Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 318

Chapter 318
"Master, are you okay!"

Jian Xueer's pleasant bell sound suddenly rang in Jian Fengyun's ear.

Jian Fengyun regained consciousness immediately, his eyes moved slightly, and he opened his mouth and said: "It's nothing, just thought of something."

"You are indeed the only Sword and Martial King in the Tianyang Dynasty who can stand up to the emperor. My foster father has always mentioned you to me, and seeing you today really deserves your reputation!"

A figure in a dragon robe suddenly appeared in the void. Under the dragon robe was a young man in his twenties.

With powerful eyes, the young man stepped into the void, making one feel the pressure of the emperor for no reason.

"Who are you?" Jian Fengyun asked coldly when he saw the young man in front of him, frowning instantly.

He could feel that the strength of the young man in front of him was at least at the Spirit Emperor Realm, and his strength was even worse than that of Xuanmu Mozhen.

Seeing that Jian Fengyun's tone became colder, the young man in dragon robe couldn't help smiling, cupped his hands, and said, "I'm Ziyuan, the young master of Wanbao Tower entrusted me to come, and he asked me to deliver this letter to you!"

Jian Fengyun frowned slightly, looked at the young man in dragon robe, and asked immediately: "Who is your adoptive father, why did he know me?"

"King Jianwu doesn't need to be so vigilant. My adoptive father is the Emperor Xuanyuan. I was originally the prince of the Tianxuan Dynasty. When I was a child, I was hunted down by the enemy. Fortunately, Emperor Xuanyuan saved me. At that time, I recognized him as righteous. Father, coming here today is on the one hand entrusted by Young Master Zuo, and on the other hand is coming back to see foster father." Zi Yuan said slowly.

"Tianyang Xuanyuan is your adoptive father?" Jian Fengyun's eyes moved suddenly, and he asked.

"Yes, the foster father didn't have much lifespan. I didn't expect to forcefully extend his life for Princess Dao'an three years ago. However, I heard that you can refine Qianshoudan. I don't know if it's true?" Zi With a movement of Yuan's eyes, he suddenly asked.

"As long as the ingredients are all ready, it can be refined naturally. Qianshou Dan is a heavenly elixir, and a warrior can only take it for a lifetime. The main ingredients are Wanmu Qingshouzhi, the blood essence of a thousand-year-old black turtle, and Wannian spiritual ginseng. As long as there is alchemy The material, the elixir can definitely be refined." Jian Fengyun said lightly.

"Really? Well, I am a dynasty. The palace should have these things. You wait for me here for half a month, and I will definitely bring back the spiritual materials!" Zi Yuan's eyes lit up, and he said immediately.

"Okay, I happen to be in seclusion for a few days too!" Jian Fengyun replied lightly.

Watching Zi Yuan's figure leave, Jian Fengyun's face suddenly turned pale, he flipped his hand and took out a bottle of Seven Returns Pill, poured it into his mouth, and instantly recovered the strength in his body.

Seeing the appearance of Jian Fengyun losing strength, Jian Xueer's pretty face suddenly changed, her beautiful eyes were worried, she stretched out her small hand to support Jian Fengyun's arm, and said: "Master, what's wrong with you, don't scare Xueer!"

"Boss, are you okay!" Wang Chuyuan also said worriedly, and hurried forward.

"Young Master Yun!" Huang Wu's old face also changed suddenly, and he suddenly stepped into the void, appearing in front of Jian Feng.

Jian Fengyun swallowed the Seven-Return Pill, and his face immediately recovered a bit of blood, as if he was about to burst out the power in his body in an instant.

"I'm fine, Huang Wu, you can quickly clean the battlefield, Chu Yuan, you go to strengthen the formation, from today onwards, Bei'an City must keep vigilant at all times to prevent the enemy from invading!" Jian Fengyun said lightly.

Huang Wu and Wang Chuyuan responded in unison, while Xue'er led Jian Fengyun towards Bei'an City.

The night was getting darker, the bright moon hung high, the sky was full of stars, and the brilliance of the stars and the moon sprinkled on the ancient city of Bei'an City.

This night, the warriors in Bei'an City were destined to be busy. The corpses piled up outside the city were continuously transported to the Monster Mountain. The lights in the city were brightly lit, and countless warriors were walking around in Bei'an City.

"I heard that the young sword and martial arts king of Bei'an City will come. Once he comes back, he will defeat nearly ten thousand enemies outside the city. His strength is as high as the sky!" Countless warriors on the streets of Bei'an City discussed one after another.

"Master Jianwu King, he is back. He is my idol. Every time I encounter a failure in cultivation, I will think about him, and my blood will boil!" A young martial artist gritted his teeth, his eyes showed two The color of reverence.

An old man in a business robe nodded slightly in the crowd, and then said to a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy beside him, "Yes, Lord Jianwu is the pride of our Tianyang Dynasty. I came to develop in Lord Jianwu King's fief, and I hope that one day my grandson can become a person like Lord Jianwu King!"

"Grandpa, I will definitely practice hard and strive to become a man like the King of Swords and Martial Arts!" The thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy looked up at his grandfather with firm eyes.

Beside the grandpa and grandson, an old man also wearing a business robe stepped forward and said unceremoniously: "Che, I said old man Sun, even your grandson wants to be a man like the King of Swordsman. He is 14 years old!" Only in the middle stage of Lingyuan Realm, my grandson is more likely to become the King of Sword and Martial Arts!"

"I'm talking about old man Wen, your grandson has been in Tianyang Taoist Academy for three years, and he hasn't seen anything famous, and whoever said that he can't make great achievements now that his realm is low, Lord Jianwu King is only in the Real Spirit Realm, but he has He is above ten thousand people, hum!" the old man surnamed Sun replied without showing any weakness.
Similar scenes appeared everywhere in Bei'an City, and there were a lot of discussions, but none of them could do without King Jianwu, the youngest prince in the history of Tianyang Dynasty, and also the prince with the highest status in the history of Tianyang Dynasty.

Beian City, Sword Family Ancestral Hall
The courtyard is covered with hundreds of curtains, and the light of white candles illuminates the entire courtyard

"Brother, you are finally back, you are finally back." Jian Yuntian knelt on the ancestral hall, in front of him was a wooden coffin, and on the ancestral hall stood a memorial tablet, the ink on which was still wet.

"Three generations of Patriarchs of the Sword Family, the position of Jian Lingtian!"

Jian Yuntian knelt in front of Jian Lingtian's spiritual seat, the man's eyes were red and tears streamed down his face.

At this moment, he didn't look like the head of the sword family in Bei'an City at all, but more like a weak younger brother in front of his elder brother.

"Brother, did you see that Fengyun is promising, not only did he survive, but he also carried forward the sword family for us, did you see it, big brother?"

All the members of the Jian family knelt outside the ancestral hall, looking at the unavoidable sadness of the white curtains all over the courtyard.

"Mother, who is lying in the coffin in the ancestral hall, why do we have to kneel down to him?" A newly sensible child from the Jian family asked his mother in puzzlement.

"Shh, keep your voice down, the previous Patriarch of our Jian family is lying in the ancestral hall. He is the elder brother of the Patriarch, and even the father of King Jianwu. He is worthy of our kneeling!" voice, said.

After a long time, the members of the Jian family in the ancestral hall dispersed, leaving only Jian Yuntian and Jian Fengyun.

(End of this chapter)

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