Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 317 Dan Yuan Demon King, Dead

Chapter 317 Dan Yuan Demon King, Dead
"Desolate Demonic Hand!"

A huge devil's hand suddenly appeared in midair, like a king coming, the devil's hand fell, blood flowed like a river.

Countless warriors from Danyuanzong and Xueshalou were crushed into corpses before they could even scream.

"Lingjun powerhouse!" Seeing this scene, the blood-killing king suddenly trembled, and the kung fu on his body turned into a bloody light and fled towards the surroundings.

"Hmph!" Seeing this scene, Huang Wu snorted lightly, raised his finger gently, and a ray of magic light suddenly pierced through the air from his fingertips.

In the void thousands of miles away, the blood-slaying emperor screamed, blood stained the sky immediately, and even dropped an arm, but even if his arm was broken, he did not dare to look back, and urged the secret technique to burn the spiritual power in his body, Speed ​​up and go through the air.

Xuanmu Mozhen, who was confronting Jian Fengyun, noticed this scene and couldn't help being shocked. He didn't expect Bei'an City to hide this strong man of the Spirit King Realm.

The Demon Emperor Danyuan was even more ashen-faced. Seeing the Lingjun above the Bei'an city tower, he shot cleanly and calmly. Dealing with the blood-killing emperor was like pinching an ant. The strength of the Lingjun was by no means ordinary.

Xuanmu Mozhen looked at Jian Fengyun in front of him, and finally couldn't help asking: "Who the hell are you? How could a strong Lingjun guard the way for you!"

Jian Fengyun was able to compete with him at the Spirit Emperor Realm only with the strength of the True Spirit Realm, and he also held the War Holy Spirit Soldier in his hands, and there was a strong Spirit Lord behind him to protect him, etc. Everything that happened to Jian Fengyun was simply impossible. It is not what a warrior from the lower domain should have. Even if it is a warrior from the upper domain, there are only a handful of people who have these conditions. Therefore, Xuanmu Mozhen doesn't believe that Jian Fengyun is a warrior from the lower domain.

Seeing Xuanmu Mozhen's impatient eyes, Jian Fengyun smiled and said lightly: "Qingyunyu Tianyang Dynasty, King Jianwu, please return to the west!"

The moment the words fell, a surge of thunder burst out from the holy thunder gun in Jian Fengyun's hand, taking advantage of Xuanmu Mozhen's relaxation of vigilance, he was directly shocked back, and the spear burst out of the spear, and instantly appeared on Xuanmu Mozhen. heart.

Just as he was about to shoot through his heart, a magic cauldron suddenly appeared in front of Xuanmu Mozhen.

"The devils retreat quickly, I will hold them back!"

The majesty of the Danyuan Demon Emperor rolled out, and instantly urged the magic cauldron in front of him to charge towards the spear in Jian Fengyun's hand.

When the magic cauldron collided with the holy thunder gun, the demon emperor of Dan Yuan felt his body heavy instantly, and spit out a mouthful of reverse blood, scarlet blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth.

When Xuanmu Mozhen saw this scene, his body was stunned, his eyes were full of horror.

"Master Mozi, run away!" Danyuan Demon Emperor yelled at Xuanmu Mozhen as he wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"I want to go!" Jian Fengyun's eyes were fixed, and the Holy Lightning God of War Spear in his hand was filled with gun energy, and it flew directly towards Xuanmu Mozhen.

Xuanmu Mo is really talented. If he didn't have the holy thunder gun in his hand, he might not be the real opponent of Xuanmu Mo. It is not something he would do to let the tiger go back to the mountain.

"If you want to hurt the devil, pass the level of the emperor first!"

The figure of the Dan Yuan Demon King appeared in front of Jian Fengyun's long spear in a flash, and he stretched out his hand to sacrifice the magic cauldron, urging the magic formula with all his strength, and the magic law gushed out, blasting the gun energy of the Holy Thunder War God Spear.

Lightning flashed on the Holy Thunder Godly Spear, which directly disintegrated the magic law of the Danyuan Demon Emperor. The tip of the spear fell on the magic cauldron. With a soft "bang", the body of the magic cauldron was directly pierced.

The holy thunder gun pierced through the magic cauldron and directly penetrated the chest of the Danyuan Demon Emperor.


The Danyuan Demon Emperor's eyes widened, and he spit out a mouthful of scarlet blood. He suddenly grabbed the Holy Thunder War God Spear on his chest, and shouted at Xuanmu Mozhen: "Master Mozi, hurry up, don't let the sacrifice of Danyuanzong die!" In vain, be careful, Lord Evil Emperor!"

Seeing this scene, Xuanmu Mozhen felt a little puzzled in his heart. He didn't understand why the Danyuan Demon Emperor asked him to be careful of the evil emperor when he was about to die. Gritting his teeth, he said, "Don't worry, Danyuan Demon Emperor, I will definitely avenge you!"

After the words fell, Xuanmu Mozhen glanced fiercely at Jian Fengyun, and immediately turned into magic light, fleeing into the void.

"If you want to escape, don't even think about it!"

On the Bei'an city tower, seeing this scene, Huang Wu immediately stretched out his hand, and a magic light pierced through the air.

"Decree of the Devil Emperor, block it for me!"

The Danyuan Demon Emperor seemed to have been prepared for a long time. A scroll appeared in his hand, floating into the void, and the scroll suddenly spread out.

The ultimate law of death is condensed on the paper body, and there is a "death" character in the center of the scroll, surrounded by imperial prestige, just one word, causing a strong breath of death within a thousand miles outside Bei'an City.

Under the emperor's power, all living beings are ants. In the word "death", a phantom of the emperor wearing a black robe suddenly appeared in the void. All the creatures were killed, and it made people feel a chill from the soul.

The moment the emperor's decree fell, Jian Fengyun felt it, and suddenly withdrew the holy thunder gun in his hand, and the power of the sword surged, and instantly arranged a formation on the surrounding ground, resisting the surrounding magic power and the power of the law of death .

The body of the Demon Emperor Danyuan knelt down in response, watching the emperor's decree above the sky to block the magic light flying towards Xuanmu Mozhen, he couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

"Devil Emperor Xuanmu, back then you saved me from fire and water in the small town of Demon Realm. Today, I will protect future generations for you with death. It's a pity that I couldn't find out the cause of death back then. However, I reminded your descendants, if you want to come Master Mozi is so smart, he should understand it one day."

Danyuan Demon Emperor looked at the imperial decree in the sky, as if he saw his downcast appearance at the beginning of cultivating demons. At that time, a tall and majestic figure stretched out his hands to him. From then on, his heart belonged to that person.

The emperor's decree turned into the sky, and after a quarter of an hour, it lost the support of its strength and slowly fell from the sky.

Not far away, Jian Fengyun looked at the scene in front of him, his face slightly moved.

"Young Master Yun, I'll chase after him right away, kill that devil, cut grass and root out!" Huang Wu's figure flashed, appeared beside Jian Fengyun, and said suddenly.

Jian Fengyun stretched out his hand, blocked Huang Wu's way, and said: "No need!"

As the words fell, Jian Fengyun's eyes flashed a flash of reminiscence. In his previous life, when he crossed the Gods and Spirits Tribulation, he was besieged by ten great emperors. Among them was the Xuanmu Demon Emperor of the Xuanmu Family in the Demon Realm. The emperor has always been ungrateful, why did he take action against him, the reason was unknown to him at the time, but now, it seems a bit weird, after the fall of the Xuanmu devil emperor and six other devil emperors, the evil emperor's evil sect took over After leaving the Demon Realm, and now he is still ruling the Demon Realm, and being crowned a Demon Emperor, this is almost impossible in the history of the Demon Realm.

"Master, are you okay!"

(End of this chapter)

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