Feixian Sect just now?" Sanguang Fozi turned his eyes to Jian Fengyun and said.

"How do you know?" Jian Fengyun frowned.

"Hehe, Mr. Fengyun doesn't know something. The poor monk was hunted down by Feixian Sect back then, and he was also sealed with bronze by them. He is very familiar with this aura." Sanguang Buddha slightly raised his hand and said.

Jian Fengyun looked at Sanguang Buddha, couldn't help frowning, and said: "Why are you being hunted down by the Feixian Sect, such supernatural forces have never seen their traces."

"It's a long story. Anyway, Mr. Fengyun, you have offended the Feixian sect. You'd better go to some secluded secret place to hide in the cave, and you will encounter a catastrophe!" Sanguang Buddha nodded slightly.

Hearing Sanguang Buddha's words, Jian Fengyun was even more puzzled. The Xiaoxitian Sect is a giant in Wanyu. Is the Feixian religion so strong that they don't want to provoke an existence?

Jian Fengyun focused his eyes, and immediately said: "It's a long story, so let's make a long story short, how powerful is this Feixian sect, so it can't be offended like this?"

Looking at Jian Fengyun's firm gaze, Sanguang Buddha couldn't help sighing, shook his head and said, "Oh, Mr. Fengyun doesn't know something, the poor monk was only in pursuit of the Feixian Sect fairy scriptures, so he entered their The tomb of the patriarch, after I entered it, I never thought that the tomb was poor and empty except for a coffin. The poor monk just realized a set of magic tricks in the cemetery, so I withdrew from the tomb, and they flew away. The strong men of the Immortal Sect started chasing and killing the poor monk. The poor monk didn't even take a single candle, so they kept killing the poor monk. I guess my son has already gone to see the Buddha!"

Hearing Sanguang Buddha's lamenting expression, Jian Fengyun couldn't help but be a little bit dumbfounded, it's you who has the brazenness, you dug up other people's ancestral graves, and you also learned the magic tricks that are lost in other sects, people don't chase you to kill anyone.

"No, the poor monk thought about it again and again, and felt that he still had to go to the grave of their ancestors to take a look. There must be some treasures in the ground of Feixianzong waiting for the poor monk to consecrate it. How could the poor monk let go of the way of mercy? What's the matter!" Sanguang Buddha thought about it carefully, then touched his bald head, squinted his eyes and said, "Young Master Fengyun, you and I are destined, do you want to go to the ancestral tomb of Feixian Sect with the poor monk? Look, how about we divide the treasures we got fifty-fifty?"

"Forget it, let's talk about it if we have a destiny!" Jian Fengyun smiled lightly, unwilling to say more.

The ancestral grave of the Feixian Sect, there is no power behind him comparable to the Xiaoxitian Sect. Even if there is, he will not use it to fight against the Xiaoxitian Sect. It's the one he needs to deal with.

Suddenly, the whole Hall of Immortality shook suddenly, and a huge force spread in the space inside the Hall of Immortality, causing Jian Fengyun and the others to stagger suddenly, their bodies were bumped, and their figures were a little unstable.

"What happened to the Immortal Palace?" Jian Fengyun stood firm and asked the black dragon behind him.

Although he had already refined the Hall of Immortality, it was too late for him to investigate at this moment, so he directly asked the Temple Spirit Black Dragon.

"Master, it's not good. That person is catching up. His Taoism is so strong that he can shake the Hall of Immortality. He is about to catch up. What should we do?" Heilong's voice came urgently.

catch up!

Jian Fengyun's heart skipped a beat, he didn't expect the people of Feixian Cult to be so powerful and able to lock his position across the void, this kind of means is by no means comparable to those Wanyu forces he encountered before.

At the same time, the outside world, beyond the void
"Young man, don't run away. Few of the people I want to kill can escape!" The white-clothed man in Feixian Temple walked through the void, blessed with the dazzling spiritual light, and traveled thousands of miles in an instant.

The speed of the Immortal Palace was also pushed to the extreme by the black dragon, galloping for thousands of miles in an instant.

"Young man, you have no intention of struggling, so hurry up and catch him!"

"Young man, be obedient and catch him without a fight. I'll keep your whole body, how about it?"

The voice of the man in white kept coming from behind, with a strong murderous look.

"Master, what should we do? The spiritual power stored in the Immortal Palace is almost running out, that person seems to be chasing him more and more closely!" Black Dragon said with difficulty.

The situation was in a hurry, but Jian Fengyun's mind was very clear. With a thought, he sensed the place, and a trace of determination flashed in his eyes, and said: "Black Dragon, drive the Immortal Palace to leave the mountain range, and gallop to the southeast!"

"Yes!" The black dragon responded, and then violently urged the hall of immortality, galloping towards the northeast.

Listening to Jian Fengyun's words, Sanguang Fozi couldn't help flashing a thoughtful look in his eyes, muttering something in his mouth, and said: "The southeast direction, the southeast direction of the Qingyun domain is the Red River domain, and the [-]-mile Red River separates the two domains. Mr. Fengyun, you have to cross the [-]-mile Red River to cross the territory!"

Sanguang Fozi's horrified voice sounded, and his eyes widened involuntarily.

"What?" Jian Fengyun frowned and asked immediately.

"Mr. Fengyun, the [-]-mile Red River is extremely dangerous. It is rumored that the river can swallow kings. Even saints dare not enter the river. You must not take risks!" Sanguang Buddha said hastily.

The corner of Jian Fengyun's mouth hooked slightly, his eyes.
(End of this chapter)

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