Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 316 Sweep

Chapter 316 Sweep
"It's already here, why are you leaving in such a hurry before entering the city? How to say, let me, the city lord, do my best as a landlord!"

A floating voice suddenly sounded in the surrounding air and reached everyone's ears clearly.

"Jian Fengyun!"

Xuanmu Mozhen's eyes trembled, and a killing intent suddenly appeared on his body.

"Master!" On the Bei'an city tower, Xue'er's beautiful eyes moved, and a look of joy appeared on her face.

The next moment, Jian Xueer's figure passed through the formation directly, turning into a stream of white light and flying towards Jian Fengyun.

"Master Mozi, retreat quickly, this Jian Fengyun holds the emperor's soldiers in his hands, and killed many powerful people in the Nangu forbidden area, and he also offended the people of the Feixian sect!" The Danyuan Demon Emperor felt that the Xuanmu Demon The boiling murderous aura on Zhen's body immediately spoke anxiously.

Xuanmu Mozhen's eyes were cold, and he said decisively: "No, I won't leave, let him escape under my hands several times, today I will definitely kill him!"

The moment the words fell, Xuanmu Demon really disregarded the anxious eyes of the Danyuan Demon Emperor, and directly turned into a magic light. A magic gun appeared in his hand, and a god wheel hole suddenly floated behind him, exuding the breath of the law of death, and then The true spirit of the magic gun emerged, and the imperial prestige rolled.

This time, Xuanmu Mozhen no longer underestimated the enemy, and released the cave-heaven wheel transformed by the law of death, as well as the true spirit of the magic gun.

"The Gun of Dead Silence!"

With a movement of the magic spear in Xuanmu Mozhen's hand, an evil king's power gushed out from the magic gun, and a force of the law of death rushed out of the magic gun.

"Spirit Emperor Realm? It seems that you have been hiding your cultivation all along, but today you can't do anything to me even if you use all your strength!" Jian Fengyun stared slightly and said coldly.

"Battle Holy Spirit Soldiers!"

Jian Fengyun turned his hand, and an ancient stone box appeared in his hand. The stone box opened instantly, and a ray of white light poured out from the stone box.


Almost at the same time, a loud thunderous noise sounded on the chariot outside Bei'an City.

Countless gazes gathered in an instant, and Jian Fengyun was dressed in white, holding a dark blue lightning spear, suspended in mid-air, and behind him a peerless figure in thunder armor appeared in the void, Shengwei It was rolling, as if it was going to split the world.

With a sweep of the spear in Jian Fengyun's hand, a faint blue gun aura turned into a thick arm-thick thunder and lightning, directly facing the death law gun aura of the magic gun in Xuanmu Mozhen's hand.

Two gunshots, one blue and one black, collided in mid-air, making a huge booming sound, and a tyrannical aftermath turned into a gust of wind and spread to the surroundings, instantly blowing dust all over the sky, and leaves flying.

Xuanmu Mozhen stood on the chariot, couldn't help taking a step back, and looked at Jian Fengyun with horror.

In the middle of the sky, Jian Fengyun stood motionless on the same spot, holding the thunder gun in his hand, crushing people with might.

Xuanmu Mozhen's eyes were full of horror, this time he didn't hide his strength, and he was at a disadvantage when the Linghuang Realm and Jian Fengyun Lingyuan Realm clashed.

"War God Temple, Holy Thunder War God Spear!" Danyuan Demon Emperor saw the thunder gun in Jian Fengyun's hand, his old face couldn't help twitching suddenly, and a look of panic could not help showing in his heavy eyes.

How could he not know what the holy thunder war gun is? The thunder and lightning law of the holy thunder war gun is the nemesis of their demons and demons. It can be seen from the gun fight just now.

Jian Fengyun's strength was obviously inferior to Xuanmu Mozhen's by a large margin, but under the boost of the Holy Lightning War God Spear, he forced Xuanmu Mozhen to take a step back.

The most important thing is that Jian Fengyun actually holds the Holy Thunder God of War Spear and can use it. Isn't this the Holy Spirit Warrior of the Temple of War?Could it be that behind Jian Fengyun is the Temple of War God!

Thinking of this, the Demon Emperor Dan Yuan couldn't help but burst into cold sweat on his forehead, and his back felt cold.

The strength of the God of War Temple is absolutely beyond doubt. If the Temple of God of War is offended, even the evil sect may be hit.

Jian Fengyun stood in the void, holding the Holy Thunder War God Spear in his hand. The sword energy in his body gushed out continuously and was swallowed by the gun body. The consumption of mobilizing the soldiers of the Saints was not ordinary, although his spiritual mansion was larger than the average Warriors in the True Spirit Realm have more power stored, but they still can't mobilize the soldiers of the saints for a long time.

With a flash of Jian Fengyun's figure, he waved the Holy Thunder War God Spear in his hand, and shot down at Xuanmu Mozhen on the chariot below.

At the same time, behind Jian Fengyun, the thunder armor phantom also suddenly appeared an illusory long spear in his hand, following Jian Fengyun's movement, he swung the long spear and fell towards Xuanmu Mozhen.

"Extremely Dead Spirit Spear!"

The magic spear in Xuanmu Mozhen's hand blocked forward, and the law of death mixed with surging magic power instantly turned into a rune barrier glowing with black light in front of him.


There was a loud noise, and the thunder touched the black light. The chariot that Xuanmu Mozhen was in was shattered into fragments amidst the roar, and scattered to the surroundings. The ground under the chariot was suddenly blasted into a huge pit, and there were spider webs. Like cracks spread to the surroundings.

"Puff" "Puff".
The warriors who were close to the chariot were directly blown away by the aftermath of the huge impact, vomited blood, their bones were shattered, and they passed out on the ground.

"Master, Xue'er is here to help you!"

Jian Xue'er's beautiful figure followed, and the Xuanshuang sword suddenly came out of its sheath in her hand. With a wave of her hand, the sword energy turned into an arc and swept forward.

The sword qi slashed across, instantly beheading dozens of warriors from the Alchemy Sect to the ground, blood spattered, and the smell of blood in the air spread instantly.

"Boss, I'll help you too!"

Wang Chuyuan on the tower immediately noticed this scene, and his figure flashed, and he rushed out of Bei'an city. The power of the earth attribute law suddenly exploded on Wang Chuyuan's body, and with one punch, several warriors were blown out of their hearts. Broken, vomited blood.

Just as Wang Chuyuan took a few steps, a spell was issued, and a sword formation suddenly appeared behind him, and the sword energy rushed out, beheading all the warriors around him.

Jian Xue'er was not inferior at all, the soul power of the holy soul body exploded, and the soul secret technique was performed, and the warriors who rushed up all around were stunned and lost their minds. At this moment, the snow-white blade of the Xuanshuang Sword It will wipe their necks in an instant, and take their lives without anyone noticing.

Where the chariot was, Xuanmu Mozhen and Jian Fengyun confronted each other, but in terms of momentum, Xuanmu Mozhen clearly had the upper hand.

"Come on, kill them for me!" The blood-slaying king was cold and gave the order directly.

In an instant, nearly ten thousand Xueshalou fighters swarmed around, and surrounded Jian Fengyun, Jian Xueer and others beside him.

Almost at the same time, a fluctuation flashed in Huang Wu's cloudy eyes above the Bei'an city tower.

"You bully the few with the more, then don't blame the old man for bullying the less with the old!" Huang Wu snorted coldly, his figure hovered in the void, and typed out several spells in his hand.

"Desolate Demonic Hand!"

a giant magic hand
(End of this chapter)

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